Chapter Five

Paris France was indeed a busy and bustling city. It’s been two days and still no sign of Lucky. Nikolas and Elizabeth have gone everywhere asking if they had seen him. If he was going under a different day. Elizabeth was finally fed up and was quickly losing hope.

Elizabeth and Nikolas are entering another hotel, arguing whether Lucky would have stoped there or not when Nikolas grabs her arm and pulls her to the side and motions for her to be quiet. He’s intently looking at three men at the desk, one of them looked really menaceing with his long gray hair and unsmiling eyes. His voice was foreign, not french, more German.

"That’s the man on the tape with Lucky," Nikolas whispered. "They must be looking for Lucky too, which means our time is running out. We have to find Lucky soon…before they do."

"But where do we look?" Elizabeth asked. "We’ve asked everywhere and there’s been no sign of him. All we know is that he was heading for Paris. He can be anywhere."

"Let’s try the highly populated areas first, like the tourist trek. It’d be real easy for him to blend in with the tourists. We just go and keep our eyes open."


"Let’s go before they recognize me. If they work for my grandmother, they know what I look like and they would know why I’m here. Come on," Nikolas grabs her hand and drags her out of the hotel.


Elizabeth and Nikolas have gone everywhere from the art museums, Notre Dame, the Louvre. Their last stop is the Eiffel Tower. The streets are crowded with tourists, but Nikolas and Elizabeth keep their eyes peeled for any sign of Lucky. Two hours later, just when they’re about to give up, Elizabeth spots a familiar looking young man, Lucky’s height and build. At first she wasn’t sure it was him because his hair was a bit longer. But looking harder she realized it was him! It was Lucky. She quickly tugs on Nikolas arm and points. He’s about to call when he spots the men from the hotel, busy studying a map.

Grabbing Elizabeth’s hand they quickly push their way through the crowd. Elizabeth keeps her eyes on Lucky while Nikolas keeps his eyes Helena’s men.

Once they’re right upon Lucky it’s Nikolas who reaches out and speaks. "Lucky…don’t turn around. Helena’s men are right behind us. Just keep on walking and let me us lead you out of here."

"Nikolas? What are you doing here? How…" Lucky keeps his eyes straight ahead.

"I’ll explain later. Just follow my instructions and everything will be fine. My jet is waiting at the airport. We just have to go get our things. But just stay calm."

Lucky nods and does what he’s told and allows Nikolas to lead him away from the Eiffel tower and onto the bustling city streets. Nikolas quickly hails a cab and they’re on they’re way to the hotel.

"Lucky!" Elizabeth throws his arms around him, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Elizabeth you’re here too…what are you two doing here? How did you know where I was?" Lucky hugs her back.

"Stefan. He was snooping around Helena’s property and saw you. He grabbed one of her tapes and told me. Then I told Elizabeth. She didn’t believe me until we overheard helena ordering her men to find you. So we took my jet to Greece and tracked you down to Paris. We’ve been here for two days now looking for you. And so has Helena’s men," Nikolas explained.

"You guys shouldn’t have come. You should have just let it go. Now you two will be in trouble too," Lucky sighed.

"Lucky you’re my brother. There’s no way I was going to let Helena keep you captive. And then when we heard you escaped, we decided that you may need a little help. We were right."

"But still…"

"Lucky just face it. We’re in this together now. You’re not alone anymore. We’re the three musketeers again," Elizabeth smiles.

"I thought it was four?"

"Oh it will be. Once we get back to Port Charles," Nikolas laughed. He looks back outside and frowns. They weren’t heading back to the hotel like he directed. Instead, it looked like they were heading for the highway. "Hey up there! I didn’t say the highway! I said the hotel!"

"You will not be returning to that hotel Mr. Cassadine," a eerily familiar German voice speaks up. The driver removes his hat and long gray hair falls down. "You will be coming with me. I’m sure your grandmother would like to have a few words with you."