Chapter Nine: In Sickness and in Health

One Month later...

It's been a long day for both Jack and Rose. For some reason they couldn't stop arguing. No one knew how the arguements began or why. They just knew that they were angry at each other and didn't want to be in the same house much less the same room anymore. Night had fallen over Chippewa Falls and they were still at it as they were getting ready for bed.
"Jack...I don't understand you. I really don't," Rose sighed, exhausted from all the arguing. "We used to be so good together."
"I don't know Rose. I don't know," was all Jack could say, equally exhausted.
"My mother said that this was a normal part of marriage, but I don't like it very much. It hurts me to fight with you," Rose begins to sob, thinking of all the hurtful things they had said to each other that day. Once Jack had even suggested that she might be better off with Caledon Hockley and Rose had shot back that it would be better than standing here getting yelled at by Jack. She didn't mean it, neither did he. Things had just gotten out of control.
Finally Ruth had interjected and taken Rose out of the room to have a long talk with her about marriage and disagreements. Rose sighed. She didn't know what she'd have done if she hadn't reconciled with her mother. She really did need the support and advice.
Jack looks at his sobbing wife and immediately wanted to comfort her, but something held him back. Pride? His mother always said that he had inherited his father's pride and stubborness. That's why he refused to give up on Rose on Titanic. He was too stubborn to take no for a answer, whether she was someone's fiancee or not.
"I guess it's best that we just turn in for the night. Things will look better in the morning," Jack said, slipping under the covers and turns his back to her. Rose just looks at him, deeply hurt. Ever since they had been reunited she had not spent a night out of his arms and now...his back was to her.
"Night Jack," She stiffles a final sob and gets under the covers, her back turned to him and drifts into a almost peaceful sleep since she missed his closeness.

Christina moved stealthily around the house, making sure not to let anyone see her. She had figured out the perfect plan to get her revenge against both Jack and Rose. It of course was illegal, that's why she was planning to leave town as soon as she was done. Gripping the can of kerosine, she glances up at the stars that were glaring down at her. All of this could have been advoided if Rose had just gone back to Philadelphia with that Hockley man and left Jack to her, but she didn't and now she was going to pay. Moving to the back of the house, Christina put her plan into motion.
Jack coughs as he wakes to a smoke filled room. He spots Rose sleeping form beside him, her back turned to him. Obviously the house was on fire, again after five years, but this time it wasn't his parents trapped it was him and Rose. He had to get her out of here. He had just found her again, he couldn't lose her the same way he lost his parents.
"Rose!" Jack shakes her, praying that she wakes up. "Rose wake up!"
Rose jerks out of her sleep and stares into a pair of frightened blue eyes, the same eyes she stared into aboard Titanic, except one thing, she was looking through a viel of smoke. "Jack? What's going on?"
"The house is on fire. We have to get out of here now," Jack hops out of the bed and lifts her up into his arms.
"Jack..." Rose clings to him, their earlier arguement now forgotten.
"Don't worry Rose. I'll get us out of here," Jack said, leaving the room. They were surrounded by flames on each side, but luckily the stairs were clear. Jack immediately went down them and out the door, with Rose still in his arms, her face pressed against his chest. He lays her down in the grass just as Gretchen, William, and Carl come running over to them.
"Jack! Rose!" Grethen cried. "Thank God you're safe!"
"How did this happen?" Carl asked.
"I don't know," Jack looked at his burning house, tears coming to his eyes. His parents house...everything he had ever loved besides Rose was in that house and now it was all burning down to the ground. He was just thankful he was able to save Rose. He couldn't lose her the same way he lost his parents. He just couldn't.
Rose looks up at the flaming house and suddenly realizes something. Her mother was still inside that house! She gets up and is about to head back in there when Jack grabs her.
"Rose what are you doing?"
"Mother! She's still in there Jack! She's still in there!" Rose cried, struggling out of his arms. "I have to get her out of there!"
"No! I'll go! You stay out here," Jack looks at William. "Take care of her 'til I get back."
"I will," William places a study hand on Rose's shoulder.
"It'll be alright Rose," Jack looks at her.
"Hurry Jack," Rose nods.
Jack nods and runs back into the flaming building.
"Please God,let him come back safe. Don't give him back to me just to take him away again," Rose begins to sob uncontrollably. William places a comforting arm around her.
"Rose?" A familiar voice asks. She looks up to see Ruth standing before her, but no Jack
"Mother where's Jack?" Rose asked, gripping her mother's shoulder.
"What do you mean?"
"Mother, he went back in there for you. Didn't you see him?"
"Rose, I was at Mildred's the whole time, borrowing some of those bath salts she likes so well. I just found out that the house was on fire," Ruth explained. "Jack didn't go back in there looking for me did he?"
"Oh my God Jack!" Rose cried, her eyes filling with horror. She had to get him out of there! She turns and runs for the burning building. She's halfway to the house when there's an explosion, the force of it knocking her to the ground unconcious.
"Rose!" William and Gretchen run to her, looking up at the house in horror. The house was really ablaze now and Jack was still in there...with no way out. Gretchen felt tears in her eyes as she watched the house burn. "Jack," was all she could say. Neither of them saw a fireman carrying a male form out of the side of the house, they were all too busy looking after Rose, who was unaware of her surroundings. It was Ruth who finally noticed the paramedics and had gone over to get help for Rose when she saw Jack.
"Oh my God Jack," Ruth gasped. "Will he be okay?"
"Well his heartbeat is strong and his breathing is okay. He's not badly burned, but he did take a bad hit from that explosion. We don't know what damage that may have caused. We're doing the best we can for him mam," the paramedic nods.

Two Hours later...
Rose awakens in a hopital bed, a pounding headach reaking havoc on her head. All she can think about is Jack. Where was he? Did he ever come out of that house? She hoped and prayed that he was still alive. Before she had at least had his baby inside her to comfort her. but if she lost him now...there's no way she'd be able to move on.

