"Mind telling me why you demand my presence after telling me that we’re no longer friends?" Sonny asks as soon as Luke opens the door to his knock, his two bodyguards following him. "I mean you practically accuse me of killing your son. And why on earth are we meeting here at Elizabeth Webber’s house?"

"Ok. I understand your skittishness here Corinthos. After all I said last night I’d be on guard too. But there’s a good reason why you’re here. First of all, I want to apologize. I was way out of line. You and Jason were good enough to take Lucky in when no one would and I was ungrateful in accusing you of Lucky’s death. Now the reason I brought you here is because you’re the only person who can do this for me and my son."

"What are you talking about here Luke?" Sonny is suspicious. He didn’t know if he should trust Luke or not. As far as he could tell from last night the man was unstable. But of course who wouldn’t be after losing their only son?

"Sonny…I’m trusting you again okay. I’m trusting you with the most important thing to me. My son’s safety."

"Luke…Lucky’s dead. What more can I do for him now?"

"Lucky! Come here for a minute please!" Luke calls into the kitchen.

Sonny turns his head away from Luke. He knew it. The man had lost his mind. "Luke, listen I know how you feel about shrinks, but how do you feel about making an appointment with Kevin Collins. He can help you, really."

"Dad?" a familiar voice answers from behind Sonny. Sonny looks at Johnny, one of his bodyguards and notices how pale he’s gone, and it takes a lot to get Johnny go pale like he’s seen a ghost.

Sonny looks in the direction Johnny is staring and takes a step back. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He was staring at a ghost. "Lucky?"

"Hi Sonny," Lucky smiles.

"You’re dead."

"No he’s not Sonny. Someone tried to kidnap Lucky last night but he escaped. That whole fire thing was a set up," Luke explained. "What I need is your help in finding out who did this and taking them out and keeping my kid safe until we do. Both him and Elizabeth are going to need your protection."

"I have a safe house they can stay in. No one will know that they’re there. Plus I’ll station men everywhere. There’s no way anyone without my clearance and authorization can get in there," Sonny offers, recovering from the shock. "Then I’ll put my best detectives on this. We’ll find the people responsible for this Luke and we’ll make them pay."

"Sounds good to me," Luke nods. "How about you Cowboy?"

"How about mom, grandma, Lulu and Nikolas?"
"They’ll be on the clearance list," Sonny nods.

"Wait, I don’t know about Nikolas…" Luke begins.

"Dad please. He’s my brother," Lucky said. "To me anyway he’s family. He has a right to know what’s going on as well as anyone else. Besides, if Helena is behind this, he definitely has a right to know. She may be planning to do the same thing to him."

Luke sighed in resignation This new found loyalty Lucky had towards Nikolas made no since to Luke. But if he wanted this truce with Lucky to last, he was going to have to accept it. "Fine. The dark prince can be on the list too. But that’s all. If you were planning for Stefan to be on the list you can forget it."

Lucky laughed. "Aw dad, come on."


"Kidding! I’m just kidding," Lucky laughed. "So when do we leave for this safe house of yours?"

"How about now?" Sonny suggests. "I’ll escort Liz to tell Audrey that she’ll be visiting her parents for a while and we’ll get both you and her to the house."

"Just let me go get some things together," Elizabeth nods in agreement.

"We really appreciate this Sonny," Luke nods his approval of the plan.

"I’m doing this for Lucky Luke," Sonny said, obviously still hurt from Luke’s accusations the night before. "Don’t make it into any kind of loyalty to you."

Luke nods, understanding Sonny’s reasons for being standoffish. He really had hurt Sonny and that wasn’t to be taken lightly.

"I’ll go help Elizabeth," Lucky excuses himself, noticing the tension between Luke and Sonny. He wondered what his father did to ruin the friendship he had with Sonny Corinthos and why.


Audrey Webber places the phone back in it’s cradle when her granddaughter approaches the desk, determination in her eyes. Something was up and Audrey wondered if it had anything to do with a certain young Mr. Spencer.

"Elizabeth. What in heavens are you doing here?" Audrey questioned.

"Hi Grams. I came to say good0bye. I’ve decided to go visit mom and dad in Bosnia for a while. Lucky and I had a talk this morning and we both decided that you were right. We’re becoming too serious so we’ve decided to take a break and I decided to go visit mom, dad, and Sarah. I already talked to them and they said they’d be delighted to have me."

"Oh. Oh I wish you had warned me first," Audrey takes a step back, her hand on her throat.

Elizabeth swallowed, feeling guilty for lying. But her and Lucky have already discussed this. The less people who knew the truth the better and safer for that person. "I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for taking me in like you did and taking care of me and being so understanding…about Lucky…about everything. I love you gram," Elizabeth comes behind the desk and hugged her grandmother tightly, fighting the tears that were threatening to flow. Through everything her grams had been there for her. She was the only person in her family that completely understood her.

"I love you too Elizabeth and you take care of yourself. Don’t be too hard on your mother and sister."

"I won’t," Elizabeth smiles backing away from her grandmother. "I love you gram."

"Good bye Elizabeth," Audrey waves watching her granddaughter disappear into the elevator. As soon as Elizabeth is gone, Audrey collapse into tears. She knew the day was coming when Elizabeth would want to go back to her parents, but she wasn’t expecting that day to be so soon. She truly will miss seeing Elizabeth everyday. Her granddaughter’s presence has taken away the pain of losing Steve and now here she was again all alone.


"Did she buy it?" Lucky asked as Elizabeth dunked back into the limo taking them to Sonny’s safe house.

Elizabeth nods, a tear streaming from her eyes.

Lucky pulls her into his arms and hugs her tightly. "I’m sorry Elizabeth. I’m so sorry that we have to do this. It’s so unfair."

"It’s alright Lucky. I understand why I couldn’t tell her the truth. It’s just that I’m going to miss her so much. I wish everything can be different."

"I do too Liz. I do too," Lucky kissed the top of her head and joins her in staring out at the passing scenery as they headed out of port charles and hit the highway.