Chapter Twelve
It’s midday when they pull into Port Charles and the first thing
on Lucky’s mind is to get to Elizabeth. Of course it should have been sleep,
but Elizabeth was even more important than that in Lucky’s mind.
"So where to now?" Beth asked, holding a sleeping Laura
in her lap.
"Wyndemere," Nikolas replied, a plan forming in his
"Wyndemere? Why there?" Lucky asked his brother.
"What’s Wyndemere?" Beth asked, the name sounded like
one of those gothic castles in the movies.
"It’s my mansion on a island in middle of the ocean a couple
of yards out from Port Charles," Nikolas explained.
"Dracula’s castle is more like it," Lucky laughed,
getting a glare from his brother. "That’s what dad calls it anyway,"
Lucky chokes back his laughter. "Why are we going to Wyndemere?"
"Well I was thinking. The McCoys are going to come after us and of course
Port Charles is the first place they’ll come. So you’re going to need a place
to hide out for a while. Wyndemere is the perfect choice. You can even get lost
there. There’s no way they can find you."
"Nikolas, I know you mean well and everything, but there’s a
bug in your plan. Stefan. The guy hates my father. He’s not going let Luke
Spencer’s son stay there."
"Of course he will. Stefan would move the heavens and earth
for me. Plus Stefan loves his Lasha and would do anything to make her happy.
Anyway Lucky you forget so easily…he saved your life."
"How?" Beth asked.
"Lucky was standing on some train tracks and Stefan pushed
him out of the way of a moving train," Nikolas explained. "Besides,
you’ll hardly see him. Wyndemere is so big. And if it’ll make you feel better,
I’ll move back in. We can share a wing. So what do you say?"
Lucky sighed. Nikolas was right. Wyndemere was a great place to
hide. But he still wasn’t sure about Stefan. "Fine. But we keep it a
secret from Stefan a little while longer okay? I know he’s your uncle but I
still find it difficult to trust him."
"Ok fine. I won’t tell Stefan until you’re good and ready.
I’ll drop you guys off, get you settled, pick up my things at the cottage, and
pick up Elizabeth. She’ll kill me if I don’t tell her you’re back you
Lucky smiled. "I can’t wait."
Lucky, Laura, and Beth are settled at Wyndemere and Nikolas has
all his clothes piled into the back of his Jag. He pulls up in front of Liz’s
studio and hopes that she’s there. He had checked everywhere and this was his
last stop. He finds her working on a painting of her and Lucky holding their
child. Her free hand is lightly touching her slightly extended abdomen. She was
just beginning to show.
"Hey there," Nikolas enters, startling his friend. She
looks up and smiles when she sees him standing there.
"Where have you been? I called everywhere. Your Uncle said
you left town but didn’t say where."
"Oh I had to run out of town real quick. But I’m back now.
Did you need me for anything?"
Elizabeth blushed. She knew she had been depending on him a lot
since Lucky was gone, but she couldn’t help it. He was her best friend and the
closest thing she had of Lucky for right now. "I had an appointment for a
sonograms= yesterday afternoon. I just thought that you might want to join
"Oh. I’m sorry." Nikolas bowed his head, cursing that he
couldn’t get Lucky back soon enough.
"That’s ok. Here, I have the picture. Look," Elizabeth
hands him the picture, his eyes widen with wonder.
"Oh wow. This is amazing. This is the head right? And the
"It’s a boy," Elizabeth grinned.
"A nephew? Oh wow," Nikolas’s smile widens.
"Lucky’s going to be so happy." Lucky! "Ah Elizabeth…I’m moving
back into Wyndemere. I was thinking that maybe you’d like to come help me get
settled. Get your mind off missing Lucky and everything."
Elizabeth shruggs. "Okay. Sure. Just let me close my paints
and I’ll be right there."
Nikolas nods and goes looks at Elizabeth’s work in process. She
was truly talented. The painting looked just like her and Lucky. Lucky was
holding the baby and Elizabeth was holding Lucky’s arm. Happiness and love
radiated from their faces. He wished that for them both. He couldn’t wait to
get her back to Wyndemere to see Lucky and tell him about the baby.
"Ready," Elizabeth smiled, taking Nikolas’s arm. Come
on. Let’s get you settled."
Nikolas smiled and followed her out the door.
Wyndemere was practically empty. Stefan had given the staff the
day off and he was off on a business trip. The only people there was Lucky,
Laura, and Beth. Elizabeth carried a box of clothes and Nikolas carried
everything else.
"You want this in your old room?" Elizabeth asked,
standing in the huge foyer.
