Julia stood behind the counter of her art supply store, her thoughts carrying her away to four years ago, to the one time she was truly happy. But like always her father had put a damper on that time as well. She sighed. Jack Dawson was back in town, she could barely believe it. The last time she saw him, he was heading towards Europe and out of her life forever and now he was back.
She frowned. She was a little hurt that he hadn’t bothered to try to contact her, but then again he may have just arrived last night and would seek her out today. She glanced up as the bell chimed, singling the arrival of a customer. She couldn’t help but be fascinated by the beautiful red-head that had entered. The girl carried herself with a certain poise and grace and had a elegance around her. Her abdomen had a slight swell to it, revealing that she was expecting, but that didn’t take away from the girl’s grace or beauty. Julia wondered who she was. Women like that lived on the wealthier side of Santa Monica and never wandered down onto the pier without their proper escorts.
"May I help you Miss?" Julia asked, noticing that the girl looked a bit lost.
"Oh yes. My husband is a artist and
he’s run out of paper. I thought I’d come down and buy
some, but there’s so many different kinds. What kind do I
"What type of artist is your husband mam?"
"He sketches. Not at all an amatuer. In fact his work is
being accepted in one of the most popular galleries in New York
City," The girl spoke excitedly, her eyes lit up with
passion as she talked about her husband. It was obvious she was
deeply in love.
Julia couldn’t help herself. She had to smile. It was nice to see someone in love. "Come over here. I’ll help you," Julia lead her over to the far wall. "Now let’s see. The paper you are looking for is this," Julia takes a large package off the wall.
"How much will that be?" Rose asked.
"For you, one dollar, but don’t let anyone else know. It’s really two," Julia whispered.
"Why thank you," The girl smiled gratefully.
"Come. I’ll ring you up," Julia lead the way back to the counter. "I hope your husband enjoys the paper Mrs…"
"Just call me Rose," The girl smiled.
"Ok Rose. Have a pleasant afternoon," Julia waved as the girl disappeared out the door.
Later that evening, Julia does her favorite thing. She’s taking a walk out on the beach directly at sunset when she saw the girl from the store that afternoon. What was her name? Rose. She wondered why the girl was alone. One would think that her husband wouldn’t leave her side.
"Rose! There you are! Left without me huh?" a slightly familiar voice called.
Rose turned and smiled. "That’s what you get for lolliganging around the house."
"I was drawing. I wanted to catch the entire essence of the building that houses my wife and unborn son," a blond man appeared from the opposite direction. Julia gasped when she recognized him. It was Jack. Nathan was right. Jack was back and he had not changed in appearance at all. If she didn’t know better she’d say he was still that seventeen year old young man that had captured her heart. But that heart stopped when she realized he was embracing Rose,from behind as they watched the sunset together. His hand layed lightly over her swollen abdomen, as if he was also touching the baby within.
"He sure knows how to kick doesn’t he?" Jack was saying.
"You are so sure it’s a boy Jack. Why is that? Why can’t it be a girl?" Rose turned her head towards Jack.
"Because only a boy can kick this hard," Jack laughed.
"Ha ha," Rose sarcastically sniffed.
"Think again Mr. Dawson, When I was a little girl, I could
kick harder than any boy. Just ask Tristan Kellogg about
Jack only laughed and tightened his embrace. "Well little
Benjamin better watch out huh?"
"His father better that is," Rose playfully glared at him.
So Jack was the man Rose loved so passionately. Julia could barely blame her. Jack was a easy man to love. Sighing sadly she stood back and watched the couple.
"Do you ever think about it Jack?"
"Titanic," Rose sighed, much to Julia’s surprise. She remembered reading about the doomed liner in the paper just a few months ago. Something about the inquisitions. What did Jack have to do with that ship?
"Sometimes. I mostly think about Fabrizio and Tommy. If I hadn’t won that ticket Fabrizio would be alive today," Jack sighed.
"And then we wouldn’t have met.
Jack…meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened
to me. I was lost without you."
Jack smiled. "So was I. I meant what I said that night Rose.
Winning that ticket was the best thing that’s ever happened
to me. It brought me to you and I’m thankful."
"So am I Jack. So am I," Rose turned to her husband and embraced him in a passionate kiss. Jack’s arms tightened around Rose and he lowered her to the sand, right where the surf was coming in, washing water over them.
"Jack…don’t you think this is improper?" Rose giggled.
"Now when has Mrs. Rose Dewitt Bukater Dawson ever worried about being proper? Was it my imagination or was you the one to insist that I draw you like one of my french girls? Now you’re becoming modest?"
Rose laughed. "Well since you’ve put it that way," Rose pulls him down on top of her and continue the passionate kiss.
Sighing, Julia turned around to head back home. Jack was definitely part of her past now. She was stupid to think otherwise. Besides, her father would never allow for her to take up with Jack again anyway. Even though she was sad that Jack was now unavailable, she was happy at the same time. Happy that Jack had found someone to love him with her whole heart…that was able to be with him and share a life with him. Someone who would give him children and a family to love. Smiling she wished the young couple the best.