Luke sets at his desk lighting up a cigar when Lucky strolled into the room and sat in the chair.

"Dad we have to talk."

"About what Cowboy and why do you have bags under your babyblues? You look like you’ve been up all night studying."

"I might as well have been. I’ve been writing a list of Cassadine relatives for Nikolas. I never thought there were that many Cassadines in the world you know?"
"Now why would the dark prince want to write a list of all his favorite relatives?" Luke’s attention was caught. If the Cassadines were up to something nefarious, he wanted to know about it.

Lucky had to laugh. He knew Luke all too well. "Sorry dad, but no evil take over the world plan here. Only the guestlist for Nikolas’s wedding."

"Wedding? I thought he broke it off with Katherine?"

"He’s not marrying Katherine dad. He’s marrying Beth," Lucky sighed tiredly.

"What? You mean that sweet little Kentuckian girl you brought back with ya? Why?"

"Because they love each other. Why else? Plus she’s going to have his baby, but that’s besides the point."
"What you mean poor sweet Beth is pregnant with Cassadine spawn?"

"Oh brother," Lucky groaned. "Dad, we’ve already discussed this. Nikolas is not…"

"I know I know. But another Cassadine on the earth is not what we need."

"Well it’s a good thing you’re not in charge of the Earth isn’t it? Now back to what I want to talk to you about. I want you to promise me that you won’t cause any trouble."

Luke gasps choked. "Lucky, you actually think your old man would go out of his way to ruin Nikky and Beth’s wedding?"

"If it’s a big one full of Cassadines, yeah. Now come on dad. Promise me. No going after the Cassadines on Nikolas’s wedding day. He wants to make this perfect for Beth and I don’t blame him."

"I guess I’m not invited huh?"

"Dad! I can arrange it but like I said, absolutely no fighting!"
"Ok ok! I promise to behave myself when the Cassadines come into town. At least until the reception is over."

"Thank you. Now that wasn’t so hard was it?"

"Simple murder," Luke snorted. "So am I invited to see my son’s brother wed?"

"I’ll have to talk it over with Nikolas, but I don’t think there will be a problem when I tell him you promised no trouble," Lucky shrugged. "I better go. I have to go pick up those invitations. See ya dad!"

"Don’t let the prince run you too hard!" Luke called after his departing son, a swell of pride raising in his chest.


Lucky had just exited the hallmark store when he’s grabbed from behind and dragged into some bushes. He never had a chance to react as fists and weapons pummel into him. Thirty minutes later, his attacker pushed him out of the bushes beaten into a bloody pulp and quickly runs off.

Earl was going for his afternoon stroll, something he’s come to enjoy ever since he’s come to Port Charles. His mind roams back to the days when Lucky was only a child and it was up to Earl to protect him. No Luke and Laura, just Lucas and Earl. Earl sighed wistfully, sort of missing those days when his foot bumps against something heavy. Glancing down he gasps in surprise.

"Lucas! Lucas! Wake up!" He bends down to the young man who was barely awake.

"Earl," Lucky managed to groan.

"Who did this to you? Was it the McCoy’s? Who did this?"

Lucky didn’t answer. He slipped back into unconciousness.

"Lucas!!! Lucas! Dammit!" Earl cursed, looking around for anyone to help, but the streets seemed to be deserted. Searching Lucky, Earl found a cell phone in Lucky’s pocket. Turning the phone on he hit autodial hoping for the best.

"Cassadine," Stefan answered, his voice sounding busy.

"Mr. Cassadine this is Earl Hatfield, Lucas…I mean Lucky’s friend. I just came across him badly beaten just now. He had this cellphone on him and I just hit autodial."

"Where are you," Stefan sounded more alert.

"Ah…Race and Madison. Hurry! He’s barely breathing!"
Stefan quickly hung up and dialed for the ambulance.

"Don’t worry Lucas. Help is on the way," Earl gently stroked the young man’s blond hair.

"Stefan who was that?" Nikolas walked into the office, ready to tell Stefan about his engagement, Beth was there too, nervously clutching Nikolas’s hand.

"That was Earl Hatfield. He had just found Lucky badly beaten on the corner of Race and Madison. I’ve just called the ambulance.

"My God," Nikolas gasped in horror.

"It was the McCoys. I knew they were too quiet," Beth breathed. "Where’s Elizabeth?"
"Upstairs taking a shower. You go up there and be with her. I’ll go to Race and Madison to see about Lucky."


"It’ll be alright. Now go!" Nikolas turned to his uncle. "I suggest you call Luke and Laura. They’re going to want to know," Nikolas darted out of the room to go to his brother’s aid.


Nikolas found Earl cuddling an unconcious Lucky’s head in his lap. The older man stared straight ahead and was singing some kind of lullaby by the sound of it.

"Where’s the ambulance? Stefan called them," Nikolas bend down next to the man.

"Don’t know. They’re not here yet," Earl replied then went back to his singing.