"No. The east wing. I want my privacy for as long as I
can," Nikolas nods to the stairs leading up into the eastern section of
the house. Elizabeth nods and starts up the stairs. Two flights later, Nikolas
directs Elizabeth into a room. He tells her that he’ll be right back and
Tired, Elizabeth sets on the bed and looks around. This room for
some reason reminded her of her room back at Grams and how Lucky used to enter
threw her window. She stares out the window, almost imagining Lucky crawling
through the window. She smiles at the vision and turns and gasps. Lucky was
standing in the doorway, just staring at her as if he was looking at a angel.
Elizabeth closes her eyes and opens them again to make sure it wasn’t her
imagination. It wasn’t. He was still standing there.
"Lucky!!!" Elizabeth cried, her hands flying to her
mouth to hold back the coming sobs.
Lucky smiled, "Elizabeth." He goes to her and wraps her
in his arms, holding her tightly, tears sliding from his own eyes. "I’ve
missed you so much."
"There’s so much to tell you," Elizabeth sniffs. "I
tried to write you but all my letters came back."
"I know. Nikolas told me. The McCoys never gave me your
letter. I’m sorry Elizabeth, I would have written back."
"I know. I know. Oh Lucky I have to tell you so much! Like I
got into the art academy and…"
"You did?! That’s great! So when do we leave?" Lucky
"Uh…I turned it down because something else came up. Uh…I
think you might want to set down," Elizabeth bites her lip, knowing that
now was the time to tell him about the baby, if he hadn’t guessed already.
Lucky frowned. Elizabeth seems so serious and nervous. What ever
it was it was serious enough to postpone New York.
"Lucky, you remember your last night here…what we did?"
Lucky smiled knowingly. "How could I forget?"
"Well…I guess the only way to say this is to say it. I’m
pregnant. We’re going to have a baby."
Lucky’s mouth drops open in shock. "Are you serious?"
Elizabeth nods. "I even made a doctor’s appointment to make
sure and he confirmed the test. We’re going to have a baby…and by the sonogram
here…it’s a boy." Elizabeth hands him the picture. Lucky stares at it in
"Wow. I’m going to have a son," Lucky smiles up at
Elizabeth. "This is great."
"Lucky! Lucky!" Laura runs into the room and jumps into
her brothers arms. "Nikolas is chasing me!"
Nikolas runs in laughing and stops, realizing that they were
interrupting a moment between Lucky and Elizabeth. "Sorry."
Lucky laughed. "It looks like you’re having fun with my
"Well you know how I am when I’m around little kids. I
magically turn into one myself," Nikolas laughed.
"Well then I guess I’ll just have to restrict your visits
with my son. Can’t have a kid babysetting can I" Lucky laughed.
"You two come back…here," Beth runs into the room and
slams right into Nikolas.
"Elizabeth I’d like to introduce you to my best friend Beth
Hanes. Beth this is…"
"Elizabeth Webber I know. He’s talked about nothing but you.
It’s a pleasure."
Elizabeth just smiled politely, not knowing what to think of Beth.
Lucky gets up and grabs Elizabeth’s shoulders. "She’s just a friend he
"Hi," Elizabeth smiled, leaning back into Luckys arms,
his hand resting on her abdomen.
"Did you hear Beth? I’m going to be a daddy," Lucky
grins happily, kissing Elizabeth’s cheek.
Beth’s eyes widen and notices Elizabeth’s slightly extended
abdomen. "Well congratulations. Boy or girl?"
"Boy," Elizabeth smiles up into Lucky’s eyes. "How
does Nikolas Lucas Spencer sound?"
"Sounds good to me," Lucky grins at his brother, who
just blushes, honored to be the name sake of his brother’s son.
"Who’s that?" Laura speaks up. Lucky smiles and goes to
pick up his little sister. "Elizabeth meet Laura."
"Hi there," Elizabeth holds out her hand to the little
"Hi. Are you Lucky’s girlfriend?"
"Fiancée," Lucky whispers into the girls ear, causing her to giggle.
"She’s pretty," Laura smiles at her brother. "Is
she a princess like Nikki?"
Both Elizabeth and Lucky laughed. "Well…not officially."
"She’s adorable Lucky," Elizabeth smiled, thinking about
what a great father Lucky was going to be.
"I’ll be back," Nikolas said heading for the door.
"I think Luke and Laura are going to want to know that you’ve
"Wait, We’ll come with you. The McCoy’s aren’t in town yet.
There’s no reason to be shut up in Wyndemere all day," Lucky grabs Laura’s
sweater. "Besides, we have to grab Laura some new clothes, and I would
like to talk to Alexis about something."
"Suit yourself," Nikolas shrugs, waiting for the others
to follow.
Nikolas and Lucky are up front while Elizabeth stays in the back
getting to know both Laura and Beth better.
"So tell me the reason you want to see Alexis," Nikolas
glances at his brother.
"Well…you may not know this but tomorrow’s my birthday. I’ll
be legally an adult. I wanted to see what the chances of getting full custody
of Laura was," Lucky looks at his brother.
