It was Thursday, day before graduation.  Excitement ran through Elizabeth as she wiped down one of the tables at Kelly’s, getting ready for the morning rush.  She sighed, looking around the diner.  The place held so many memories for her.  Meeting Lucky.  Cooking lucky that awful dinner.  Her and Lucky opening up the morning after Ruby’s death.  Most of her high school years was spent at this diner.  She would miss it when they left for New York.  She looked up as the chime of the bell singled the arrival of a customer.  She blinked in surprise to see Nikolas enter with Faith and Portia, Lucky’s  long lost half-sister who had been raised by the Cassadines.  It’s  been a month now and the girl still hadn’t gotten over her issues with the Spencers.  Elizabeth wanted to shake some sense into her.  Get over it!  Helena was a evil witch who destroyed peoples lives!  She deserved what she had gotten!  But Lucky wouldn’t allow Elizabeth to do such a thing. 

          “She couldn’t help how she was raised.  It’s a lot to handle,” He had so wisely told her.  That was her Lucky.  So wise.  Wise beyond his seventeen years.  That was why he was the class valedictorian. 

          “Hey Elizabeth!” Nikolas waved.  “I’m surprised Lucky isn’t here with you!  You two are normally joined at the hip.”

          Elizabeth laughed.  “He has a speech to practice.  He’s so nervous.”

          “Ah, he has nothing to worry about.  Lucky always lands on his feet,” Nikolas smiled.

          “So you are coming aren’t you?  To the graduation?”

          “Of course!  Lucky’s getting our tickets today.”

          Elizabeth blinked in surprise.  “Our?”

          “Lucky is my brother.  It’s only appropriate that I attend,” Portia shrugged, her eyes void of any emotion. 

          “Plus she’s hoping to see Lulu again,” Nikolas laughed.  “She fell in love with her at first sight.”

          “It’s hard not to love Lulu.  She’s a sweet little girl,” Elizabeth smiled, remembering how fast the little girl charmed her when they first met. 

          “Elizabeth,” Faith spoke up just as Laura entered the diner.  “I’m preparing a special dinner tonight.  I want to know if you and Lucky would join us.  I think it’d help Portia get to know her brother better and vice versa.”
          Laura frowned as she over heard this.  She was very suspicious of her husband;s ex-lover.  She believed that the woman was trying to win Luke back.   And what a perfect way to do that then kiss up to Lucky.  Lucky was Luke’s heart after all.  The best way of getting to him.  Helena knew that and obviously, so did this Faith. 

          “I’ll have to talk it over with Lucky, but I don’t see a reason why he’d say no,” Elizabeth smiled, noticing Portia’s frown.  “Is there a problem?”

          “None.  Only that I feel like I’m betraying Helena…which is true since I am the one that killed her…,” Portia sighed, leaning back in the chair.

          Nikolas grabbed her hand.  “Don’t.  You had no choice.  She was going to hurt your mother.  You had to stop her somehow.”

          “Plus she’s stolen so much time from us…turned you against your father…Portia darling, you have not betrayed anyone.  It’s Helena who betrayed us all.  You saved all of us, your brother included,” Faith smiled.

          Just then Lucky entered.  He waved at his mother as he headed for Elizabeth.  He picked his fiancée up and twirled her around as she laughed merrily.

          “Lucky what are you doing?” Elizabeth giggled as he sat her back on her feet.

          “Saying hello.  Hey Faith and Nikolas.  Portia,” He nodded at the table.

          “Why you’re in a good mood,” Nikolas smiled, happy to see his brother in one of his rare good moods.  Ever since the incident with Helena, Lucky had been void of showing much emotion.  He wasn’t as quick to laughter or even anger.  The only time he had ever displayed emotion was when he was with Elizabeth.  His whole personality came back to life whenever he was with her. 

          “Of course.  I’m a couple of days away from being a free man.  Why wouldn’t I be in a good mood?”

          “Faith has invited us to dinner tonight.  Want to go?” Elizabeth kissed him as he sat her back on her feet.

          Lucky shrugged. “Why not.  It’ll be fun.  Who else is going to be there?”

          “Just Nikolas, Portia, and  I,” Faith smiled up at the young man.  He looked so much like Luke when she was with him and even had his father’s traits.  Looking at Lucky was like going back in time for Faith.  

          “Hello.  I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Laura finally sauntered up to the table, curiosity killing her.  Whatever did this Faith have to say to her son.