"Rose darling," Ruth appears in the room. "Are you awake?"
"Jack," Rose looks up at her mother. "Where is he?"
"Over in the next bed beside you darling," Ruth smiled, going to her daughter and stroking her hair.
Rose looks over and sees Jack's still form. "He's still alive isn't he?"
"Of course he is. He'll be fine Rose. The doctor's just waiting for him to wake up. That's all." Ruth strokes Rose's hair. "Rose wait!" She tries to grab her daughter as Rose gets up out of bed and goes over to Jack.
"Oh Jack," Rose begins to cry, taking his hand in hers. "I'm sorry Jack. I'm so sorry."
"I'll leave you two alone now," Ruth gets up and leaves. "If you need anything, just call."
"I will," Rose nods, not taking her eyes off Jack as her mother leaves the room. Tears coursing from her eyes, she lays next to him and listens to his heartbeat which seemed strong. Sighing, she fell back into a dreamless sleep.
Jack awakens to darkness. Where was he? Where was everyone and what was laying next to him? It felt like a human form. "Rose?"
No answer. He moves his head but can't make out the form. Everything was total blackness. "Hello! Is there anyone here!" He called, hoping that maybe someone will open the door and break the blackness, but no one came, but he felt the form next to him suddenly get up, and a warm hand takes his.
"Jack," a familiar voice whispered...Rose's voice.
"Rose? Where are you?" He couldn't see her, he couldn't make out anything at all.
"I'm right here Jack, right next to you," two gentle hands takes his head and turns him to the left. He still didn't see anything. That's when he began to get scared. "Jack? I'm right here, don't you see me?"
He moves his hand to where her head should be and felt springy curls and a moist face.
Rose felt tears course down her face as he lightly touched her hair and face and stared at her blankly. Then raw terror came into his eyes.
"I can't see you!" Jack's hand tightens their grip on hers. "I can't see you Rose."
Rose gasps in surprise. This couldn't be happening. Not to her Jack who needed his eyes to see Santa Monica when they went later on that month. She feels tears begin to come to her eyes, but she forces them back. It was her turn to be strong for Jack. She couldn't let him know that she was scared and upset. She had to keep it together.
"Shhh Jack. Just stay here a minute and I'll go get the doctor. Ok?" Rose asked, not really wanting to leave him, but she had no choice.
Jack just nods, staring straight ahead, he loosens his grip so she could slip out of his hand.
Five minutes later Rose has returned with the doctor and she was back in the space she was before gripping his hand. Ten minutes later after examining Jack, the doctor was ready to give his diagnosis.
"I'm afraid Mrs. Dawson that your husband is blind. It appears that some debris had damaged some of the nerves in his eyes, I don't know to what extent. He may get his sight back, or he may not. It all depends on how badly the nerves were damaged," the doctor sighed. "I suggest he learn how to read brille and make things easier for him to move about. Or if you like I can refer him to a hospital that specializes in this sort of thing. He could stay there until his eyesight returns. I'll leave you two alone now with these options. Just ring if you need me," the doctor nods and leaves the room, walking past Ruth who was standing in the doorway the whole time.
Rose sat there in shock, tightly gripping Jack's hand, hot tears were coarsing down her face. Her wonderful Jack, who could see so many beautiful things in something as simple as a flower was blind. He couldn't see anymore. How was she going to get him through this?
"Rose, may I speak to you alone please," Ruth interrupts her thoughts.
"I need to speak to you alone please," Ruth repeats, holding out her hand.
Rose turns to Jack. "I'll be right back darling. Ok?"
Jack just nods, no emotion on his face at all. He just sat there quietly.
Rose stops at the doorway where she thinks she's out of earshot. "What is this about mother?"
"About what the doctor said about a hospital that specializes in this sort of thing...I think it may be a good idea. Jack could get all the help and care he needs there."
Rose looks at her mother in horror. "Mother how could you even suggest such a thing?"
"Because I care about Jack and want what's best for him and I know that those hospitals have the best care, better than we could give him by ourselves."
"I can't believe you. Mother what Jack needs right now is love and support. He doesn't need to go to some cold, sterile hospital where he doesn't know anybody, where the people there could care less about his well being," Rose hissed.
"Rose it's nothing like that," Ruth protests.
"Oh it isn't? Daddy was in those special hospitals mother and did they help him get well? Did they?"
Ruth doesn't answer.
"I didn't think so. Jack stays home...with the people who loves him. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Rose. Rose, I didn't mean to offend you. I just want what's best for Jack. That's all," Ruth bows her head.
"I know mother, but a hospital is not the answer. They'll do what they did to daddy. They'll throw him in a room by himself and wait for him to either get better or die and I will not have my husband treated like that. By nobody."
"I understand Rose and I'm sorry I brought the idea up. I was just thinking about Jack," Ruth sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's ok. I understand you were trying to help."
"Yes I was. Well...I guess I'll leave you two alone now. Discuss where you go from here. I'll be back later," Ruth hugs her daughter before leaving.
Rose goes back to Jack and takes his hand in hers. "Jack I'm back."
"I know. Rose...I think your mother's right. Maybe I should go into one of those institutions 'til I'm better...and if I don't get better...that way I'm not a burden on you," Jack sighed.
"Jack Dawson! I can't believe you said that. Don't you know by now that you can never be a burden on me? If anything I've been a burden on you. Listen, a hospital is not the right answer and you really don't want to go into one do you Jack?"
Jack shakes his head, his eyes falling to the ground. "I just don't want you to end up hating me. That's all."
"I can never hate you Jack, never." Rose kisses his cheek. "I love you. More than life itself. I'm just glad you're alive. And Jack, you will get your sight back. I just know it."
"You have so much faith in me Rose."
"That's because you're a good influence," Rose smiled sadly. "But things will be okay Jack. Trust me."
"I trust you."
Rose just smiles and hugged him tightly. They were going to get through this...they just had to.