"He has the whole world in his hands, he has the whole wide world in his hands," The man sang.

"What are you singing?"

"It was a old slave lullaby. I used to sing it to Lucas whenever I found him badly beaten by the McCoys. It used to calm him. Hopefully it’s calming him now."

Nikolas just looked at Earl and back down at his badly beaten unconcious brother. How could anyone want to hurt Lucky? He was the nicest guy around. He never hurt a fly and he was very protective of his friends and family. Taking Lucky’s limp hand, Nikolas joined Earl in his singing. "He has the whole world in his hands he has the whole wide world in his hands."

"Here they come," Earl stops singing.

"We had a call?" The paramedic stopped in front of Earl.

"Yes, here," Earl and Nikolas move out of the way, letting the paramedics load Lucky into the ambulance.

"How is he?" Nikolas asked.

"Bad. Listen who want to ride with him? We can only have one person in here."

"I’ll go. I’m his brother," Nikolas immediately volunteered.

"I’ll meet you at the hospital," Earl nodded just as the ambulance’s door closed and rushed Lucky and Nikolas to the hospital. Earl closed his eyes and prayed. "Please don’t take Lucas, but if you do…keep him safe and watch after his young wife and baby."

In the bushes not too far away, Calvin McCoy grinned. Lucas would be lucky to make it through the night the way he had beaten him. Grinning some more, Calvin turned and headed back to the apartment he shared with his wife.


Everyone was waiting at the hospital when they rushed Lucky in. Nikolas was right by his brother’s side the whole time.

"Mr. Cassadine! You’re going to have to stay out here! We’ll let you know of any developments a doctor pushed him back.

"Oh God Nikolas who did this?!" Elizabeth rushed into his arms. "Who would want to hurt Lucky like this?!"

"The McCoys that’s who!" Luke blew up. He was so angry that he could punch a hole in a horse.

"My baby," Laura began to cry again. "He looked so pale look. Not even when he got shot that one time did he look so pale."
"Shhh baby. It’s ok. Lucky’s a fighter. He’ll pull through this,"Luke calmed himself down and held his wife.


In the emergency room, as the doctors worked on him, Lucky was back as the five year old boy that life was full of terror. For a while he was calm as two voices sang the song he loved so much. But soon those voices were gone and he was all alone hiding from the man with the horsewhip.

He knew it was useless to run and hide. He done that before and he was always found and it was worse. He wished Earl was there with him…the big man always made everything ok, but Earl was nowhere in sight. Peeking out from his hiding place he saw the man with the horse whip looking left and right for him, but Lucky knew that as long as he stayed here in his safe place the man wouldn’t get him so that was where he stayed. Safe and sound.


"Mrs. Spencer?" Both Laura and Elizabeth looked up, then Laura backed down knowing that the doctor was referring to Elizabeth.

"How is my husband?" Elizabeth wiped away some more tears. It seemed that all she’s been doing since Lucky’s beating was crying. She tried to stop, knowing that her tears weren’t helping Lucky but she couldn’t.

"We’ve treated him. He should make a full recovery…"

"But," Luke stepped up behind his daughter in law and placed a secure hand on her shoulder.

"He should be awake by now…but he’s not. To be frank he’s refusing to wake up."

"But why?" Elizabeth asked.

"He’s too scared that’s why," Earl answered. "I bet my last dollar that right now Lucas feels more like that helpless five year old than ever and wants to stay where he believes he’s safe. In the recesses of his own mind."

"What do we do to get him to wake up?" Nikolas asked, clutching Beth’s hand, worry for his brother consuming him.

"Well all I can tell you to do is talk to him. Let him know how much you care and how much he’s needed. For now we’ll get him on a feeding tube and check his vitals. I’m sorry there’s nothing more we can do."

"Can we see him now?"

"Of course, but one person at a time. Too many may make him withdraw even more," The doctor cautioned before strolling out of the room.

"When I get my hands on those McCoy’s!" Luke sent his fist into the nearest wall.

"Luke be careful!" Laura went to her husband and tended his wounds.

"It’s ok sweetness. I’ll be ok. I’m more worried about our boy in there."

"I’ll go in first if you don’t mind," Earl stood from his seat. "I’m familiar right now to Lucas…I mean Lucky. Maybe he’ll listen to me and wake up."

"Give it your best shot Earl," Luke nodded.

Earl went into the room and felt like he went back in time. The young man looked so much like the five year old boy so many years ago.

"Hello Lucas. It’s me, big Earl. Listen kiddo, I can’t help you this time. You’re going to have to do this on your own and the only way you can do that is waking up. I know right now you feel frightened and insecure, but Lucas there’s so many people out here who love you. Luke, Laura, Lulu, your little sister, Nikolas, Beth, Elizabeth your wife, and your unborn child. They need you Lucas. They need you to wake up and be here for them. Please Lucas…would you feel better if I sang that song to you? He has the whole world in his hands, he has the whole wide world in his hands he has the whole world in his hands…"

But nothing worked. Lucky’s eyes remained closed.

