Chapter Two

They pull up in front of a huge red brick house with a garden growing on the side and a swinging chair on the porch. Rose follows Laurie onto the porch and waits while her new friend rings the bell. It's a middle-aged lady with gray hair and steely gray eyes that opens the door. Rose felt the urge to turn around and rlee, but she resists. She had no where else to go.
"Laurie? What are you doing back so soon?" The woman asked.
"I found a girl from the Titanic Mrs. Wilma. She was in a hurry to get away from the dock because of all the reporters," Laurie smiles. "Rose, this is Mrs. Wilma Singleton, but all us girls call her Mrs. Wilma. Mrs. Wilma, this is Rose Dawson."
"Hello," Rose avoids the woman's gaze, afraid that the woman's steel eyes would look right through her...just like Jack's penetrating blue eyes did, except his was full of warmth and was sparkling. She had never tried to avoid his gaze.
"Well don't just stand out there Mrs. Dawson. Come in," The woman beckons her into the house. "Laurie go back to the dock and help the other girls. I'll go over the rules and regulations with Ms. Dawson here."
Rose looks at Laurie, pleading with her eyes not to be left alone with this woman, but Laurie only smiles. "I'll see you later Rose. Hpefully we'll have more girls."
"Come alon," Mrs. Wilma beckens towards the sitting room once Laurie is gone. "Let's set. Tell me about yourself. What was your life like before the tragedy."
Oh no, Rose groaned inwardly. She knew this would happen. This woman knew there was something not right and now she was going to find out. Rose had to come up with something and fast. Then she once again heard Jack's voice inside her head. "Use my story Rose. Don't be nervous. You can do it."
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Rose begins. "Well...I grew up in Chippewa Falls Wisconsin. That's where I married my husband Jack. We were happy there, but then his parents died in a fire and he decided that since we had no close kin in that part of the country...we were to lit on out of there and we haven't been back since. You can say we were a couple of tumbleweeds blowing in the wind," Rose forces a smile.
"How did you end up on Titanic?"
"Well...Jack won us third class tickets at a game of poker..." Rose bows her head when she sees the disapproving glare in the woman's eyes. "Well anyway...that was going to be our passage home to Chippewa Falls. But as you know already...the ship hit a iceberg and sank...taking my Jack with it..." Rose bursts into tears. "My poor Jack is laying at the bottom of the ocean!"
Mrs. Wilma's eyes soften and she wraps a protective arm around Rose. "Shhh dearie. It's ok. I'm sorry to have dredged up painful memories for you. Come. I'll s how you around the house and to your room which you will be sharing with two other girls. Unfortunately they're the blacksheep of the house, but I don't think you should be alone after losing your husband like you did. Don't you agree?"
Rose stares at the woman, tears still in her eyes. All she wanted to do was be alone, but she wasn't about to argue. She'll just have to make sure that the items in her coat were well hidden.

Thirty minutes later...

"Girls! This is Rose Dawson! She's a widow off the Titanic. So please be nice to her. For once do as I say," Mrs. Wilma leads Rose into a room occupied by two other girls who scrowled up at both her and Mrs. Wilma.
"Yes Mrs. Wilma," Both girls replied with fake sweetness in their voices.
"And don't talk to her about the tragedy. It's much too painful," Mrs. Wilma warned. "If I ever find out that you have offended her in anyway..."
"Don't worry, we'll be good," the girl with black hair rolls her brown eyes.
Mrs. Wilma nods at the girls and turns back to Rose. "Sleep well dear and if you need anything just ask Laurie or myself. We'll be glad to help you. And you two girls behave!" With that last warning to the two other girls, Mrs. Wilma turns and leaves Rose at the mercy of her two new roommates.
"You get the bed over there by the window," the blonde girl points to the third bed in the room by the window. "It gets cold at night so be sure that you wrap up tight."
Rose just nods and goes to the bed. She takes off the coat and folds it carefully that the pockets are completely hidden. She lays the coat at the foot of her bed. Since both of the girls now seem to be ignoring her, she looked out the window and up at the now clear sky. She could see a million stars up there and knew that somewhere up there Jack was looking down on her...perhaps even smiling knowing that she was at least trying to keep her promise.
"I love you Rose," She again heard his voice in her ear and she smiled and thought to herself, "I love you too Jack and this life is dedicated to you....to us."
She lays down in bed and drifts off to sleep, aware that thanks to Jack she had her whole life ahead of her.