Three days later…

The Dawson family sets on their porch drinking ice tea and talking about the upcoming wedding of Kimberly Smith to Brendon Lakesworth…the son of the wealthy Rex Lakesworth, owner of the glue factory that sat in the center of town.

"Have we received a invitation yet Nancy?" Charles Dawson asked his wife of twenty-five years.

"Nope. Not yet. Maybe we won’t get one and that’s just fine with me. I don’t want to go see poor Kimberly get sold to that awful Brendon," Nancy Dawson shakes her head. "It’s a shame I tell ya. A pure shame. If only Jackie hadn’t left…"

"It’s a good thing Jack did leave mother. Brendon Lakesworth is a ruthless man and there’s no telling what he’d do if anyone got in the way of him and what he wants. If Jack was here, we’d all be in a world of trouble," Jacklyn, Jack’s twin sister crosses her arms.
"Why is that?" Jack comes up onto the porch, tightly grasping Rose’s hand. Rose nervously stands beside him.

"Jack! You’re home!" Nancy throws her arms around her only son and hugs him tight, not noticing Rose.

"Where have you been?" Charles questions, not noticing Rose either.

"And mind telling us who your friend is here?" Jacklyn notices the gorgeous red head standing next to her brother.

"Hey one question at a time," Jack laughed, leading Rose upon to the porch. They both take the swinging seat at the far right of the porch. "As for the first question, I’ve been all around the world in the past five years. Italy, France, you name it I’ve been there," Jack laughed. "And second question. Mom, dad, Jacklyn…I’d like you all to meet my wife Rose. Rose this is my mother and father Nancy and Charles Dawson and this here is my little sister Jacklyn."

"Only by two minutes," Jacklyn shakes Rose’s hand in greeting.

"You’re twins?" Rose asked, looking at Jack who just shrugs. He never told her he had a twin sister. She wondered what other things there was to find out about Mr. Jack Dawson.

"Why Jack, you never told us you were engaged. When did this all happen?" Nancy frowned, a little hurt that she wasn’t invited to her son’s wedding. It must have been lavish judging from the girl’s philadelphian accent and the way she held herself. She was obviously first class, and by the way she looked at her son…the girl was deeply in love and happy.

"A couple of days ago. It wasn’t anything fancy. Just me, Rose, the justice of the peace and his wife. You see, we wanted to get married as soon as possible."

"And Rose, what did your parents think about that?" Nancy asked, looking at the girl who had suddenly gone pale. Jack quickly steps in.

"Um ma, it’s been a long ride for both me and Rose and I was wondering…is my old room still available?"

"Of course. Go on up and get some rest. We’ll call when dinner’s ready," Nancy nods, recognizing a dodge when she sees it. Jack and Rose were definitely hiding something., but she’ll leave it alone for now. Jack will probably tell her in his own good time.

As soon as Jack and Rose have gone inside and up the stairs, Nancy takes a deep breath. "I can’t believe he would do that. He just up and got married and didn’t even notified us."

"Mother, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. I mean did you see the look in both of their eyes…it looks as if they’ve been through hell and back. Whatever happened to them must be the reason behind their quickie wedding. You know the Titanic sank a week ago I think. Maybe they were on there."

"Jack on the Titanic?" Charles Dawson began to laugh. "Jacklyn, your imagination is even more out there than your brother’s. How would Jack be able to afford a trip on a luxery liner suchas Titanic? That’s ludicrous!"

"Well he did say he was in Europe for a while and…you’re right daddy," Jacklyn sighs in defeat. "The idea of the sinking being the reason behind Jack’s marriage is ridiculous. But there is a explanation and I’m going to find it."

"I’m really worried about poor Kimberly now. There really is no hope for her now," Nancy shakes her head.

* * * * * * ** *

Rose and Jack lay in bed both wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Jack has his arms wrapped securely around Rose’s shoulders. Rose snuggles closer to him, enjoying his nearness.

"I don’t think your mother likes me very much. Did you see the look on her face when you said I was your wife?" Rose sighed.

"That look has nothing to do about not liking you Rose. She was just hurt that she wasn’t at the wedding, plus the fact that she didn’t even know that I was engaged."

"Well…there was no way to tell her. We were only engaged for two minutes," Rose sighed. "I just want your family to like me. We already have enough against us. We don’t need you parents hating me too."

"Don’t worry Rose. They’re going to love you as much as I do. Even though you can be a spoiled brat at times…" Jack bursts into laughter, causing Rose to playfully punch his arm.

"Well you’re right. They seem to like you even though you can be a bit cocky at times."

"I’m not cocky," Jack laughed.

"Yes you are. How did you know I would jump back on that ship?" Rose raised a eyebrow.

"I didn’t. I thought I was looking down at you for the last time," Jack smiled slightly. "Even though Cal was sure he had won, I knew he hadn’t. That you wouldn’t let him."

Rose looks deep in his eyes and kisses him deeply, happy that she did jump back on and go through the entire sinking with Jack. Somehow going through it together had made their love stronger and unbreakable. "I love you Jack."

"I love you more," Jack whispered into her ear.

Rose smiles seductively at him and places his hand on her breast. Put your hands on me Jack."

Jack smiles at the memory and happily obeys, pulling her into a deep kiss. They once again visit the stars and soar above the clouds.