Normally, you would find either Dreams of Paradise , my Titanic Fanfiction site or Rays of Sunlight, my personal site at this address, all depending on what you’re looking for. Also, you may have noticed the return of the ads. But due to Tripod’s ongoing problems, I’ved decided to buy my own domain and move elsewhere. I will no longer be updating my sites here at Tripod. Instead I’m going to combine my personal site and my Titanic fanfiction site into one and move to my own doman at http://www.raysofsunlight.net Here, I will house all my Titanic and nontitanic fanfiction and the other features at my personal siteJ As for my General Hospital Site, Just Keeps Getting Better, that will remain at Tripod since I’m no longer updating the site. So if anyone wants a good story about LL2 the site is still there and so are the stories. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. All updates to the Titanic and personal site will resume once the new site is up and runningJ Thank you for your patience and I promise this will be the last time I move the site. (Hopefully)

If you want to read any of the Titanic stories while I’m working on getting the new site up and running just go to https://dawson20000.tripod.com/completedstories.htm Again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience these changes may have causedJ