Chapter Seven

Two days later they arrive at the old spencer house in Texas. It has set abandoned for fourteen years now, but it was still in tip top condition. Elizabeth tiredly collapsed on the porch swing as she helped Lucky carry their bags onto the porch.

"Here we are!" Lucky announced as the memories came back to him. This house had held so many happy times for him and his parents. Maybe now was the time to make happy times with Elizabeth and his brother. "Casa Collins."

"Collins? Don’t you mean Spencer?" Zander asked.

"Collins was the alias we was going by. You know…let’s do that one. I’ll take up the name Lorenzo Collins once again. Elizabeth is my young bride Ceara Collins. Nikolas is my cousin Nathan Collins. And Gia is his bride Dani Collins. Emily is our best friend Lanie Quills and Zander is her husband Alex Quills. We’re newlyweds and have decided to share my old family home here in Texas," Lucky brainstorms. "Here, we even have the id’s to back it up." He handed everyone their Id’s.

"Why do I get a boy’s name?" Gia pouted.

"Dani is short for Danelle," Lucky explained. "Ok guys, remember those are the names we go by for now on. It may even help if we start using them with each other so we can get used to using them."

"Ok. Lorenzo," Elizabeth giggled.

"Just be happy I managed to change dad’s mind about using Imogene," Lucky sarcastically smiled.

"Imogene!" Gia and Emily burst into laughter.

"Lucky!" Elizabeth glared at him.

"Sorry. It was an accident," Lucky bit down on his own laughter. "I didn’t mean to blurt out your middle name."

"Come on. Let’s go inside. We have a lot of cleaning up to do," Nikolas held his hand out for the key.

"So what are we going to do about the rooming situation?" Gia asked as Nikolas unlocked the door and went in.

"What do you guys want to do?" Emily asked, looking at the older teens. She knew that Lucky and Elizabeth and Gia and Nikolas have slept together already. But what about her and Zander? They have just gotten through the kissing phase.

"We share rooms with our significant other of course," Nikolas wrapped a arm around Gia, realizing they’ll be sharing a bed every night for the next five years.

"Just don’t snore Lorenzo," Elizabeth smiled up at Lucky.

"Hey I don’t snore," Lucky laughed. Looking over at Emily he grew sensitive. Sometimes it was easy to forget that she was younger than the rest of them and less experienced. "You are ok with this aren’t you Em?"

"Why wouldn’t I be?" Emily shrugged.

"Well…you aren’t exactly experienced with this sort of thing Em," Elizabeth uncomfortably cleared her throat. "I mean just last summer you were hedging about Juan."

"But I know why now. Juan wasn’t the one. But Zander is…"

"Trust me, I would never pressure Emily into doing something she’s not ready for," Zander placed a arm around her shoulder. "I love her and I can wait until she is ready."

"Just remember, we’re right down the hall pal," Nikolas warned.

"Yeah. If she sounds scared or anything we’ll be in there in a flash," Lucky nodded.

"Lucky, Nikolas, stop it. Your big brother act is cute, but it can get annoying," Emily rolled her eyes.

"Come on boys. Let’s go upstairs and get settled," Elizabeth pulled Lucky up the stairs, ready to get settled.

"Why do I have a feeling this is going to be a long five years?" Zander asked as Gia and Elizabeth dragged their boyfriends up the stairs.

"Lucky and Nikolas just mean well. That’s all. Lucky is overprotective because of what happened to Liz and plus I was a addict a couple of years back. Nikolas is just now getting used to being a brother and I think he’s overextending towards me."

"Well tell them to cut it out. I’m not going to hurt you in anyway. I’m not Juan," Zander sighed, kissing her gently and surprised when she giggled. "What?"
"I was just thinking. It’s a good thing Lucky wasn’t around when I first met Juan. If he knew how often Juan pressured me to sleep with him…Lucky would have killed him."

"That wouldn’t have been so bad," Zander smiled, imagining the death of the Emily’s ex-boyfriend.


"Kidding! Come on. Let’s join the others," he pulled Emily upstairs.


Port Charles…

Stefan stood on the dock, clicking his phone off when Florence Campbell angrily approached him, all the grief and worry from the past couple of days have finally caught up with her and she now wanted answers. Stefan Cassadine was the only person she knew to get those answers from.

Stefan’s eyes widen in surprise to see the woman. "Mrs. Campbell?"

"Where did that nephew of yours take my daughter Cassadine!" Florence demanded. "I know they’re together! I have a note saying as much!"

Stefan sighed, rolling his eyes. Laura had informed him the night Nikolas left of what was going on. He was furious with his mother for this stunt but agreed that it was necessary. Looking at the young lady’s mother, he truly felt for her, but Nikolas’s safety came first.

"Mrs. Campbell…I assure you your daughter is safe. My nephew would never let any harm come to her…"

"So you know where they are and won’t mind telling me!"

"Sadly I do not know where my nephew has taken off to. He had me only word from his mother and he didn’t even tell her. I’m so sorry…"

"Save your sorrys Mr. Cassadine. My daughter is barely nineteen years old, not to mention trusting. From what your mother had told me…"

"I find it necessary to inform you that my mother is not a reliable source of information about my nephew. In fact, if you must know, the woman tried to have your daughter killed and was probably behind the death of your son! My nephew and young Miss. Campbell are in hiding from her until Nikolas comes of age to inherit his fortune and take care of Helena himself. I was trying to spare you the gruesome details behind their departure but I will not have you degrading my nephew!"

"What? Helena tried to kill Gia? And she killed my Marcus?"
"From what Laura Spencer has told me yes. Helena had also tried to kill Elizabeth Webber and was also behind the death of Audrey Hardy. Lucky and Elizabeth are with Gia and Nikolas now. Believe me when I say you're not the only one touched by their departure."

"Where are they hiding?"

"I don’t know. No one does. If any information comes to light…I’ll let you know," Stefan sighed, all of a sudden very tired. He had stayed up nights, worrying about Nikolas’s well being. And now it was catching up with him. Florence’s heart went out to the man that stood before her when she saw just how old and haggard he looked.

"I-I’m sorry for coming at you like this Mr. Cassadine. It’s just that…I lost my son and now my daughter’s gone. I didn’t know what else to do but demand answers," Florence began crying herself.

"I know and I assure you that your daughter is safe and well cared for. Helena will be taken care of they’ll come home. I promise you that."

"Well Mr. Cassadine, I hope you’re a man of your word and if one head on Gia’s head is harmed, I’ll hold you personally responsible."

"I understand," Stefan grimly nodded.

"Good day Mr. Cassadine," Florence left him standing alone on the dock, plotting his revenge against his mother for all she had done.

"Soon mother. Soon you will be dead and my Nikolas can come home where he belongs," Stefan thoughtfully stroked his chin before heading for the launch.