Luke stands outside Lucky’s door as Laura tends to him, It’s another ten minutes before she emerges.

"He’s asleep now," Laura sighed tiredly. "Let’s go downstairs."

"What did he have to say?" Luke asked concerned, still not being able to fathom that his normally strong-willed son tried to kill himself tonight.

"That he was sorry for all the trouble he’s caused us. I reassured him that all this wasn’t his fault and everything was going to be alright. Luke we can’t let the McCoy’s take him back! We have to keep him safe!"

"We will Laura. We will. Even if it means going back underground, we’re not letting those people get their hands back on our son," Luke pulls her in his arms.

"Thank God Stefan was there tonight. I’d hate to think what would happen if he wasn’t there to get Lucky off those tracks."

Luke is about to answer when Earl and the other two teens arrive with Lucky’s things.

"How is he?" Elizabeth asked.

"Asleep. Why don’t you go on in there with him. Just in case he wakes up, he won’t be alone. I’ll call Audrey and tell her you’re staying over."
"Thank you Laura," Elizabeth is grateful that Laura saw how much she needed to stay with Lucky. She disappears into Lucky’s room.

"Nikolas…you want to join her?" Laura asked.

"In a minute. I just think you should know that the McCoys were waiting for Lucky at his apartment."

"What!!!" Luke shouted, grabbing Nikolas’s shoulders. "What were they doing there!! How did they find out where he lived.

"Luke stop! Shaking Nikolas is not going to help Lucky any!" Laura pulled Luke away from her eldest son.

"I don’t know how they found out where Lucky lived! But they said they were waiting for Lucky."

"That’s it! It’s time someone taught those McCoy’s a lesson," Luke stomps into his room, reaches behind the mattress and brings out his gun. He opens his drawer and opens the secret compartment where he stashes his bullets and begins to load.

"Luke no!" Earl protested. "Killing them won’t help Lucky! It’ll only make things worse!"

"I have to protect my family Earl by all costs! I can disappear after that. I just want to make sure that Lucky’s safe first!"

"Luke please! Don’t do this!"

"I’m gonna make those McCoy’s regret even breathing the name Port Charles!"

"Dad don’t," Lucky stands in the doorway, Elizabeth and Nikolas behind him.

"Lucky what are you doing up? I thought you were asleep," Luke stares at Lucky, surprised to see him there.

"I woke up to Earl yelling for you to stop. Dad he’s right. Shooting the McCoy’s will only make things worse."

"No they won’t Cowboy. You see I can disappear until everything blows over. You know that. Plus you’ll be safe from them for good. The world is a better place without them on the planet."

"Dad I agree, but no plan is fool proof. The cops will throw you in jail without another thought. I need you here dad, not in jail."

Luke sighed in defeat. Once again Cowboy has won an argument. "Ok Cowboy. You win. I won’t kill the bastards. But I will scare them though. They can’t threaten my family and get away with it." Luke empties his bullets but keeps the gun. "Earl, do what you always did while I’m gone. Protect my boy. No one else gets in this house."

Earl nods and turns to watch Luke storm away, hoping that Luke doesn’t make the situation any worse.

The McCoy’s are once again in Lucky’s room, going through what’s left of his belongings when Luke finds them. He aims the gun and slams the door behind him as he enters the room.

"I guess you McCoy’s haven’t heard of the right to privacy," Luke glares at the couple.

"Spencer…we’re not surprised to see you here. Where’s my boy?" Calvin crosses his arms.

"None of your business. Now you have three seconds to explain what you’re doing in my son’s apartment or I’ll have to take a collection."

"We’re here to talk sense into him. He has to see that this charade as your son is useless and he belongs back in Kentucky with us," Calvin glares at the man who had raised his son for the past eleven years.

"He belongs here with his family!" Luke yells tightening his grip on his son. "and I’m going to make sure he remains here!"

"By shooting us? You’ll be in jail before the night’s out," Paula laughed.

"Don’t count on it babe. I know how to disappear…along with my family."

"Tell me Luke, you act as if you’re so close to my son. Tell me, why is he living in this room above a bike shop and not in a house with you and your wife if you’re such a happy family," Calvin smirks.

"Just because we’re a happy family doesn’t mean that we don’t have our problems. But never once have I laid a hand on my son! Not something that can be said of you."

"I was teaching Lucas a lesson that night you stole him!"

"Beating a child with a horsewhip? You call that a lesson? What kind of people are you!" Luke’s gun hand shakes with anger. "You know I’m gonna shoot you right now! You don’t deserve to live!"

"Calvin do something!" Paula grabs her husbands arm in fear of the rage burning in Luke Spencer’s eyes. She knew the man was dead serious.

"What can I do?" Calvin gulped.

Luke pulls the trigger and all that sounds is a click. Luke resisted the urge to laugh at the sight of the McCoy’s clinging to one another, shaking in their boots.

Paula opens her eyes and stares at her surroundings. "It’s not loaded."

"That’s right darlin, it’s not," Luke admitted before getting up close, face to face with her. "The only reason I didn’t have bullets in it this time was because Lucky begged me not to kill you. You see, he didn’t want to see me in trouble with the law for killling the both of you. So for him, I unloaded the gun. Just consider this a warning. If you even are on the same side of the street as Lucky, you better cross. Because next time, the gun will be loaded with real bullets," Luke glares one last time at the McCoy’s before leaving the pair,

"We talk to the kid tomorrow," Calvin siad, staring straight at the closed door. Once he sees our addition, he won’t refuse."

"How do you know?" Paula looks up at her husband. "You heard Spencer! He’d kill us in a hearbeat!"

"No he won’t. Lucas doesn’t want him to so he won’t. Let’s go. It’s a busy day tomorrow."