Six months later…
Rose stood just outside the house, bags packed and ready to be loaded into the carriage that will take her and Jack to the trainstation. It’s been six months full of happiness and tears for Rose especially. In the past six months, she had made peace with her mother and grew close to her father. She even truly forgave Ruth for the time before Titanic. During all of this, Jack was by her side, being ever so supportive. Now they’re off on their belated honeymoon to Santa Monica, where Jack will teach her to ride like a man and ride roller coasters until they throw up. And afterwards, they were to move into their new home that they had purchased with the money Cal had left in his coat pocket. While they were away on the honeymoon, Molly was to stay with her grandparents in Chippewa Falls.
"Do we have everything?" Jack came down the stairs ahead of the rest of the family.
"I Believe so," Rose nodded.
"Now you two have a good time," Nancy embraced Rose. "And don’t you worry about Molly. We’ll take good care of her."
"Remember, call when you get there. Let us know that you made it in one piece," Charles hugged his son tightly.
"I will," Jack smiled, taking the bags away from Rose. He smiled as he saw the tears in Jacklyn’s eyes. "What’s wrong?"
"It’s just…I’m going to miss you two. You’ll be gone to California for two weeks and then when you come back, you’ll move into that new house of yours. This place won’t be the same without you."
Jack quickly gave his sister a quick hug. "We’ll be over so much, it’ll be like we never left."
"Jack, we’ve got to go or you’ll miss that train," Richie called, mounting the carriage.
Smiling one last time at their family, Jack and Rose board the carriage and are on their way.
"Jack…I can’t wait until
we get there," Rose sighed, her head coming to rest on
Jack’s shoulder. "You will show me everything
won’t you?"
"Of course. The pier and more."
"I love you Jack."
"I love you too Rose. Now and always."
Snuggling closer together, Jack and Rose knew that the past was truly behind them and there was a bright future of family and friends, and most importantly, love. They had come a long way from that cold April night of the sinking and together they’ll go even further into the future ahead.