Two days later, the Carpathia docks and the Titanic victims go their separate ways. Somehow, Jack and Rose had stayed out of the way of Cal and Ruth. As soon as they disembarked the ship, they didn’t loiter. They linked hands and disappeared into the bustling New York crowd, unnoticed by the press and the rest of the disembarking passengers.

"So where to now Jack?" Rose looks at him. She’s been to New York before, but she wasn’t familiar with the streets like Jack may be. He was going to have to be their navigator whereever they went since she had led such a sheltered life. A little part of her was afraid, but she knew she’d be alright with Jack. He would take care of her.

"We’ll find a motel. If we stay at a hotel there may be a chance of running into your mother and Cal. Is that okay with you?"

"As long as we’re together, it’s fine," Rose smiled reassuringly.

After two hours of walking they had finally found a decent motel room in a rather rough side of town. Jack wanted to look for a area more safe, but an exhausted Rose insisted on that motel. That night they lay in each other’s arms, so exhausted that they’re awake. Rose turns to face Jack and lovely strokes his cheek.

"Where do we go from here Jack? We can’t stay at this motel forever and I don’t necessarily want to stay in New York. It’s too close to Philadelphia."

Jack sighed. He’d like to take her to Santa Monica, but right now that was better off saving for the future. Wait until they were more settled and able to really enjoy the pier. Right now Titanic was just too fresh in their minds to really enjoy anything. The only reasonable place he can think of taking Rose that was far away from Philadelphia was Chippewa Falls Wisconsin. Despite his misgivings, that was the only suitable place. Besides, he wanted his family to meet the love of his life. To let them know that he was alive and actually found someone to spend the rest of his life with.

"How about Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. My home town? I really want you to meet the family," Rose pulls her closer, kissing her forehead.

"Hmmm…I think that’s a wonderful idea," Rose smiled. "I can’t wait."

Jack smiles and kisses her forehead as she drifts off to sleep. He pushes back his misgivings about the move to Chippewa Falls and drifts off to sleep himself.