It was a lovely night at the cottage. Luke, Portia, and Faith were gathered around the dinner table. Luke had stopped by to see if he could get some quality time with his daughter and had ended up with a special invitation to dinner.

"So! Where’s the prince?" Luke slid his chair closer to the table, noticing Nikolas’s absence. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or apprehensive. True, he was glad that his patience wouldn’t be tested, yet he worried if something else was going down with Lucky that Nikolas had to keep an tight hold on.

"I don’t know. I haven’t seen him all day. Portia?" Faith looked at her daughter, who seemed a bit preoccupied.

Before Portia could even answer, Laura came storming into the cottage, a manilla folder tightly held in her hand. " I knew you’d be here with her," Laura glared at Faith. Indeed she wasn’t surprised to find her husband with his long lost love. She was a bit hurt…but not surprised. She had caught on to the vibes between Faith and Luke since the other woman’s appearance. "These came in the mail. I thought that you would like to sign them so we can both go on with our lives," She tossed the folder into Luke’s lap; forgetting about asking him to give it another chance, like she had first wanted to ask. Why bother asking for something that she was never going to get back. Not as long as Faith was around anyway.

"Divorce papers," Luke opened the folder, hurt and surprise in his voice. "Laura…are you sure this is what you want?"

"What do you think Luke?" Laura crossed her arms, hoping to hide her true feelings. Hoping to keep the fact that this was exactly what she didn’t want from Luke. She didn’t need his pity. His comforting voice telling her that he was with Faith now and that was that.

Before Luke answered Laura’s question, Lucky and Nikolas arrived, glaring daggers at Portia. Lucky especially wanted to wring Portia’s neck for what she did to Elizabeth. Plus, he had trusted her. He had believed her to be a good person, but she wasn’t. She was just using him and what she did to his Elizabeth was inexcusable.

"There is is," Faith smiled, getting to her feet. "Nikolas. You’re late for dinner. Set. I’ll fix a plate."

"No thank you, Aunt Faith. I have no idea that Portia didn’t poison it," Nikolas snorted, not moving toward the table, trying to resist the urge to throw Portia out of his house.

"Nikolas," Laura frowned. Something was going on with both her sons, but what was it? Why were they both so angry with Portia? "What’s going on?"

"Portia’s working for Helena. She’s trying to complete Helena’s plan. She’s murdering those people on the docks and trying to frame Lucky!"

"That’ ridiculous," Portia forced a laugh, anger seething beneath the surface. How did he find out? Elizabeth’s big mouth. Of course. She told Lucky, and Lucky told Nikolas. "The only person I had ever killed was Helena."

""That’s right," Luke nodded, reaffirming his dislike for the Cassadine prince. How dare the spawn come in here and swing accusations against his daughter like that? "Nikolas, I don’t know what your problem is, but…"

"He’s telling the truth dad. Portia’s the murderer. Not me," Lucky glowered at his half-sister. "Word to the wise Portia. Stay away from Elizabeth and me. Don’t even breath her name." Portia’s eyes narrowed with anger. Her plans seemed to be going astray. Much to her disappointment. She had truly liked Lucky. She had been planning to postpone her plan, but now…. all guilt she had about her destroying Lucky’s life was gone. In fact, it was time to set things in motion. It was time for her grandmother’s plan to move towards completion.


Meanwhile, back at Wyndemere, the anecdote had one it’s job. Elizabeth was once again mobile and pacing the large bedroom Lucky had left her in, promising to return to her soon. She knew where he had gone and the very thought of it caused a wave of panic to overwhelm her. He had been so angry when he left…almost homicidal. Closing her eyes, thanked god that Nikolas had gone too. She knew if it came down to it, Nikolas could keep Lucky from doing something foolish.

Not surprisingly, Elizabeth wasn’t the only one full of apprehension. Stephan couldn’t take his mind off of Nikolas and his part in the unfolding events. What if his nephew took a swing at the girl? What if he angered her in some way? Nikolas could be in serious danger.

Elizabeth and Stephan ran into each other as they headed for the front door, both determined to rich Lucky and Nikolas and keep Portia from doing them harm.

"Ms. Webber," Stephan blinked in surprise. He had thought she was in bed resting from the tiring affects of the drugs that were administered earlier. He certainly wasn’t expecting to find her going out for moonlit walks. "Where are you going? You should be resting upstairs."

Elizabeth sighed, ready to argue for her right to save Lucky. "Lucky needs me. I can’t stay here and sleep while he’s in danger. I know that he has Nikolas with him, but…Nikolas may not be enough. Please Mr. Cassadine. Don’t try to stop me from going."

Stephan sighed, understanding her urgency. Who was he to stop her from protecting the people she loved. He was about to do the same thing.

"Very well, Ms. Webber. You may leave. But only if I come with you. I’m very concerned about Nikolas and would like to check up on him as well."

With a nod of her head, Stephan and Elizabeth left for the launch, determined to save the ones they loved.


Portia glared at her brother as she prepared herself to pull off the act of a life time. The dynamics of the Spencer family were about to shift.

"You have some nerve telling me to stay away from Elizabeth. Especially when you’re the one that killed her! Just like you killed the others. Don’t try to deny it. I was there!"

The room was drowned in silence as all eyes fell on Lucky. Confused, accusing eyes. Lucky looked at his father, seeing the one thing he had hoped never to see. Disappointment. How could they believe this? His father, more then anyone should know how much he loved Elizabeth. He would never hurt her.

"What the heck? She’s lying!" Nikolas yelled with rage, already having enough of Portia’s lies and manipulation. "Lucky didn’t kill anyone and he would never harm Elizabeth. He loved her. More then anything!"