Two weeks later...
Rose sighs as she stands by the bed, waiting for the doctors to release Jack. Today was the day that they were supposed to go home, there was only one problem. There was no home to go back to. The house had burnt to the ground. Rose was just glad that she was able to salvage the necklace that Jack had given her on her wedding day, her engagement ring, and the heart of the ocean. Those three items were her most precious posessions, but she hated that all her pictures, Jack's drawings, and his portfolio were lost. That bothered him too. He didn't show it, but she could tell that the lost of his portfolio was another blow next to losing his eyesight.
"I'm all ready," Jack sighed.
"Okay. Let's go," Rose takes his hand and leads him out of the room to find Gretchen and Mrs. Bloom waiting for them.
"Hello Rose and Jack," Mrs. Bloom greets.
"Good morning Mrs. Bloom," Rose nods. "Jack just got released today."
"Well that's grand news. I see I'm just in time then," Mrs. Bloom's face brightens.
"Rose, mother and I were wondering if you and Jack would like to stay with us? Your room is waiting for you, plus it'll be rent free," Gretchen grins.
"I don't know Gretchen. What about Christina? Won't she mind?"
"Christina's gone Rose. She just upped and disappeared. No one knows where she got off too. I guess she was so embarrassed about what she did that she decided to leave," Gretchen shrugged. "Come on you two. Say yes."
"Ok," Rose sighed, they really didn't have any choice. Where else were they going to live? "But what about my mother?"
"We gave her Christina's old room," Gretchen smiled. "Now come along so we can get you two all settled."
Looking at Jack, who's staring straight ahead because he couldn't see, she pulls his hand and follows Gretchen and Mrs. Bloom to the waiting car.

Two hours later...
Jack and Rose are in their room getting settled. Jack feels his way to the bed and sets down. Rose turns from closing the beaureau drawer when she turns and sees Jack's head in his hands.
"Jack?" Rose immediately goes to him and puts her arms around him.
"I can't take this anymore Rose. I need to see you again. Just one more time if nothing else," He sobbed. "I need to see you."
"Oh Jack," Rose holds him tighter, her heart breaking with each of his sobs. "You'll see again. I know you will. In the mean time...just be patient."
He strokes her hair and imagines what her hair must look like. Vibrant red, shiny and beautiful. Her eyes the deepest green...she was so beautiful. He touches her dress of the softest cotton. He wanted her he needed her. If he couldn't see her, he could at least take her in his arms and hold her. He takes her hand and kisses it.
"Jack..." Rose whispered.
"I need you Rose," His whisper was full of passion and desire and Rose had no desire to resist. She immediately removed her dress and helped him remove his shirt. Soon enough they were gone to the stars.
Afterwards they lay in each other's arms, absorbed in their own thoughts. Jack wondered if he'd ever get his sight back and would Rose get tired of having him as a burden and put him in one of those hospitals after all/
Rose looks up into his blue eyes that are as always staring straigh ahead. They were filled with so much sadness and fear. She wished she could make it all right, return his sight to him. But she knew she couldn't. all she could do was be there for him and let him know that she was going to remain by his side forever, whether he got his sight back or not.
She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him tenderly. "Love you."
"Love you too," Jack doesn't smile.
"Jack...what's on your mind? You're so quiet," Rose tucks a blond locke behind his ear.
"It's only a matter of time before you get tired of this Rose. I know it. You're going to get tired of being married to an invalid."
"It wasn't supposed to be like this Rose! We were supposed to see the world together, not just one of us see it while the other becomes a burden!" Tears stream from his eyes.
"Oh Jack," Rose begins to cry herself. "We will see the world together. Right now your eyes are just bruised and need time to heal. But we will see the world together...I promise. And you're not a burden. You'll never be a burden to me Jack. You're the person who set me free for goodness sake."
Suddenly there's a frantic knocking at the door. Startled, Rose gets up after slipping on her cotton dress, she opens the door to Gretchen who has a fireman by her side. "Yes? Can I help you?"
"Rose, Larry here has some news about the fire," Gretchen replied.
"Yes Mrs. Dawson. We did a thourough investigation of the cause of the fire and came to the conclusion that it was arson. This kerosene can and the remains of a match were found in the ruins. We also found this red ribbon at the scene. Is it yours?" The fireman asked.
"No. I never had a ribbon like that."
"But Christina Banksworth did," Gretchen quietly replied. "In fact, she disappeared the night the fire started. And she did have a grudge against Jack and Rose..."
"Well if she ever shows back up here in town, give us a call. We'll ask her a couple of questions," The fireman nods. "We'll put her to justice. Well good day ladies."
"Bye Larry," Gretchen smiles.
"Oh and Mrs. Dawson, tell your husband that me and the family are praying for him."
"I'll do that," Rose forces a smile as the fireman disappears down the stairs.
"Rose? What's on your mind?" Gretchen asked.
"For someone who claimed to love Jack, why did she hurt him like this? Why did she take away his sight like this, plus the memories of that house? I mean, that's not something you do to someone you claim to love," Rose forces back her tears.
"Because he didn't return that love. He loved you instead, so what was the best way to get even? Take away what was most important to him," Gretchen strokes her back. "But don't worry Rose. Christina is long gone from Chippewa Falls. You won't have to worry about hearing from her again."
"Well thank you Gretchen for stopping by and letting us know about all this," Rose said. "Now if you excuse me, Jack's waiting for me."
"No problem Rose. Just take care of Jack. Good night," Gretchen turns to go down the stairs.
"Night," Rose waves. She reenters the room to see Jack standing at the window. "Jack?"
"The hous is gone isn't it?"
"...I'm sorry."
"Christina did it didn't she? Don't lie Rose. I heard what Gretchen said.
"It was because I threw her out for saying those things to you. She wanted revenge and she sure did get it. She almost took away everything I loved. At least she didn't get to you. I'd die if she got to you..."
"Shhh Jack. Let's not talk about her anymore. She's long gone and out of our lives forever. Let's just think about the future. What do you want to do first when we get to Santa Monica," She asked, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"...I don't want to go to Santa Monica...not anymore."
"Jack....what about all our plans?" Rose asked, trying to keep the tears out of her voice.
"That was before all of this Rose. Things have changed now. For goodness sake, how can I teach you to ride like a man when I can't even see the horse?!"
Rose couldn't help, she begins to cry. Everything that was ever important about her was falling apart and there was nothing she could do to stop it. "Ok Jack, we'll forget about Santa Monica...for now. Right now, we'll just concentrate on getting your sight back. Then we'll talk about Santa Monica," Rose nods.
"Rose..." Jack begins.
"Let's not discuss this anymore today. Let's just get back into bed," Rose pulls on his hand.
"It's the middle of the day," Jack said.
"Now when did we ever let that stop us?" Rose giggled. Jack couldn't help but smile. He pulls her into his arms.
"We never let it stop us," Jack kissed her tenderly. "Besides, we really do have a lot of things to talk about. I've come to a decision about something and I need to talk to you about it."
"Let's set down," Jack motions for her to lead him to somewhere to set. She leads him to the bed.
"Jack...what is this all about and why do I have a feeling that I'm not going to like it?" Rose asked.
"...Rose...I've been thinking a lot...and Iknow what you're going to say, but this is what I want. Ok. I want to go to one of those institutions."
"Jack no!" Rose stands, tears beginning to stream from her eyes. "How could you want to go there?"
"Because I feel that it's the right thing to do...for me...for us. Rose...please try to understand. I do want to get well again, but I want to do it where I'm not a burden to the people I love. I mean look at us Rose. Our marriage is already beginning to suffer because of this. I may not see you cry but I hear the tears in your voice...I feel them when I touch your face. I feel your sobs when I take you in my arms. I can tell this is tearing you apart and I can't take that."
"It's not tearing me apart Jack. I swear it's not," Rose cries.
"It is now. You're crying."
"Because you want to leave me after you promised that you'd never leave me again! That there would never be another reason for us to ever be apart!"
"That was before the fire Rose and you know it. You can't possibly hold me to that now!"
"Yes I can and I will! No Jack! You're not going into one of those hospitals! I forbid it!"
"You know who you sound like Rose! Your mother!"
Just then Jack feels a hot sting go across his face. Rose had slapped him.
"Oh Jack..." Rose sobbed, then there was the sound of running footsteps and a door slamming shut, leaving him alone in the quiet blackness.
"Rose?" He asked tentatively.
No answer. She must have left the room. He sighed deeply. He hadn't meant what he said...he didn't want to hurt her. That was the last thing he wanted to do, but it seemed that was all he's been doing for the past couple days. He knew it was the best for him to go into one of those hospitals. He just had to get Rose to see the same thing....but how? She was so abdamnant about him staying here. He'd think of something. He always did.

