It’s been two hours since the confrontation with Tom.  Lucky still had yet to emerge from Stefan’s office.  Elizabeth sat in the garden with Nikolas, both were worried.  The last time she saw Lucky like this was when he found out about Luke raping Laura all those years ago.

          “What’s wrong with him?” She turned to her brother in law.

          “That’s for Lucky to tell you,” Nikolas sighed.  “It’s not my place.”

          “I worry about him Nikolas.  I really do.  How much is he supposed to take?  The McCoy’s won’t stop until they’ve completely destroyed him.”

          “…We won’t let that happen Liz.  I promise,” Nikolas pulled her into a comforting hug, promising himself to protect both Elizabeth and her brother.

          Neither of them notice Tom Baker peering over the fence, a evil grin on his face.




          It was a cold, snowy February night.  Elizabeth dug for more popcorn as she walked into the seemingly deserted park, unaware of the danger lurking there.  Looking up at the stars, she sat on the bench.  She was wondering at the majesty of it all when rough hard hands grab her from behind and pull her into the bushes.  She tried to scream, but his cold hand was already over her mouth, silencing her.

          “Shhh.  Not a word,” Tom evilly leered down at her.

          No! No! No! Her mind screamed as he held her down and forced her legs apart.

          “No!” Elizabeth sat up in bed, cold, afraid, and alone.  Lucky must still be in Stefan’s office.  She sighed with relief as she realized it was just a dream.  Lying back down, she tried to put her nightmare out of her mind.




          Unaware of his wife’s nightmare, Lucky Spencer sat at the desk belonging to his brother’s Uncle; the shock from that afternoon was beginning to wear off.  He looked up at the door as Nikolas used a key to let himself in.

          “Ok Lucky.  You’ve had all this time to stew over this recent development.  It’s time to come out of here and face the world.  We’re all worried about you Lucky…especially Liz,” Nikolas pleaded, hoping that what he had to say was enough to snap Lucky out of this fog he was in.

          “Does she know about Tom?  That he’s related to the McCoy’s?” Lucky asked, looking away from his brother.

          “No.  Not yet.  I thought it should come from you.”

          Lucky sighed.  He was hoping that Nikolas would have explained everything to Liz. That it was no longer something he had to do.

          “For once you kept your mouth shut huh?” Lucky shook his head.

          “Lucky men…talk to me.  What’s going through that brain of yours?”

          “Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Lucky turned away.

          “I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t.  Now talk to me.  What’s going on?”

          Lucky took a deep breath.  This was the first time he spoke these feelings aloud since the revelation that Tom Baker was his biological Uncle.  “You heard what Tom said in the park?  About the rape being in the blood?”

          “Yeah.  Lucky, you’re not thinking that’s true are you?”

          “What if it is Nikolas?  What if it’s in my genes, that I can’t help myself?”

          Nikolas shook his head and squeezed Lucky’s shoulders.  “Lucky, listen to me.  You are capable of many criminal acts, but rape is not one of them.”

          “You don’t know that,” Lucky shook his head.

          “Yes I do.  Lucky…that one time in New York…when you first took Liz there and you two almost made love.  When she wanted to stop, what did you do?”

          Lucky swallowed remembering that night; how he had wanted Elizabeth so bad that he could taste it.  “I stopped.”

          “When you found out that it was Tom who raped Elizabeth…what did you do?”

          “I wanted to kill him.”

          “And have you ever pressured Liz about sex before?”

          “No!  But what does this have to do with…”

          “It shows that you’re not capable of such a thing.  That it’s not in your genes.  Liz and any other woman are safe with you.”

          “I still don’t know man…but I do feel a lot better.  Listen; can you keep an eye on her for me?  I want to tell dad about this new development,” Lucky got up from the chair, his legs were sore from setting for so long.

          “Sure thing man,” Nikolas nodded, watching his brother leave before heading for the phone.  Picking up the receiver, he dialed the necessary numbers.  “Yes, this is Master Nikolas.  I’d like you to put a guard on my brother Lucky.  You do know what he looks like?  Good.  He’s heading for the launch now.  Protect him with your life.  Thank-you,” Nikolas hung up the phone, feeling a bit better about his brother’s safety.




          Beth woke up hungry.  Another midnight craving.  Rolling her eyes, she headed for the kitchen.  She found Elizabeth setting at the table, staring off into space, a glass of warm milk was tightly held in her hands.  Beth frowned.  Everything was not well with her best friends wife.

          “Hey Liz.  What’s wrong?” Beth went to the fridge and began making herself a sardine and pickle sandwich.

          “I couldn’t sleep,” She shrugged.  “Midnight cravings huh?”

          Beth smiled sheepishly.  “This isn’t like me, I know.”

          “Better get used to it.  It only gets worse from here,” Elizabeth smiled before turning back to her milk.

          “Do you want to talk about whatever’s bothering you?” Beth finished up and took the seat across from Liz.

          Elizabeth closed her eyes against the memories of the dream.  She could still feel the cold snow underneath her and hear Tom’s whisper telling her not a word.

          “Liz?” Beth placed a supportive hand over her friends.

          “It was a nightmare.”

          “About Tom?”

          Elizabeth nodded.  “The same one I had after the rape,” hot tears began to drop from her eyes.  “I thought I was cured…that I was over what happened.  But now…it’s all coming back.”

          “Oh Elizabeth…rape…rape is something one never gets over.  You just learn how to…deal.  Tom getting out…it’s just threw you off course.  That’s all.  Does Lucky know about any of this?”

          Elizabeth shook her head.  “I haven’t had a chance to talk to him.  Plus…I’m afraid of his reaction.  He’ll want to kill Tom.  If he does that, then I’ll lose him.”

          “But you should tell him Liz.  You can help each other through this.”

          “Just like old times,” Elizabeth sighed, getting to her feet.  “I really should get back to bed.”

          “Are you going to talk to Lucky?”

          “I might as well.  He’ll find out one way or another anyway,” Elizabeth sheepishly smiled.  “Good night Beth.”

          “Night Elizabeth,” Beth waved, watching the other woman exit the room.  As soon as Liz was out of sight, Beth frowned.  Something told her that things were about to get worse for her friends.




          Lucky was almost to the dock of Spoon Island when he found his path blocked by Tom Baker.

          “Going somewhere?” Tom grinned.  “Leaving your pretty little Lizzie by herself on this great big Island?  No.  Wait a minute.  She won’t be alone.  I’m here too.  So it’ll just be me and Lizzie!”

          “You son of a bitch!” Lucky grabbed Tom by the collar of his shirt.  “If you go anywhere near her I’ll remove your lungs with a spoon,” Lucky hissed angrily.

          “I see you have Cal’s temper,” Tom grinned.

          “Is everything alright here?” One of Wyndemere’s guards approach.

          “Good, you’re here!” Tom choked.  “Officer,, arrest him for assault and battery!” Tom gasped as Lucky let him go.

          “Sorry sir, but I’m not a police officer.  I’m a guard with precise orders from master Cassadine to protect Mr. Spencer.  If you’re causing a problem here, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the guard grabbed Tom and led him to the launch.

          “I was just leaving,” Tom pulled his shirt out of the guard’s grasp.  “I will be seeing you again Lucky.  Tell Lizzie I said hi.”

          “Go to hell,” Lucky growled.

          Tom just laughed as the launch took him back to the mainland.

          “Do me a favor,” Lucky turned to the guard.  “Let the launch pilot know that man is not aloud back on the island.”

          “Yes sir,” The guard nodded.

          Staring out at the dark water, Lucky promised himself that he would protect his family from the threat of Tom and the McCoy’s.