One month later…

Lucky and Laura quietly enter the McCoy house after having fled to Beth’s apartment after Lucky had rescued Laura from another of Paula’s beatings. They had stayed there until eight o’clock when Beth had to go to bed for chores the next morning. They find the McCoy’s waiting for them, their eyes brimming with anger.

"Had fun?" Paula asked.

"We have been patient with you Lucky, but no more. It’s time we beat that Spencer attitude out of you," Calvin nods towards the kitchen. Lucky spots two burly men in the door and his grip tightens on Laura’s hand. Paula take Laura upstairs to bed. Lucky will be receiving the punishment for both her and himself tonight."

"Lucky no!" Laura wails in terror reaching for her brother as Paula drags her up the stairs.

"It’s okay Laura! Everything will be okay," Lucky calls after his sister, glad that she’s safe from another beating. He turns to face Calvin.

"Take the kid to the barn. I want his back bare. It’s time to whip that Spencer attitude out of him."

Lucky doesn’t resist as the men grabs his arms and drags him to the barn…the same barn that he was last beaten in all those years ago. He at last felt the fear build up in him as the men pulled his shirt off and tied him to a post.

"Have fun," One of the men grunt before leaving the barn. Five minutes later Calvin enters with a whip in hand. From the dried blood on the weapon, Lucky knew it was the same whip used on him when he was five years old.

"Remember this?" Calvin asked. "It’s time for a meeting with a old friend."

Lucky glared at the man. "Go to hell."

The whip comes down on Lucky’s back making him scream in pain. "Anything else to say huh?" He brings the whip down again, illiciting another scream from Lucky. "Come on! Where’s that Spencer smart remarks huh?!" Another lash. This goes on for about twenty minutes, until Lucky is slumped against the post, semi-concious. "Let that be a lesson to you boy." Calvin laughs. "And look, no Earl here to save you this time." Calvin spits on him then saunters out of the barn , not even bothering to untie Lucky.

Lucky loses conciousness right then and there, not aware of the Jaguar pulling up in the driveway.

Nikolas steps out of his jag. He looks up at the dark main house and shakes his head. Something told him that Lucky wasn’t there. Besides, it’s best to wait until morning to talk to Lucky. Glancing at the barn, he decides that would be the perfect place to spend the night. He’s about to enter when a voice stops him.

"What do you think you’re doing?" Beth Hanes appear behind him just as he opens the door.

"Going in there. Who are you?"

"Friend of the family and I suggest you leave. If Mr. McCoy finds you out here…let’s just say he’s someone you don’t want to mess with." Beth gives the boy in front of her a once over and is instantly attracted to him. He was tall, dark and very handsome, mysterious too. He was also rich judging from his jag and fancy clothes.

"I’m not afraid of McCoy. If he touches me, my Uncle will take care of him(Nikolas had just found out that Stefan wasn’t his father after all)."

"And who are you anyway? And why would you want to sleep in an old broken down barn for?"

"That’s none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me," Nikolas steps into the barn and stops in his tracks when he sees a bleeding and unconcious Lucky tied to a post. "Oh my God."

"Lucky!" Beth pushes past Nikolas and over to her unconcious friend.

Nikolas follows her catching his brother as Beth unties his hand. "Lucky! Lucky can you hear me?! It’s Nikolas! Answer me!"

Beth looks at the boy, her eyes wide with surprise. So this was the infamous brother that Lucky was always talking about. Her heart went out to him as she spots his tears as he stares down at his unconcious brother.

"He’s going to pay for this Lucky. I promise you that they will both pay for this," Nikolas craddles his brother in his arms.

"We need to clean his wounds so they won’t get infected," Beth hovers next to Nikolas. "If we can get him to my apartment, I have plenty there."
"My jag is right up the way there. Help me with him," Nikolas hefts one of Lucky’s arms over his shoulder and gets to his feet when Beth gets Lucky’s other side. "Careful, don’t hurt him anymore than he already is."

"I’m being as gentle as I can," Beth grunts helping Nikolas carry Lucky to the jag and placing him in the back seat. Beth sets next to Nikolas, trying not to turn to jelly sitting so close to him. Beth prays that Laura will be alright here by herself as Nikolas speeds off for her apartment.

Lucky groans as he begins to regain consciousness. He looks around at the familiar surroundings. Beth’s room. But how did he get here? Did Beth bring him here all by herself? How could she since he was a lot heavier than her? His eyes widen as Nikolas walks out of the adjoining restroom, a towel and antiseptic in his hand.

"I see you’re awake now," Nikolas goes to him and takes his hand. "We thought you’d never wake up."

"What…how…" Lucky stammered.

"Shhh. Don’t try to talk. Everything is going to be fine now Lucky. Just as soon as you’re well…we’re out of here," Nikolas sets Lucky up and began to place more antiseptic on his wounds. "Did McCoy do this to you Lucky?"

Lucky nods, "We can’t leave without Laura."

"Don’t worry about that. Beth went to get her. I’m taking you both out of this town today. Besides, you’re needed at home right away."

"Promise me something Nikolas, it’s important," Lucky grabs Nikolas’s hand. "Don’t tell dad about this. He’ll kill them. I know it. I don’t want dad in jail."

"But Lucky…"

"Promise me."

Nikolas sighed, not able to resist his brother at this time. "Ok I promise. I won’t tell Luke and Laura about this. Happy?"

"Estatic," Lucky attempts a smile but fails. He just sighs and falls back against the bed. "How’s Elizabeth? How mad at me is she?"

"Elizabeth’s well. She’s just depressed. But that will change once you get home. She’s written you a number of times Lucky, but all the letters were returned. Why?"

Lucky furrowed his brow. "I never got any letters. The only letters I got was yours. They must have sent them back."

"Well at least they letted me keep writing to you right?"

Lucky just nods and begins to stare at the ceiling. A tear leaks from his eyes. "I have to see her Nikolas. I need to see her."

"You will bro. You will I promise," Nikolas squeezes his hands.

"Lucky!!!" A little girl comes darting into the apartment. Lucky turns his head and smiles widely. "Laura! You’re okay!" Lucky hugs the little girl tightly, thanking God for keeping her safe.

"Paula and Calvin were out. They left me in charge," Beth smiled at the scene.

"Well I guess it’s time to hit the road," Nikolas smiles, getting up. He really wasn’t looking forward to the long drive back so soon, but he wanted to get Lucky away from that house as soon as possible and make arrangements for Calvin and Paula McCoy to be punished for what they did to his brother.

"Hold on a minute, not until I get some clothes packed," Beth shakes her head.

"What?" Nikolas looks at the girl confused.

"I’m not allowing you to take my best friend and favoritie little girl away without taking me too."

"You don’t have to come Beth," Lucky sets up.

"Oh yes I do. Someone has to look after Laura while you’re on the road and I’m not leaving it up to you two."

"My mother trusts our five year old sister Lulu with us all the time!" Nikolas replied.

"I’m not your mom. Now stop wasting time and let me pack," Beth disappears into her room.

"Is she always this stubborn?" Nikolas stares after her.

Lucky smiles. He can see the instant connection those two had and was happy for his brother. "Always."

Two hours later Nikolas, Lucky, Laura and Beth are on the road heading back to PC. Hoping to leave the McCoy’s behind them.