Ruth and Mrs. Bloom came into the kitchen deep in conversation when they see Ruth sobbing on the kitchen table. The poor girl was crying so hard, her sobs shaked her body.
"Rose darling, what's wrong? Is it Jack?" Mrs. Bloom wraps a arm around Rose's shoulders.
"It's Jack. He wants to leave me...he wants to go into one of those institutions for blind people," Rose sobs. "He said he didn't want to burden the people he loved."
"Well that's good. Jack's thinking with his head," Ruth nods.
"I told him he couldn't go. That I forbid it!"
"Rose! I have to say that you sounded the way I did on Titanic," Ruth said in shock.
"He said the same thing and I slapped him. Then I ran out of the room. I just couldn't stay in there with him anymore. And you know...the thing is he's right. I mean he says it's taking a toll on our marriage and he's right, but I don't want to admit that. Admitting that means giving up...letting him go."
"Rose...Jack is right. The institution for the blind is the perfect place for him right now. He'll be around people that are experiencing the same thing and with professional doctors who can help him get better and return to you. Isn't that what you want?" Ruth asked.
"Of course I want him to get better mother. But why does he have to go away to get better? Why can't he stay with me? Why do I have to spend a portion of my life away from him?!" Rose brusts into renewed tears. "Wasn't that six months after Titanic enough?!"
"Shhh Rose, don't cry. Listen to me. Jack loves you more than life itself, I know it. That's why he wants to do this. He wants to get better for you without making you miserable," Mrs. Bloom rubs her back. "Rose...this is Jack's decision. If he wants to go, there's nothing you can do to stop him. It sounds to me that he just wants your blessing. That he wants you to be okay with it."
"Are you saying he'd go anyway, no matter what I say?"
Both of the older women nod. "But he's including you in on the decision. Why don't you go on back up there and talk to him," Ruth suggests. "Get things right between you two again."
Rose sniffs and wipes the tears from her eyes. "You're right. I'll go back up there and talk to him Thank you mother and Mrs. Bloom."
"You're welcom dear," Mrs. Bloom nods, watching Rose disappear up the stairs.

Jack comes to attention again when he hears the door open and close, then footsteps approaching. He feels her set next to him and take his hand.
"What if I promise never to cry again. Then would you stay?" Rose asked weakly.
"No Rose. Because you'll still be sad. Just because you don't cry doesn't mean that you're ok."
"So you'll go regardless."
Jack nodds.
Rose sighs in defeat and sobs again. "Okay. Fine. If going into that institution is what you want, then I won't stand in your way. But you do know that you're breaking my heart don't you?"
"I know. But trust me Rose, this is best for both of us. If I stay...I will be a burden to you and you'll grow to resent me for that and I love you too much to let that happen."
Rose bows her head. She could never resent Jack, never. But he had somehow convinced himsel that she would and the only thing she could do was let him have his way and send him to that institution.
"I love you Jack. I'll love you forever. Remember that," Rose squeezes his hand.
"I love you too Rose and I always will...forever," Jack returns the squeeze. Then they're in each other's arms again, going to the stars before Rose gets up and makes preparations for him to leave.

