With one final push, Elizabeth brought their son into the world. She leaned against Lucky, exhausted from the ordeal of giving birth. Lucky wrapped secure, warm arms around her as the squirming child was cleaned, wrapped in a blanket and lowered into her own waiting arms. The doctors quietly left, leaving the new parents alone to bond with their son. "Oh Lucky, hes beautiful. What should we name him?"
Lucky smiled, lightly caressing his sons head. "Dawson. Dawson Earl Spencer."
"Sounds good to me," Elizabeth moved her face so Lucky could kiss her.
"I promise you Elizabeth, Im going to take good care of the both of you. Youll never have to worry about anything."
"That goes for you too , Cowboy," Luke, Earl, and Laura enter the room. They were all eager to see the new addition to the family. "Im going to make sure that you and yours have a trouble free life from here on out."
"Have you named him yet?" Laura hovered over Elizabeth, gazing adoringly at her new grandson.
"Dawson Earl Spencer," Elizabeth smiled.
"Earl?" Earl approached, a tear in his eye. He had no idea that Lucky was planning to name his first born after him.
"Yes. After the man who saved my life," Lucky grinned happily.
"You deserve it, forgiving us Lucky and this little guy," Luke nodded.
"Yes. Thank you Earl," Laura hugged her friends, tears also seeping from her eyes. "You have no idea how your good deed saved me. Lucky wasnt a replacement for Nikolas, but he made his absence so much easier to bear."
"Did someone say my name?" Nikolas and Beth enter the room, a camera in hand.
"Come in and meet your nephew, man. Dawson, Earl Spencer," Lucky waved them over.
"Oh Elizabeth! Hes beautiful!" Beth gasped. "I cant wait until ours get here."
"Nicole Laura Cassadine will be here soon enough," Nikolas squeezed his wifes hand.
"Wheres the children?" Laura asked.
"Mommy!" Lulu ran in, followed by Laura.
"Lucky!" The little girl hopped into her brothers arms.
"Girls, meet your nephew, Dawson," Lucky held Laura where she could look at the sleeping baby.
"Hes so tiny," Laura gasped in awe.
"Can I play house with him?" Lulu asked, thinking that the baby was one of the dolls she had at home.
"Maybe when hes older sweetie," Elizabeth smiled in amusement as everyone else laughed freely.
Looking at his family, Lucky felt a huge amount of love. Everyone in the room had chanced his life for the better, bringing so much balance into his life.
"Come on everyone! Picture time!" Nikolas sat the timer on the camera.
Gathered together, all smiles and laughter, the picture was taken. For once the future was bright and happy for the Spencer family. After years of their lives being in the balance of grief and happiness, they were now happy and determined to remain so.