Nikolas looks at his brother, concern in his eyes. "That’s a
big responsibility Lucky. I mean you already have a baby on the way…raising
Laura…that will be two kids. Can you swing it?"
"Nikolas, I’m a Spencer. I can swing anything," Lucky
grinned arrogantly.
"Man you’re cocky aren’t you? Just like Luke," Nikolas
"What’s so funny up there?" Elizabeth glances up front.
"Nothing." Both boys say then burst into laughter. All
laughter stop when they pull into the Spencer driveway. Luke and Laura are
swinging with Lulu in their laps when Lucky and Nikolas exit the car. Laura
sets up right, her eyes widening with happiness.
"Lucky!!!" Laura runs down the porch and wraps her son
in her arms, holding him tight. "You’re home! You’re finally home!"
"Cowboy? Is that really you?" Luke is frozen to the
"Lucky!" Lulu ran to join her mother.
"Lulu hi!" Lucky scoops the little girl up. "I’ve
missed you so much!"
Laura spots the little girl Lucky arrived with and her heart
melts. She immediately goes to her. "And you must be Laura."
"Laura this is my parents Laura and Luke Spencer," Lucky
bent down to the girl. "And this is my other little sister Lulu. She’s
your age."
Lulu just shyly smiles and dunks her head.
"She’s shy isn’t she?" Lucky smiled and Laura nods her
"Hi there Cowgirl," Luke smiles, winking at the girl who
can be Lucky’s twin at that age.
"Hello," Laura whispered, shy herself.
"Well you five. Just don’t stand there come on in! We were
just setting down to dinner!" Luke beckons for them to join him.
"Where’s grandma?" Lucky asked about Leslie.
"She’s at the hospital volunteering today," Laura
explained, taking the plates out of the cabinet.
"Lucky you forgot to introduce me," Beth uncomfortably
whispers to Lucky.
"Oh mom and dad this is my friend Beth, Laura’s babysitter.
Laura these are my parents Luke and Laura," Lucky introduced, his face red
from embarrassment. He hadn’t meant to forget Beth.
"Beth huh? As in Elizabeth?" Luke arches his eyebrows.
"Cowboy you already have an Elizabeth as I recall."
Beth laughs. "That’s okay Mr. Spencer. Everyone just calls me
"Alright then," Luke nods. "So tell me Lucky, how
did Rosemary’s parents treat you down there?"
Nikolas opens his mouth but Lucky shoots him a glare telling him
not to even think about mentioning the other night. "They were mean, but I
handled them. Laura was the one they really went after though."
"Yeah, I can’t even count how many times Lucky brought her to
my apartment all beaten and bruised," Beth threw in.
"Oh you poor baby. Don’t worry, we’re going to make sure
those people never come near you again," Laura strokes the little girl’s
"I think your mother has fallen in love once again,"
Luke smiles down at the little girl."
"I think so too," Lucky nods in agreement.
"How long do you think it’ll take for the McCoys to notice
you’re gone?" Beth asked curiously.
"They probably know by now and will be up here if not
tomorrow morning then tomorrow evening," Lucky sighed.
"By the way, where are you staying Lucky?" Luke asked
"Wyndemere," Nikolas spoke up. "It’s big and easy
to hide in."
As expected Luke blew up. "At Wyndemere! What a totally
cornball idea! Let me guess it’s prince Nikki’s idea!"
"And do you expect Vlad to cooperate with this once he
returns? I don’t think so!"
"I can handle Stefan," Nikolas glares at Luke.
"Like hell you can!" Luke slams his hand down on the
table in anger, frightening Laura who bursts into tears.
"See what your yelling did dad?" Lucky goes and picks
his sister up in his arms, going to work calming her.
"Yeah Luke. Good going," Nikolas glared.
"I’ll take her outside to calm her," Lucky said, walking
out on the porch followed by Beth and Elizabeth.
"I-I didn’t mean to frighten the kid," Luke calms down,
guilt shining in his eyes.
"Well you did Luke. You’re forgetting that that little girl
is fragile around adults, just like Lucky was at that age. Remember? Remember
how jumpy he was how everytime he messed up he was afraid you were going to
beat him?" Laura lit into Luke. "For God’s sake Luke control your
"I know you don’t like Stefan and you don’t trust me. But for
Lucky’s sake, try to accept the situation. Wyndemere’s the best thing we have
right now," Nikolas crosses his arms. "You do want to keep both Lucky
and Laura safe don’t you?"
"Of course I do. But I just don’t like depending on
Cassadines to do that for me."
"Then how about Lucky’s brother? You trust Lucky with Lulu.
Well then trust me with Lucky."
"Luke please…this is the best thing we’ve got," Laura
"Ok. Fine. Cowboy is staying at Dracula’s castle, for now.