One Week later...

Rose stands in Jack's room at the Eau Claire Institution for the blind and holds onto him for dear life. It was his first full day there and their first night apart for they didn't know how long.
The doctor enters, a notebook for Rose. "Here's a pamphlet for all our rules for family members and visitors. For our patients full recovery we have limited visiting hours to Saturdays between the hours of one in the afternoon to seven in the evening. We feel this gives families enough time together."
"What all will Jack be doing here?" Rose asked, taking the pamphlet.
"Well we'll teach him how to read brille, how to find his way around and use senses other than his eyes to see with."
"Wait a minute. I thought the purpose for him being here was to get better. It seems like you're planning for him not to get better," Rose said.
"No Mrs. Dawson, we do plan for him to get better, but we also teach him how to live with the condition as well, so he can go back to normal life as soon as possible, even if he doesn't have his sight back at the time."
"Oh," Rose nods.
"Well it's time for Jack to get settled into his surroundings...alone," the doctor smiled. "If you come with me, I'll show you the way out."
Rose turns to Jack and passionately presses her lips to his. "I'm going to miss you terribly Jack. I'll be thinking of you every minute of everyday."
"I will too Rose. You take care of yourself. And whenever you feel lonely, look at that necklace I gave you...and look at the stars...that's where I'll be waiting for you."
"You're always romantic aren't you? Even when you're saying good-bye," Rose wipes away a tear.
"Mrs. Dawson," the doctor replies impatiently.
"I guess I really do have to go," Rose tries to keep the tears out of her voice.
"Goodbye Rose. I'll...we'll meet again Saturday. Okay."
"Ok," Rose kisses him again, before following the doctor out of the room, trying to soothe her breaking heart. This was the beginning of her separation from her husband.

One month later...

Rose lays in her bed that Saturday morning with a nauseated stomach. She had been feeling this ill all week. She just hoped it went away by time she had to leave for Eau Claire to visit Jack. She sighed as she thought of Jack. He seemed to be making some improvement on learning how to read braille and now he could tell when she came into the room by just listening to her footsteps, but as far as his eyesight went, there was no improvement. He still was trapped in a world of blackness. Sometimes she wondered if he'd ever get his sight back.
"Rose," Ruth appears in the doorway. "I brought the doctor over to check on you. All this throwing up you've been can't be good."
"Rose don't argue with me. Now let the doctor examine you," Her mother crossed her arms. Thirty minutes later the doctor had a diagnosis.
"Mrs. Dawson, there's only one thing wrong with're pregnant again. Congratulations," Dr. Calvert smiled. "Hopefully this pregnancy will turn out much more happily than the other."
"I hope so," Rose nods, her mind is already in a whirlwind. How could this happen and now when Jack wasn't here to share the news with her? This was the worst possible time to have a baby.
"Rose?" Ruth looks at her daughter in concern.
"I'm okay mother. I'm just shocked. That's all. Thank you Dr. Calvert for coming and giving me this news. It's something I can share with Jack when I visit him later today."
"I hope it brings you some much needed joy," The doctor tips his hat, moving for the door. "I'll take my leave now. You ladies have a good day."
"Oh we will doctor," Ruth closes the door. behind him then she goes to her daughter who sets on the bed in shock. "Rose darling, aren't you happy about this?"
Rose looked at her mother, tears shining in her eyes. "What am I going to tell Jack? This is the last thing we need right now."
"He'll be thrilled darling. Just be truthful with him. Don't hide it."
Rose just nods at her mothers's advice and gets up to get ready for her visit with Jack. She didn't know what he was going to do when she told him, but she had to. Hiding the truth was not going to help their marriage. She was going to tell Jack as soon as she got to Eau Claire. She just hopes he takes the news well.

Jack waits anxiously for Rose to arrive. He was so excited he could barely contain himself. Slowly but surely he was getting his sight back. He couldn't fully see his surroundings, but the blackness was gone and he could make out blurry images. The doctors said it was only a matter of time before his eyes were completely healed. He had begged the doctors not to say anything to Rose. He wanted to tell her himself.
He stares straight ahead, running his hand over the tiny bumps on the book he's holding, making out the words, not really concentrating. He couldn't stop thinking of Rose...of how she had cried when she had brought him to this place. He knew her heart was breaking, but he had to leave her and now...she can look forward to his inevitable return home. Finally he sees a familar shape slowly approaching him and what looked like arms folded in front of it. It had to be Rose."
"Rose?" Jack asked, focusing on the shape.
Rose stops in her tracks as Jack's eyes focus on her. Something they haven't done for over a month now. Could it be? Can he finally be well? She was afraid to hope.
"Jack?" Rose asked, stepping closer to him. "How are you?"
"Good!" He smiles and takes her hand and pulls her to the couch. "Come set. I have great news for you."
Rose can't help but get excited, despite her cautiousness. "What? What's going on?"
"Just set down," Jack laughed.
Rose does as she's told, forgetting about the baby for a minute. "Ok Jack. What is this about?"
"'s not like I have my sight back yet, but the blackness is gone. I can now see blurry images. Do you know what this means?"
Rose squeals in pure happiness and throws her arms around his neck. "You're getting better!"
Jack holds her just as tight, wanting to memorize the feel of her against him.
"You'll be coming home soon!" Rose cries in happiness.
"Well when it fully returns anyway," Jack pulls away from her. "But until then, I stay here. But I just couldn't wait to tell you of the improvement. I even told the doctors to keep quiet about it because I wanted to tell you myself."
Rose smiled and lovingly strokes his blond hair. He was so happy and excited. Whou would the news she had to share with him effect him? Will it make him happier than he was now or will he hate it? Whatever the outcome, she had to tell him and she had to tell him now, before she lost her nerve.