          “Hi mom.  You’re not interrupting anything,” Lucky smiled.  “In fact, I’m glad you’re here.”

          “You are?”

          “Yes.  I have an announcement to make.  I’m not attending graduation.”

          “What?” Elizabeth’s eyes widened in shock.  She was surprised to hear this.  Graduation was something that they both had looked forward to and  now Lucky didn’t want to go?  What was going on here?

          “But Lucky…you’re the valedictorian,” Nikolas stammered.  “You have to go.”

          “I already already talked to the  principle and stepped down.  I’m sorry guys, but with everything that’s been happening lately, I’m just not up to it,” Lucky shrugged.

          “Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr. Tell me the truth,” Laura placed frustrated hands on hips, glaring openly at her son.  “What is really going on here?  You were looking forward to this all year”

          “I just don’t want to do it any longer and I especially don’t want to stand up there in front of a group of people I care nothing about and give a lame speech that means nothing anyway.  I’m not doing it.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a message to Tammy from Aunt Bobbie to deliver,” Lucky left them looking after him dumbfounded. 

          “What has gotten into him?” Laura shook her head.

          “He’s been like this ever since the thing with Helena.  He seem to care about anything like before,” Nikolas replied.  “Mother…do you want me to talk to him?  He does listen to me at times.”

          “No.  We’ll let it drop for now,” Laura shook her head.  “Maybe this is a good thing after all.  Lucky has been under enough stress lately and this valedictorian think might have been too much.”

          Elizabeth sighed tiredly, wondering if graduation was the only thing Lucky planned to change.  What if he didn’t want to go to New  York after all?  What then?  What if he didn’t want to marry her?
          “Liz, why don’t you talk to Lucky?” Laura arched a brow.  “See where his mind is set now a days.”

          “I’ll try,” Elizabeth nervously glanced in Lucky’s direction.  “But if he doesn’t want to do graduation, I can’t make him.”

          “Well I do hope he changes his mind.  It’d be a shame to let Helena ruin what should be one of the most important times of his life,” Faith nodded.  “Well Portia, we better go if dinner will be finished for the night.”

          “Yes mother,” Portia got to her feet, gathering up her purse.  She smiles down on her cousin who’s busily watching their brother talk to the lady at the counter.  “We’ll see you soon at the cottage cousin?”

          “Sure,” Nikolas nodded, not looking away from Lucky.  The worry was evident in his eyes.

          “We’ll see you at seven Elizabeth,” Portia smiled at the young woman before leading her daughter out of the restaurant.

          “So you and my son are having dinner with that woman tonight,” Laura turned her attention to Elizabeth who smiled nervously back.  She somehow knew that Laura wasn’t going to be too happy with the recent developments. 

          “It’ll be a chance for Lucky and Portia to get to know one another,” Nikolas spoke up for Elizabeth, knowing that she didn’t want to get in the middle of what looked to be a feud between Laura and Faith. 

          “But what if Lucky doesn’t want to get to know that girl?  And why would he want to?  She helped Helena brainwash him and…”

          “Mom, that’s enough,” Lucky stood behind Nikolas, annoyance shown in his eyes.  “That wasn’t Portia’s fault.  Helena had manipulated her like she manipulated everyone  else.  And like it or not, Portia is my sister.  Just like Nikolas is my brother.   If you don’t like Faith, fine.  But leave us out of this.”

          Laura bowed her head, shamed.  Her sons were right.  Lucky had every right to know Portia and it wasn’t of her concern.  If she had a problem with Faith, she shouldn’t shouldn’t extend it towards Portia.  “I’m sorry Lucky.  You’re right.  My problem is with Faith, not her daughter.  I hope you have fun tonight.  Now, if you two don’t mind,  I have to pick up LuLu from ballet,” Nodding one last time at Elizabeth, Laura left the diner, wanting to hide her hurt over the situation.

          “Mother’s having a harder time getting over this then I  thought,”   Nikolas looked after her.

          “Who can blame her.  She never knew about this and all of a sudden dad has another kid and by a Cassadine to boot…especially after the fit he threw about you.  I can see her point.”

          “Do you think she’ll be alright?” E lizabeth frowned, worried about how hurt her future mother-in-law was over this.

          “She’ll be fine.  Come sweetie.  Let me take you home to get ready for the dinner tonight.  Later Nikolas,” Lucky waved, leading Elizabeth out of the diner.  Nikolas could only wave as he watched them leave, wondering if the dinner was a good idea after all.