"He took that bracelet she always wore. The one with the charms. Check his pockets and see I’m not lying," Portia glared angrily at Lucky. She was going to make him pay dearly for turning against her. She smiled in satisfaction as Luke got up and stuck his hand in Lucky’s pocket to remove Elizabeth’s bracelet.

Lucky’s eyes widened in shock. How was t his happening? Why? He had rescued Elizabeth. He didn’t murder her. He never could do such a t thing. Not now, not ever!"

"I’ll call the police," Faith got up from her seat in total shock. Lucky had seemed like a nice, honest young man. He had seemed to have loved the Webber girl deeply. Why did he do such a thing? Was it Helena’s programming that made him do it?

"Hold it right there!" Laura grabbed Faith’s arm before she could reach for the phone. "This accusation against my son is absurd! Lucky didn’t do any of those things! He’s not capable of it!"

Luke sighed, stepping up to Laura, trying to comfort her the best he could. Trying to forget about his own pain for moment. "Laura…I don’t want to believe this either. But the charm bracelet and there’s other evidence that Nikolas can tell you about…"

"Evidence that Portia planted! Lucky didn’t commit those murders and he’d never hurt Elizabeth. If you want the real killer, look at Portia there! Elizabeth is alive and well because we had just left her, so that accusation is bogus!" Nikolas stood up for his brother as Lucky stared at his father in disbelief; unable to believe that Luke was turning on him like this. That he was taking Portia’s side over his.

"And I suppose you have an explanation for him pulling a gun out on me?"

"Yes Luke. Helena had brainwashed him. Remember? You were there. You saw what she did. And now Portia is using that to destroy your family and you’re letting her!" Nikolas glared at the older man.

During all of this, Lucky kept thinking of how Luke didn’t believe him and the pain from the accusations. He had to get out of there. Get out, pick up Elizabeth, and then just lave. Get away from the accusations and manipulation. Let Portia have her revenge, just as long as he and Elizabeth were safe and away from the whole mess. Taking one more painful look at the man he had called his father…the one man that he had thought would always be on his side, Lucky left. Destination: Spoon Island.

"You bastard," Laura glared at Luke, thinking of how she had misjudged him. She had once thought that Luke had loved their son more then anything. But obviously she was wrong. "How dare you take the world of someone you barely know over your own son! Lucky had never lied to you. Not once!"

"It’s the brainwashing Laura. He may not even remember. But I’m telling you, Portia has nothing to do with it. No matter what Nikky here has to say."

"Tell poor Elizabeth that Luke. Both Lucky and I saw what happened to her…"

"Why Nikolas…are you in on this too? Covering up for him?" Portia interrupted, knowing now that Elizabeth was no longer at the yacht. The Hardy boys had probably saved her.

"Go to hell Portia. You’re not getting away with this. I promise you."

"Leave my daughter alone," Luke made a move towards Nikolas, just for Laura to get in the way.

"You leave my son alone Luke. Both of them!" Laura pushed Luke back into his chair. "Come Nikolas. Let’s go find your brother. Luke, contact my lawyer about those papers."

Nikolas wanted to kick them all out of his house. But instead, he followed Laura, determined to find his brother and make him see that this was another one of Portia’s games.


Stefan and Elizabeth had just arrived on the dock to find Lucky setting on a bench, sobbing into his hands.

Lucky!" Elizabeth ran up and wrapped comforting arms around his shivering body. She gently rubbed his back, hoping to soothe him some. "Lucky…shhh. Tell me what’s wrong."

"My father…he believes Portia! He thinks I’m lying. He took her word over mine. He thinks I’m a killer," he clung to the only person that he knew for sure had complete faith in him.

"Shhh Lucky. Don’t cry."

"Where’s Nikolas?" Stephan frowned, his concern deepening.

"Lucky!" Nikolas’s voice answered that question.

"Lucky!" Laura called.

Stephan smiled, realization dawning on him. Luke didn’t believe Lucky. Laura must have witnessed it and knowing how protective she was…Luke was in the dog house; heightening Stefan’s chance of getting Laura for himself.

"Lucky!" Laura called, arriving on the dock, Nikolas right behind her.

"We’re over here!" Elizabeth waved them over.

"My goodness. Elizabeth, you’re in one piece," Laura gasped, her eyes bright with happiness. "Portia said…"

"Portia said that I killed you and dad believed her," Lucky sighed, clinging to Elizabeth’s hand, never wanting to let her go again.

"What? Why that little bitch. Laura, Portia kidnapped me. She drugged me and was going to do something to my memory. But Lucky and Nikolas saved me. What’s wrong with Luke? Lucky would die before ever harming me in any way. Luke should know that after all this time."

"I know sweetie and I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. You must have been so frightened."

"You have no idea," Elizabeth leaned a bit closer to Lucky as she remembered her short captivity. Shivering at how helpless she had been. At how close she had came to losing Lucky forever.

Lucky pulled her closer, rubbing her arms and back. He wanted to banish all those memories forever. "We better get you back to Wyndemere. Just in case Portia decides to take one of her walks on the docks."

"We also need to brainstorm on how to stop her. She really has it in for the Spencer’s," Nikolas nodded his agreement.

"I’ll call the lunch master. He should be nearby," Stephan flipped out his cell phone.

"Mom…why can’t Portia be like Nikolas? Why is she so full of hate?" Lucky asked.

"Because she was raised by Helena I guess. That woman made sure to have a way to destroy our lives. Even after she was dead and buried," Laura watched the laugh approach, eager to get her sons and soon to be daughter in law to safety.