"Jack...this's so wonderful. I love it."
"I knew you would," He grasps her hand. "I knew it'd make you happy for the first time in a while."
Rose smiled again. She could hear the love for her in his voice and it touched her very soul. In a way it gave her courage to spill her news. Sighing deeply she tightens her hold on his hands. "Jack darling...there's something I have to tell you."
Detecting the serious tone in her voice, Jack's smile fades a little and he scoots a little closer to her. What is it Rose? You can tell me."
" see for the past month I haven't been feeling very well. So this morning, mother had had enough and she called the doctor..."
"What did he say?"
Rose is silent for a minute. Not wanting to spill the beans just yet. Jack's smile was completely gone and concern had taken over his features. Taking in another breath of air, Rose continued. "I'm pregnant Jack. A month pregnant. I think it must have happened the day you told me you wanted to come here."
"Oh my God," was all Jack said, concern turning to shock.
Rose bites her lip, looking at him. Of course he was in shock, but she couldn't tell whether he hated the news or was happy.
"We're going to have a baby," Jack bites his lip, not knowing how to take the news. He couldn't be happy because Rose was all alone again, just like last time. But he couldn't be sad either. This was their second chance to be good parents to someone. "Rose...I don't know what to say."
"Say something."
"What can I say? I's great," Jack smiles. "This is a second chance."
"So you're not angry with me?" Rose asked, a single tear escaping from her eyes.
Jack takes her hand and holds them tightly. "Of course not. Why would I be angry? I mean, true this is the worst time possible to have a baby, but it's not your fault. You didn't concieve this child by yourself, I had a hand in it too. Besides, a baby's a miraculous thing and it seems fitting that I get my sight back and learn you're pregnant on the same day.
"Oh Jack," Rose cries happily, throwing herself into his arms.
"Shhh Rose. Don't cry. There's no reason to cry. I'll be home soon, I promise. Then we caon concentrate on getting our lives back together in time for the baby," Jack holds her tightly.
"Promise?" Rose pulls away from the hug and stares at him.
Jack nods. "I promise Rose. I'll come home and take care of everything."
Rose smiles at him and hugs him even tighter. She loved him so much, he probably didn't know how much. "I love you Jack."
"I love you too Rose," Jack smiled.
The rest of the day went by fast. They just walked around the grounds, spent time in his room, ate a midday snack together, and then seven o'clock came and it was finally time for Rose to leave. She couldn't keep her grief out of her voice as she said good-bye to Jack.
"I wish I didn't have to leave. I wish I could stay here with you tonight. I miss you so much," She begins to sob uncontrollably.
"Shhh my sweet Rose. Don't cry. This is only temporary and then I'll be home. Remember I'm getting better everyday. It's just the matter of when I come home now," Jack holds her tightly, glad he couldn't see her tears, because if he could, there would be no way he could stay away from her. He would have insisted on leaving that very night. "Just remember you have company now, so it's not like you're totally alone."
Rose had to smile at the thought of the baby. And this time she knew it was going to be different from the other pregnancy. She wasn't exposed to below freezing temperatures, plus her mother was here to make sure she did all the right things for the baby. "Good night Jack. I'll see you next Saturday."
"Next Saturday it is then," He withdraws from the hug.
"Mrs. Dawson? Visiting hours are over now," The nurse appears in the doorway. "I'm sorry you'll have to leave."
"Like I didn't know that," Rose rolls her eyes, beginning to walk away from Jack.
"Be nice Rose," He smiled, a little bit of laughter in his voice.
"When have I never been nice Jack?" Rose innocently asked, turning back to her husband.
"Mrs. Dawson..." The nurse begins.
"Alright alright. I'm going," Rose turns and leaves, looking back one more time.
"Ready to return to your room Mr. Dawson?" another nurse comes and takes his arm.
"Lead the way," Jack grins. "Hey I'm going to be a father. Isn't that great?"
"Marvelous," The nurse agrees, surprise is clear in her voice as she leads Jack back to his room.
"You know, if it's a girl, I might just name her Anne."
"Oh Mr. Dawson, you are such a charmer," The nurse laughs.

One Week later...

Another Saturday arrives and Jack sheilds his eyes from the bright sun as he wakes up. It has never seemed so bright before. Yawning loudly he slides out of bed and walks up to the beaureau and stands in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection. He notices that his hair has grown a little longer since he's been in here.
"I need a haircut," He runs a hand through his blond mop. Then it hits him. He can see that he needed a haircut! He could see his reflection and all the things around him! He could see!
"I can see!" Jack runs to the door and opens it to exclaimed his good news. "I can see!"
Turning back, he looks around, taking in his surroundings for the first time. A twin bed in the corner, right across from a window, a beaureau with a mirror on the far wall. A table with two chairs on the other wall. He goes to the window and sees a laundry truck pull up in front of the building and men unloading the truck. There were also trees and flowers of vibrant greens, yellows, and reds. All of it was a sight for sore eyes.
"Mr. Dawson?" A nurse rushes in, her voice full of concern. "We heard you yelling. What's the matter?"
"I can see!" Jack turns to the nurse and sees her for the first time. She was a young woman a couple of years older than Rose. She had brown hair and brown eyes with a petite frame.
"Oh my goodness," The nurse raises her hand to her mouth and runs to the door. "Let me go get one of the doctors.
Ten minutes later the doctor enters, a man of twenty-five. He was tall and had black hair and brown eyes. He kind of reminded Jack of Caledon Hockley.
"So Mr. Dawson. The nurse tells me you can see. Is this true?" The doctor sets across from Jack at the table.
"I suppose so. I can see everything."
"Let me check your eyes here," The doctor takes out a light and flashes it into each of Jack's eyes. He then tests Jack's sight by holding up his hand from a distance and having him read a eye chart. It was obvious now that Jack's sight has returned. "I must say Mr. Dawson, this was a quick recovery. I"m surprised and very pleased. And since this is Saturday, your wife will be pleased as well. This is a great surprise for her."
"Speaking of my wife doc...when will I be able to go home?"