But as soon as this thing is over he’s coming home."
Meanwhile, out on the porch, Lucky holds Laura and whispers
soothing things in her ear.
"I thought you said this guy was cool Lucky," Beth
"He is. It’s just that he has a temper when it comes to the
Cassadines, but he never once layed a hand on either Lulu or myself."
"Why was he so mean Lucky?" Laura sobbed.
"Because he just doesn’t like Nikolas’s family. But he wasn’t
angry at any of us Laura. Only about the place we’re staying. He’d never hurt
"He’s right Laura. Luke would never lay a hand on someone
smaller than him," Elizabeth also tried to sooth the girl.
"But he was so mean and he yelled just like daddy!"
Laura cried.
"Laura, just because people scream doesn’t mean they’re going
to hurt you," Elizabeth whispered. "Come on. Give Luke another
chance? For Lucky?"
"Promise he won’t be mean to me?" Laura looked at Lucky
with big trusting eyes.
"You have my word of honor Laura," Lucky nods. "You
want to go back in now?"
The little girl nods
"Okay. Let’s go," Lucky stands, Laura still in his arms
takeing her back inside leaving Beth and Elizabeth outside together.
"He’s going to be a great father," Elizabeth smiled.
"He sure is. He’s so gentle with her," Beth nods before
following Elizabeth back into the house.
Luke and Laura were waiting in the living room when they came back
in. Nikolas had taken Lulu up to bed.
"I’d like to apologize to the little pumpkin there. I didn’t
mean to scare her like that," Luke bows his head. "I was just taken
off guard about Wyndemere. I’m sorry honey. Will you forgive me?"
Little Laura nods her head, that’s gently resting on Lucky’s
"She looks tired," Laura observed. "Maybe you
should put her down with Lulu."
"That’s okay mom. We’re about to head back to Wyndemere
anyway. I just came by to tell you I’m home and to introduce you to Beth and
Laura here. Thanks for the dinner."
"Anytime Cowboy. Anytime," Luke smiled, stretching out a
hand to shake Lucky’s free hand. "And take care of the little bun in the
oven there. We’ll be over tomorrow."
"Yes sir," Lucky smiled, just as Nikolas came bouncing
down the stairs. "Ready?"
Nikolas nods. And goes to hug Laura good-bye. "See you in the
morning mother?"
"If that’s what you’ll like," Laura smiled at her eldest
son, grateful to him for bringing his brother home.
"It’s what I’d love," Nikolas smiled before nodding to
Luke and following Lucky and the others out the door.
"Tomorrow’s Cowboy’s birthday. Got a present picked
out?" Luke asked, placing a arm around his wife.
"Of course. I’m just glad we’ll be able to give it to him on
his birthday. Luke…what if the McCoy’s show up?"
"We’ll deal with them," Luke shrugged. "Come on
Angel. Let’s go upstairs and turn in. We’ll have a long day tomorrow."
Laura nods and follows her husband up the stairs, her mind for the
moment at peace knowing that now all her children were safe for the time being.
Elizabeth yawns as they enter Lucky’s room at Wyndemere.
"Maybe you should go home and get some sleep," Lucky
"I am home," Elizabeth shrugs. "As long as you’re
here Lucky, so am I."
"Elizabeth…you don’t have to do that if you don’t want
"But I do. Besides, if you’re going to make a honest woman
out of me…well then we better get used to sharing the same bed. Right?"
Lucky laughed, wondering when she got the idea of marriage before he even had a
chance to propose. "Right. Well then let’s hit the bed. It’s been a long
"Lucky wait. I love you more than anything and no matter
what, I’m in this for the long haul." Elizabeth kissed him gently.
"You me and our child."
"You have my heart," Lucky repeats a portion of the vows
they had said to one another on valentines day.
"And that’s a permanent lock," Elizabeth smiled, falling
into Lucky’s arms where they kissed passionately.
Beth watched the couple from the darkened hallway. She sighs
wistfully. Lucky and Elizabeth were so in love…more in love than her parents by
the look of it. She wondered what it would be like to be in love like that. To
want to move heaven and earth to be with the one you love.
"Makes you want the same thing doesn’t it?" Nikolas
appears behind Beth, his eyes dark and wistful as he too takes in the scene of
his brother and best friend kissing.
"Yeah," Beth nods.
"It’ll happen. We just have to be patient," Nikolas nods
and then looks into Beth’s warm brown eyes. "Good night Miss. Hanes."
"Call me Beth," She smiled.
"Beth," Nikolas nods before turning to go to his own
room. Beth turns around to see what’s happening now, but finds that Liz and
Lucky had turned the light out and were now in bed, cuddled in each other’s
arms. Sighing again she too goes to her room and slips into a peaceful slumber,
A certain tall dark handsome prince dancing with her in her dreams.