Stefan and Luke are seated together behind Mac’s desk, handcuffed to their chairs. Stefan is yelling about the outrage and Luke is glaring at the McCoys.

"Couldn’t stand it could ya? Couldn’t at least wait until Lucky was out of town before you began your sick plots for revenge could you?" Luke growled at Calvin.

"It was you who ruined the day Luke. You and your friend there who banged me up last night."

"I can’t speak for Spencer but I did no such thing! I was in my office all night last night," Stefan growled.

"Besides, why should we care that the wedding reception was ruined. We weren’t even invited," Paula snorts.

"Gee, I wonder why is that?" Taggert enters. "Is there a special reason why Lucky would want the people that abused him when he was a defenseless little boy at his wedding?"

"We’re his parents!" Paula shouts.

"No, you were the people who tortured him for the first five years of his life. Laura and I are his parents so get used to it. You can throw us in prison and it won’t change a thing!"

"Can I see my dad please," Lucky enters the station.

Luke gets to his feet. "Cowboy what in the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to be on your way to New York to start your honeymoon with Elizabeth!"

"You actually think I could go anywhere while you’re locked up for something you didn’t do?" Lucky asked.

"He did do it! I saw him!" Paula snarls.

Lucky just glares at her then turns back to his father. "I’m staying dad. Elizabeth understands. New York will still be there once all of this is over."

"How’s Laura?" Stefan asked.

"Scared, but Beth and Elizabeth are taking care of her," Nikolas answered. "Don’t worry Stefan. I called Aunt Alexis and she’s on her way. She’ll get all of these charges dropped."

"This is an outrage!" Stefan steams some more.

"Lucky…there’s nothing you can do here. Go home. Go home to your new wife. You need her more than anything right now," Luke pleads. "Nikolas take Lucky back to Wyndemere please."

"Dad no! I’m not leaving you!" Lucky refuses.

"There’s nothing you can do right now Lucky. What you can do is go home and be with your wife. That is what you can do for me ok? Please, go home," Luke pleads.

Lucky sighs, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Alright. Fine I’ll go.," He turns and glares at the McCoys. "You’re not going to get away with this."

Calvin just smiles at him as he turns and leaves. "That kid has a real attitude problem."
"Stay away from him McCoy!"

"Don’t tell me what to do with my son Spencer."

"He’s not your son…"

"Enough!" Stefan yells, getting a headach from the bickering. "arguing with this…person will not help our case Spencer. So I suggest you let him win this round."

"Just stay away from Lucky," Luke growls, settling back into his seat.