"Well...since you do have your sight back...and this is Saturday and your family is coming out anyway...I don't see why we can't release you as soon as your wife arrives. Shall I tell her to wait in the car when she comes in?"
" Let her come on in. I want to surprise her myself."
"Okay then. Just come down to the office to sign the proper documents before you leave," The doctor nods. "I must say Mr. Dawson...we'll be sad to see you go...especially the nurses. You've become quite a hit with them."
"Thank you Doctor. I will miss everyone here as well, but I'm glad to be going home."
The doctor just smiles and leaves the room, leaving Jack to get his things together to return home.

Three hours later...

Rose slams the door of the car as she gets out. Another fight with her mother. It's been a every day thing this past week. She just couldn't wait to get in there with Jack and feel his comforting arms around her and forget all about her mother.
"Mrs. Dawson hello," the desk clerk greets as she enters.
"Is my husband ready for my visit?" Rose asked tiredly.
"Of course he is," the clerk smiles. "He's up in his room waiting for you."
"Why isn't he down here in the library like he normally is?" Rose's brow furrows.
The clerk just shrugs her shoulders as she write's Rose's name down on the visitor's pad. "go on up."
Sighing irritably, she goes up to Jack's room to find him standing in front of the window. If she didn't know any better she would say he was looking out of the window totally intranced. She sighed sadly. If only he was really looking out the window. If only he could come home with her now. She felt tears come to her eyes as she thought about how lonely it was without him. She needed him so much.
Jack heard her sobs and turned around, his eyes filled with concern when he notices the beautiful redhead with tears in his eyes. Whatever could be the matter? "Rose?" He goes to her and takes her in his arms. "Shhh Rose. Don't cry."
"Oh Jack..." was all she could choke out.
"Shhh Rose. Come over here," He leads her to the table and they set across from each other. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks," He carressed her hair lovingly, examining her beautiful face, something he hasn't seen in so long except for his dreams. And his dreams didn't do her justice. She was even more beautiful than he last remembered her.
Rose looked at him, surprise in her eyes. "How do you know I look like I haven't slept in weeks?"
"You have bags under your eyes. See," He traces where her skin sags a little.
"Jack? I'm totally confused. Are you trying to tell me something?" Rose asked, afraid to even hope that what he seems to be telling her is true.
"My sight is back Rose," Jack smiles. "And I'm coming"
Rose's eyes light up with pure joy and happiness at the news. Her Jack was finally coming home where he belonged, and not only that, his vision has also returned. "Oh Jack!" She throws herself into his arms. "This is the happiest news I've had all day! When can we leave?"
"Right now if you want. I just have to go down to the office to fill out some forms, then I'm good to go," Jack grinned.
"Oh Jack," Rose hugs him again. "Let's go. Let's go right now. I never want to see this place again."
"Neither do I Rose. Neither do I," Jack holds her tightly.
Two hours later, Rose and Jack are on their way back to Chippewa Falls. A comfortable silence fills the car as Jack is entranced by the passing scenery. Rose just looks at him and smiles happily. He was back and she was never going to let him go again...never. Gretchen and Will are going to be so surprised when they get home. Not to mention Mrs. Bloom. She had a big place in her heart for Jack.
Then Rose had a plan for what they could do that day. She can share Jack with the others while she prepared a wonderful picnic lunch, then they could go back down to Lake Wissota and spend the day. A perfect way to spend Jack's first day home...a day at the lake...just the two of them.
"What's on your mind?" Jack turns to her.
"Oh I was just planning a way to celebrate your home coming. How does a day at the lake sound?" Rose asked.
"Perfect," Jack grinned, remembering the last time they were alone at lake Wissota.
"I love you Jack."
"Not more than I love you Rose," Jack is suddenly serious. "I know I've given you reason to doubt that, but don't. Trust me love, my love for you has never has only grown stronger. And I want to say that I'm grateful for you...not every woman would stand by a suddenly blind husband like you did."
"Oh Jack," Rose felt the tears in her eyes. "I stood by you because I love you so much. You're my life. And I have never doubted your love for me. Well...actually I did doubt it when you told me you wanted to go to the hospital, but before and after that...I never doubted it."
Jack just runs a hand through her hair and smiles. He was now truly happy. Everything was perfect. Not only was his sight back and he was going home, but he was going to become a father amd spend the rest of his life with the most beautiful woman in the world. Sighing happily, he continues to look out at the passing scenery and sighs again.

Gretchen and William are in the setting room talking when Rose and Jack enter. Gretchen's eyes light up with extreme joy when she sees Jack. "Oh my God Jack!" She runs over and hugs him tightly. "You're home! Rose why didn't you tell us he was coming home today! We would have thrown him a big party!"
"I didn't know until I got to the hospital," Rose grins. "I go up to his room and find him ready to go."
"And what about your eyes Jack?" William asked, his voice full of concern. "I mean, the whole purpose of that place was for you to get better."
"Well you see...the reason they were so willing to let me go today was because it was a hospital for the blind and I didn't belong there anymore," Jack places a arm around Rose's shoulder. "My sight has returned. I can see again."
"Oh Jack! Rose! That's wonderful! Mother's going to be so happy when she hears about this!" Gretchen exclaims and heads for the stairs. "I'm going to go up and tell her right this minute."
"I'm happy for you too," William grins.
"Rose, good you're home early. We need to finish our conversation..." Ruth leaves off when she notices Jack. "Jack?"
"Hello Ruth," Jack smiled, his bright blue eyes lighting up happily.
"You're home. What happened to the hospital?"
"I got my sight back and they told me I could come home today," Jack looks over at Rose, who had lost her smile, and seemed to glare at her mother. What was going on between them two?

