The last day of the trial was a bright and sunny day. On one side of the courtroom sat the McCoy’s confident that they were victorious and on the other side were the Spencers, hoping for the best. The judge was setting at her bench, and the jurors were seated, ready for the closing arguments, their minds still not made up on the fate of Luke and Laura Spencer.

"Miss. Jensen please make your closing arguments," Judge Kingston nodded.

Dara stood up in front of the jury, clearing her throat. She was hoping that this time she’ll have victory. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury! We have here a case that is black and white. On one side we have my clients, the McCoy’s. Simple country folk that had lost their little boy fourteen years ago. Then we have the experienced Spencers, who are pros at dodging the law. The Spencers came and snatched the McCoy’s son from their home for no good reason except for Mrs. Spencer’s desire to replace the child she had abandoned, sending the McCoy’s into a world void of their pride and joy. Not even their little girl could fill the void left by the loss of their little boy. I beg of you ladies and gentlemen. Show the Spencers that they can’t dodge the law time and again. Let the law catch up with them and put them in jail will they belong. The McCoy’s will never get those years lost with their son back, but they can at least have justice," Dara went back to her seat and Alexis takes her place.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. This case not at all black and white as Miss. Jensen would have you believe. Indeed the Spencer’s did take Lucas McCoy. But their intentions were pure and they rescued the boy from an abusive home. Think of all the testimony you heard. From Earl Hatfield, Luke and Laura Spencer, Nikolas Cassadine and Lucky Spencer, aka Lucas McCoy himself. Think of all the evidence showing how cruel the McCoys really are. Have they given you any evidence saying otherwise? I think not. It’s evident to me, and hopefully to you that if the Spencers had left Lucas in that household, the boy would not be the healthy, happy, expectant father you see before you today. Please use your concious and what you know is right when making your decision. Thank you," Alexis returned to her seat.

"What do you think?" Luke whispered to his lawyer.

"I don’t know. It can go either way. But I think Lucky’s testimony did a world of good."


Two hours later, the jury had reached a verdict.

"Mr. Hatfield, Luke and Laura Spencer. Please stand and face the jury," The judge directed.

"Here we go," Luke whispered to his wife, tightly holding her hand.

"Luke if we go to jail I just want you to know I don’t regret a minute of being Lucky’s mother. I’d do it all over again," Laura whispered.

"Same here Angel. Same here."

"Head juror, read your verdict," The judge directed.

"We the jury find the defendents, Earl Hatfield and Luke and Laura Spencer guilty of kidnapping." The head juror read.

Laura held Luke’s hand tighter, thinking her life as she knew it was over. Looking over at her family, she couldn’t help but think how she probably won’t be there for the birth of her grandchildren, nor would she get to see Lulu grow up.

"What sentence do you recommend?" Judge Kingston asked.

"Twenty years probation and ten years community service," The head juror read.

Laura almost collapsed with relief. No jail time. She was going to get to be with her family after all.

The judge nodded. "Case dismissed!"

"We did it Angel! We’re still free!" Luke hugged his wife.

"Lucky," Laura went to her children and embraced them.

"This isn’t over yet I’m afraid," Earl cleared his throat.

"Well I say bring it on!" Luke laughed.

"I think we better head back to Wyndemere. Beth is looking a bit pale," Nikolas suggested, wrapping a warm arm around his fiancee’s shoulders.

"Spencer, you may be getting away with stealing our son, but you won’t keep Laura," Cal McCoy and his wife walked up, a angry frown marring their faces.

"Not only will we get to keep Laura, but you will pay for what you did to my son. We know it was you landing our son in the hospital weeks ago," Luke growled. "I haven’t forgotten nor have I forgiven," Luke crossed his arms, stepping in front of Lucky.

"I had nothing to do with that," Calvin growled.

"Of course you did. We just don’t have any proof. Yet," Taggert appeared behind the man. "But we are working on it and we’re getting closer to our suspect. It’s only a matter of time."
"What is this? Now you’re harrassing us?!" Paula pushed aside her husband. "Isn’t the fact that you’ve gotten away with stealing our son enough? Now you want to take our freedom away too?" To everyone’s surprise, Paula bursted into tears.

It was Lucky who laughed. "Now I know you’re getting desperate. Get out of here and leave my family alone."

"This isn’t over," Calvin growled, leading his wife out of the court house.`

"That’s the only honest statement he’s made since this whole thing started," Earl shook his head.

"Well he doesn’t scare me," Luke snorted. "Whatever it is he has planned, I say bring it on."