Everyone except for Elizabeth went in and talked to Lucky. Somehow she felt that her voice wouldn’t do any good. All she could do was stand outside the room and cry some more, terrified that she was about to lose the only man she ever loved.


One week has passed since Lucky’s beating and still he was showing no signs of waking up. The only person he might respond to was setting outside the hospital room, her world in a daze.

"Elizabeth darling," Grace Webber knelt in front of her daughter, taking her hand. "Why don’t you go in there and talk to him. Everyone else has tried and only you remain. Go on."

"But what if my talking to him doesn’t help? What if it makes him worse?"

"You’re thinking about your cousin Lisa aren’t you? Honey talking to her didn’t make her heart go out. It just did," Grace stroked her daughter’s hair. "Besides, Lucky is in different condition than Lisa’s. He just needs to wake up. Darling, go ahead. Talk to him."

Sighing, Elizabeth knew her mother was right. So taking a deep breath, she got up and stepped into Lucky’s room. She gasped as the sight of him just laying there, so pale…he almost looked like he was dead. But the beep of the heart monitor told her otherwise. Taking his hand, she sat in the chair next to the bed.

"I miss you you know. The bed is so empty and cold without you there. So is Wyndemere. Now I know why Luke called it Dracula’s castle and why Nikolas was in a rush to move out. It’s cold and dreary without your presence to light up the place."

No sign as of yet of Lucky waking up.

"Our baby can tell you’re not around too. He’s been kicking a lot lately, wondering where his father’s voice gone off to. I don’t know what to tell him," Suddenly anger and hurt filled Elizabeth. By the look of things he wasn’t responding to her either. "Lucky, you may think I don’t know what it feels like to be scared and feel unsafe. But I know all too well remember? Remember after the rape, when all I wanted to do was huddle up in the corner of my room and stay there, but you wouldn’t let me?! You pulled me out of that corner and made me face life again! You wouldn’t let me pull away from the world! Well now I’m doing the same for you Lucky. I’m not going to let you withdraw from the rest of us! I’m going to pull you out of that little corner and make you face life again, the same thing you did for me!"
Still no response. His eyes remained tightly shut. He didn’t even acknowledge Elizabeth’s at the baby’s swift kick. She had a idea. Taking Lucky’s other hand she held it to her stomach and waited for another kick. "See Lucky! Our son wants you to wake up soon! He wants his daddy to wake up and sing to him like he always did! Don’t disappoint him Lucky! Don’t disappoint me!"


Lucas peeked out once again to make sure the man with the horse whip was far away. His eyes widen when he saw, not the man with the horsewhip but a beautiful girl carrying a squirming bundle in her arms. Suddenly he knew who the beautiful angel was. Elizabeth and their child. They needed him to come back home…to return to his life. Elizabeth stretched out her free hand.

"Please Lucky. We need you."

"Elizabeth…" He stepped out of the corner and tightly grasped her hand.


Elizabeth gasped in surprise at the tight squeeze of Lucky’s hand. Her eyes widen when she looks at his face and saw his brillant blue eyes open.

"Oh Lucky you’re awake," She sobbed happily.

"How sweet," A sarcastic voice replied from the door way. Lucky turned his head and his eyes widen to see Calvin McCoy standing the doorway. The heart monitor went bezerk.

"Stay away from him!" Elizabeth stepped between Calvin and Lucky.

"What? Did I do something wrong," Calvin laughed. "I just want to have a little talk with Lucas there. That’s all."

"You heard her. Get out," Nikolas appeared behind Calvin, glaring openly at the man.

"Why such overprotectiveness. Well you can’t be with him all the time. Just remember that," Calvin snorted, pushing past Nikolas.

"Are you ok?" Nikolas asked.

"I’m fine, but Lucky’s awake Nikolas, look he’s awake…" Elizabeth turned around just to find that Lucky’s eyes were closed once again.

"Elizabeth…" Nikolas began.

"No Nikolas he was awake! Before that man came in Lucky had come back to us! But then McCoy showed up…he must have withdrawn again…no Lucky no please…I need you…don’t do this to me please! Come back to me!" Elizabeth sobbed, falling to the floor at the edge of Lucky’s bed. Nikolas glanced up at his brother, who’s eyes were tightly shut.

"Lucky come on! Elizabeth needs you! I need you! You promised to be my best man at my wedding! You can’t go back on that now! Wake up! Wake up!"

"D-don’t have to y-yell," Lucky’s eyes once again open.

"Lucky?" Elizabeth sniffed and ran over to him. "Don’t scare me like that ever again!" She hugged his husband tightly.

"Yeah," Nikolas stood over them.

"Well you’re right. I had a promise to keep."

"Oh Lucky," Elizabeth kissed him for all she was worth and went back to hugging him.

"I’ll go get the others," Nikolas happily smiled.