"Well...this calls for a celebration. I'll go have that Bloom woman make a beautiful lunch and we'll have a feast fit for royalty," Ruth smiled.
"Edith mother. Her name's Edith not that Bloom woman and she's not one of your servants you can boss around and control," Rose glares at her mother.
Gretchen sighed. Rose and her mother had been doing nothing but arguing about Ruth's treatment of her and her mother. Even though Gretchen agreed with Rose, she thought Rose should cool it for today since this was Jack's homecoming..
"Besides mother, Jack and I already have plans. We're spending a day on the lake," Rose crossed her arms.
"Rose, I was just making a suggestion," Ruth shakes her head. "And really Rose, since today is Jack's homecoming, I think this conversation can wait 'til later."
Rose is about to open her mouth again, but falls silent. As much as she hated to admit it, her mother was right. This was Jack's homecoming and there should be peace in the house for once. "I'll go prepare our lunch Jack. We'll leave once I'm done," Rose smiled over at her husband and leaves the room after kissing him lightly.
"I guess I'll go in the sitting room and get that knitting started," Ruth also leaves.
"What was that all about?" Jack asked, looking over at Gretchen.
"Rose doesn't like the way her mother treats us. That's all," Gretchen shrugs. "They've been arguing like that for the past week. I think the fact that Rose is pregnant and her hormones are out of control hieghtens it."
"No matter what she was so solemn when she came to the hospital," Jack shakes his head.
"I'm just glad you're back Jack," Gretchen grins. "You really do bring out the best in everyone. Especially Rose. Ever since you went into the hospital Rose has been a real grouch. The only time I've seen her even smile was on Saturday mornings when she went to see you."
"I guess this whole thing really took a toll on her," Jack thoughtfully replied. "Poor Rose. I'm going to make it up to her."
"How? Never leave her side again?"
"No. Not exactly. But I can make today a beautiful one. I'm going to make sure that she's never that unhappy again," Jack smiled, just as Rose enters with a huge picnic basket.
"Ready Jack?" She asked, smiling as his eyes light up and he goes to her and takes her in his arms.
"I'm always ready for you Rose," He kissed her. We'll talk to you guys later."
"Bye," Gretchen and William waves as their friends leave for their romantic afternoon.

Rose stares up at the blue sky as she lays in the grass beside Jack, enjoying his familar presense.
"What are you thinking about Rose?" Jack asked, taking her hand in his.
"I'm thanking God that you're here with me now and praying that you'll never leave me again," Rose turns to him.
"Yeah, I know it's been a hard time for you Rose. Gretchen told me you haven't been in the best of moods," Jack smiled slightly. "I just want to promise that as long as I can help it, I'm never going to leave you again. That for now on things can only get better."
"I hope you're right Jack," Rose sighed, suddenly solemn again. "I hope you're right."
Jack just smiled and kissed her passionately. "I am Rose."
For some reason unknown to Rose, Christine Banksworth pops into her mind. "Do you ever wonder where she is Jack?"
"Who?" Jack asked confused.
"Christine. I know you two had a past together...Gretchen told me."
"oh," Jack bows his head. He wasn't really planning to tell Rose his past with Christine, but now that she asked...he had to tell the truth. "Well...what all do you want to know?"
"...How much in love were you with her? Did you love her more than you love me? Do you love her still?"
"Oh Rose...I never felt for her what I feel for you. Christine was my first love. She was the first girl I ever thought of romantically.and when she left me for that rich guy in Santa Monica it did hurt a lot. But when I met you, I forgot all about her. You became my one and only true love. Do you know what I'm saying?"
"No. Not really," Rose sets up and looks into his eyes.
"Rose...when I thought I had lost you, I wanted to die. I knew for a fact that I'd never love again. That for the rest of my life I'd be alone. I never felt that when Christine left. Somehow I knew she wasn't the one and it was just a matter of time until I met the one girl for me. And I did Rose. The minute I saw you on Titanic, I knew you were the woman for me. I forgot all about Christine."
"So are you saying that if we have never found each other again, and she showed up on your doorstep you wouldn't have taken her back?"
"No I wouldn't have Rose. I wanted no one else but you," Jack's smile disappeared. "Besides, after all she did to us...I don't ever want to have anything to do with her again."
"Well I"m glad to hear you say that Jack. I really am," Rose sighed in relief.
Jack laughed. "I didn't know you were the jealous type."
"I'm not...well at least I never used to be. But that was before I met you, now I have a reason to be since I'm married to the handsomest man alive," Rose smiled, surpressing a giggle.
"You have nothing to worry about Rose. My heart belongs specifically to you," Jack carressed her cheek and looks at her deeper. "You really are the most beautiful woman on earth. I mean I knew you were beautiful, but''re...there's no words to describe you."
"Oh Jack," She sighed deeply, her eyes shining with love. She reaches up and pulls him to her. Then she kisses him passionately. The kiss never stops. For the first time in over a month, they went to the stars.

They return home a hour after sunset to find Gretchen and William cuddled up in each other's arms fast asleep. "It looks like we're not the only ones who had a romantic afternoon," Rose smiled at her two friends who have helped her so much during Jack's absence.
"Let's leave them alone for the night. We can talk to them tomorrow. Do you have a blanket we can spread over them?"
Rose nods and exits the room. She returns with a blue quilt and spreads it over the sleeping couple. "Sweet dreams you two," She smiled, before taking Jack's hand and allowing him to lead her upstairs where they spent the rest of the night in the stars.