Two weeks later…
Helena steps off her chopper on to the ship deck just after Andri steps off and offers his arm. "Ah Andri, it’s been so long since we’ve been on an ocean cruise. Don’t you agree?" Helena looks around the ship, admiring the prestine surroundings.
"Yes Madame," Andri nods. Shall I go fetch Master Faison for you?"
"No Andri. It’s best if we go in search of him ourselves. I have some things I want to discuss with him."
"Yes Madame," Andri nods, leading her deeper onto the ship.
Faison grins at his handiwork. Lucky Spencer was now completely under his control and soon, he’ll let Lucky Spencer out into the world, with one command in mind. One simple command that will rid Faison of his greatest enemy. Everything was going perfectly.
He’s about to say the phrase that would bring Lucky back to reality when a cold familiar hand clamps down on his shoulder.
"Helena my dear!" Faison forces a smile. "How pleased I am to see you again!" He turns to face her. "And what do I owe the pleasure?"
"What did you do to him?" Helena nods to Lucky, who just stares vacantly ahead, unaware of what’s taking place in front of him.
"Oh you know…the usual. I wanted to do the first time, but you were so set against."
"And the girl? Where is she?"
"Oh Miss. Webber is safely in her room. Awaiting the return of young Spencer. I must say, such devotion is rare in one so young," Faison sighed. "if only my Anna had the same devotion for me."
"Get over it Faison. The woman never loved you and never would. That Scorpio man was the only one she truly loved. Move on."
Faison shot Helena a dirty look. "Speaking of devotion Helena…what makes you so devoted to keeping tabs on me and my young protégé here? What is it to you?"
"The fact that he’s my grandson’s half-brother is interest enough…"
"Cut the bull Helena! If you cared about that you would never have had me take the boy a year ago and fake his death, make your precious grandson grieve for a brother who wasn’t dead…"
"Protégé? What did you mean by that Faison?" Helena arches her eyebrow, curious of what Faison would want with Lucky Spencer. It couldn’t be revenge against Luke Spencer since he hardly knew the man. No, Faison had another ulterior motive and she wanted to know what it was.
"Oh I have plans for young Lucky. Great plans. And he’s smart too Helena. A quick learner. He now knows three types of martial arts, and knows how to put to good use all kinds of high power artillery. He’s going to be of great use to me."
"I’m afraid to ask how. But before I take the boy back to my grandson, I will give you a chance to amuse me. Show me what you have in store and such," Helena crosses her arms and smiles evilly. "A little more separation from his son should do wonders for Luke Spencer."
"Just stay out of my way Helena. Don’t interfere in anyway. From here on out, Lucky is mine. He follows my orders and no one else’s. Is that clear?"
"Perfectly," Helena nods and sets down to watch Faison bring Lucky out of his trance.
Luke, Nikolas, and the Scorpios stand outside the plane that sonny has loaned them, ready to go in search of the ship Cavalier, the ship that Faison was holding Elizabeth and Lucky.
"So we have the direct location of the ship?" Luke speaks into his cell phone, scratching his beard in the process. "We’ll be there in five hours then. Make sure you stall them as long as possible."
"Well? Where are they?" Nikolas asks impatiently once Luke hung up the phone.
"They’ve docked on the coast of a small village in India. It’s best we head out now," Luke grinned, entering the plane.
"Don’t worry," Anna lays a comforting hand on Nikolas’s shoulder. "We’ll get them back."
"I just hope they’re unharmed," Nikolas sighed, following the Scorpios into the plane.