`       It’s been two months since the reconciliation between Elizabeth and Audrey.  Everything was going good for Lucky and Elizabeth.  Their relationship was now in full bloom.  Jason rarely came up between them anymore and Elizabeth no longer cried over what he had done to her.  She thanked God every day for Lucky and Grams.  If it weren’t for them, she would have been lost.

         The job at deception was going great.  Laura and even Gia adored Elizabeth’s designs, plus she got to see Lucky every day.  And to her surprise her and Nikolas were on civil terms.  He no longer glared at her when ever he saw her with Lucky.

         That  day she was going shopping with Emily.  They were both performing in the Nurses Ball which was only a few days away.  Elizabeth sat at the table in Kelly’s  waiting for Emily’s arrival when Nikolas and Lucky entered, both arguing about who was the best on the Nintendo Game cube.  Lucky fell silent when he saw Elizabeth.  Sighing, Nikolas rolled his eyes, knowing that getting a response from his love struck  brother was going to be impossible.

         “Hey,” Lucky approached her table.  “I thought you and Em were off  to shop for our costumes.”

         “We are.  She’s running late.  So what do you guys have planned for the day?”

         “Prince Nikki wants to challenge me at the game cube.  So we stopped by for lunch and then it’s off f0r the tournament.  Spencer versus Cassadine. All in good fun of course.”

         Elizabeth could only laugh just as an excited Emily along with a worried Zander  entered.  Emily clutched what looked to be a letter in her hand. 

         “What do you got there Em?” Nikolas asked, eyeing the paper.

         “Omigod.  You guys won’t believe this.  Guess who’s coming back to Port Charles and just in time for the Nurses Ball?”  It took all  her  energy to not hop up and down in  excitement.

         “98 degrees?” Nikolas guessed.

         “Jason and Robin!” Emily squealed, failing to notice how Elizabeth’s face paled.  “They’ll be here Friday and will probably stay and wed with all their friends and family here in Port Charles and they want me to be a bridesmaid!  Can you believe it?”

         “Em…,” Zander warned, noticing Elizabeth’s reaction to the news.  He was not surprised to see Elizabeth stand from her seat and head into the kitchen.

         “Liz?” Emily frowned.  She gasped in horror as she realized her blunder.

         “Good going Em,” Nikolas snorted.

         “Oh god Liz,” Emily took a step towards the kitchen but was stopped by Lucky.

         “Better let me take care of this Em.  Um, why don’t you and Zander go on ahead and shop for  your costumes.”

         “Ok.  Lucky, believe me. I am so sorry for this…I wasn’t thinking.  Tell Liz that for me.”

         “Sure.  Later Em,” Lucky watched them leave before entering the kitchen, just to find Elizabeth vigorously  washing the dishes.

         “Are you ok?”
         “Sure.  What makes you  think I’m not?”

         “You’re cleaning.  You never clean like this unless  you’re upset.”

         “Upset?  Why would I be upset?  So what the happy couple are coming back to Port Charles to wed in front of their family and friends.  So what that everyone seems to forget that Saint Robin and Jason left a scared young girl with  no money  alone in a strange country.  That  he’s a criminal and she’s a airhead!  Who cares!” Elizabeth burst into tears, throwing down the dishrag  so she could cover her face as she sobbed. 

         Lucky’s heart broke as she cried.  He took  her into his arms and held her tightly.  “I care and so do a lot of other people.  Despite Em’s reaction, not everyone is celebrating Jason and Robin’s return.”

         “The Nurse’s Ball…it’s going to be  Robin’s ball isn’t it?  They’re going to treat  her like a queen, and I’m going to have to set there and watch.”

         “We can call Lucy and tell her we won’t be performing after all.”

         Elizabeth shook her head as she looked up at Lucky, her eyes shining with determination.  “No.  I am not going to give them the satisfaction of running me off.  I’m going to show them both that life does not revolve around them and that they did not destroy me.  I think this is an appropriate time to bring Lizzie back.”

         Lucky rolled his eyes, remembering the type of girl Elizabeth was before the rape.  Scantily clad, mouthy, obnoxious, funny, and brave.  “Just don’t have too much of a relapse, ok.”

         Elizabeth laughed.  “You didn’t like me too much back then did you?”

         Lucky shook his head with a smile,  pulling her into another hug.  “But I love you now.  And  you’re right.  We’ll show both Robin and Jason just how much of a survivor you really are.”

         Elizabeth kissed his nose before pulling away. “Come on.  We have shopping to do,” She grabbed her purse.

         “Shopping?  But I can’t.  Nikolas and I…”

         “Your little tournament can wait.  We need to find some costumes for our act and they must be perfect.”

         “Yes dear,”  Lucky didn’t bother to argue.  He knew it was useless to do so.




         Nikolas and Gia were on his couch.  He was watching television while she leafed through a fashion  magazine when Lucky and Elizabeth entered the cottage, their costumes in hand.

         “So do we get a clue of what you two  will perform or what?” Gia sat up.  Lucky and  Elizabeth both smiled at each other. 

         “My dear Gia,” Lucky grinned at his soon to be sister in law.  He couldn’t wait to see her face.  “It’s not just what Elizabeth and I will be performing.  It’s what we’ll all be performing.  You, Nik, me and Elizabeth.”

         “What are you talking about,” Nikolas frowned.

         “Grease man.  I’m talking about Grease.  An  American musical,” Lucky laughed at the mortification in his brother’s eyes.

         “Oooh, I love it,” Gia got up, eyeing the shopping bags.  “Can I see my costume?”

         “Lucky…I never saw Grease.  I won’t know any of the songs.”

         “Gia will teach you all you need to know.  Practice is tomorrow afternoon,” Elizabeth  took Lucky’s hand and led him into the  kitchen to make brownies.

         “I’m going to hate this,” Nikolas groaned, burying his head in his  hands.

         “No.  You will love it,” Gia winked before going back to reading her magazine.