Nikolas and Liz are following Lucky in Nik’s Jag from a safe
distance. Surprisingly they follow him to the spencer house. Five minutes later
Lucky reemerges with something hidden in his jacket pocket. They can’t tell
what it was from the distance they were at but both had a pretty good guess at
what it was. They then follow Lucky to the docks and decide to follow on foot.
They’re not surprise to find the McCoys there staring out at Wyndemere, but
they are surprised to see Lucky approach the couple. Liz and Nikolas inch a
little closer in order to listen in on the conversation.
"Why Lucas hello," Paula greets, turning to face the
teen. "What a surprise to see you here. We thought you were going to be at
the police station all night with those kidnappers."
"They are not kidnappers. They are my parents, and the name’s
Lucky. I want you to drop those bogus charges and leave Port Charles for good.
Leave my family alone," Lucky keeps his hand in his pocket.
Calvin laughed. "You have groan guts. I’ll admit that. But
we’re not dropping the charges. The Spencers kidnapped our son and is trying to
take our daughter. We’re having none of it," Calvin crosses his arms.
"You might as well resign yourselves to having us stand up as your parents
in the wedding after all. Luke and Laura will be too bust rotting away in
prison to attend."
Elizabeth gasps and clutches onto Nikolas’s arms when Lucky brings
out Luke’s gun.
"You will drop all charges are I’ll make sure you can’t
father anymore kids," Lucky aims the gun at Calvin and Paula.
"You’re bluffing. Just like Luke. There’s no bullets in that
gun," Calvin laughs. He cries out in shock and jumps back when Lucky shoot
out across the docks.
"Oh yeah?" Lucky asked, aiming the gun back at the McCoys.
"Care to try your luck?"
"Listen kid, we know you’re angry, but you’re not a murderer.
You don’t have it in ya," Calvin holds out a shakey hand. "Come on.
Give me the gun."
"Don’t count on it. And I can be a murderer when pushed, and believe me
you’re pushing. Now drop all charges or I’ll meet you down in hell in say
seventy more years."
The McCoys don’t answer. They know that Lucky was serious, but
they didn’t want to drop the charges. This was their only chance to strike back
at the Spencers.
"I’m waiting," Lucky aims the gun. The McCoys never
answer. They just stare at Lucky with wide eyes. "Fine then." Lucky
aims the gun and clicks back the safety he had replaced after the first shot.
He’s about to pull the trigger when Nikolas and Elizabeth make their presence
"Lucky no!" Elizabeth screams running out of the
shadows, Nikolas close behind her. "Lucky no! Don’t do this!"
"Elizabeth? Nikolas? What are you doing here? You supposed to
be at Wyndemere," Lucky stares at them.
"Lucky give me the gun," Nikolas holds out his hand.
"you don’t want to do this. You’re just mad, angry…you’re not thinking
straight. Give me the gun."
"I’m thinking fine. I’m doing what I should have done the
minute they showed up in town. I’m finishing this. Once and for all,"
Lucky turns his attention back to the McCoys.
"Lucky please…" Elizabeth begs, trying to regain his
attention. As long as he’s looking at her and away from the McCoys he won’t
press the trigger. "Look at me Lucky."
"I’m busy," Lucky keeps his attention straight ahead.
"Please," Elizabeth simply replies and smiles in relief
when Lucky turns to her. "Lucky, killing the McCoys are not going to help
Luke and Laura. It may make it worse. You’ll be letting the McCoy’s win Lucky.
I know you don’t want that. Plus you’ll go to jail for murder. You’ll be taken
away from me, Laura, and our baby. Lucky, I know you don’t want that. Lucky
just give me and Nikolas the gun and we can go home. We can go home and plan
our family. Please Lucky…for me…for our baby. Give Nikolas the gun."
Nikolas holds out his hand tentatively to take the gun. At first
Lucky’s grip tightens on the gun as he looks back at the McCoys. Then his grip
loosens when he looks back at Elizabeth and sees the pleading in her brown
eyes. He sighs in defeat and hands the gun back to his brother.
"Smart decision Lucky," Nikolas nods in approval.
"Thank you," Elizabeth goes and hugs Lucky tightly,
wanting to protect him from all the badness in the world.
"T-thank you," Paula McCoy stammers, her eyes shining with
"Don’t thank us," Nikolas growls. "Believe me, if
Lucky could away with killing you scumbags we’d let him."
"Come on Paula. These kids are unhinged," Calvin grabs
his wife’s arm and pulls her along. "Let’s get out of here." The
couple run off into the dark night.
"I just wanted it all to stop," Lucky sobs, his voice
muffled against Elizabeth’s shoulder.
"I know Lucky. I know," Elizabeth soothed, stroking his
hair. "It’ll be okay Lucky. It’ll be all over soon. I promise."
"What’s going on here?" Taggert approaches the teens.
"Lieutenant Taggert," Nikolas greets, moving in front of
Elizabeth and his brother. "What are you doing here?"
"I saw the McCoys here on the docks a couple of minutes ago.
I was going to tell them to move along. Where are they and who’s gun is that
you’re holding?" Taggert nods to the weapon in Nikolas’s hand.
"It’s mine," Lucky speaks up. "Or rather it’s my
"What are you doing with Luke’s gun Lucky?"
"He was just showing it to us. I didn’t believe that Luke
owned one," Elizabeth quickly replies.
Taggert crosses his arms. He didn’t believe a word of what
Elizabeth had just said. He can see right through her. "Well then where
are the McCoys?"
"They were here? I didn’t see them. Did you see them
Nikolas?" Elizabeth turned to Nikolas.
"No. No sign of them at all," Nikolas shakes his head.
He looks at Taggert and tenses. It’s obvious that the officer didn’t believe
their story.
"Fine. But take the weapon back to where you found it Lucky
and then go home and turn in for the night. It’s been a long day for all of
you," Taggert looks intently at the Spencer kid then moves on.
"He knew we were lying," Elizabeth sighed.
"Taggert can be a good guy when he wants to be. We all know
that," Lucky shrugged. "Come on. Let’s go home."
Elizabeth smiles and nods. "Good idea."
Luke yawns as the guard leads him into the conference room. He’s
not surprised to find Taggert setting in a chair his hands folded waiting for
"Set down Spencer. Make yourself at home," Taggert
motions for Luke to take a chair.
"What is this about? The McCoy’s came up with more bogus
charges?" Luke asked sarcastically.
"Thought you’d like a update on your son," Taggert
crosses his arms.
"Lucky? What’s happening with Cowboy? He’s not in here is
"No, but he could’ve been if Nikolas and Elizabeth hadn’t
stepped in. I came upon the three of them on the docks earlier. Nikolas was
holding a gun that looks to have belonged to you. He and Liz came up with this
filmsy excuse that Lucky just wanted to show the gun to Liz because she didn’t
believe you had one."
"That’s Cowboy for ya. Always wanting to impress his
girl," Luke nervously smiles, knowing the statement was false. Lucky was
never one to brag about Luke that much anymore and Liz wasn’t the type to be
curious about guns.
"Ten minutes before I saw the McCoy’s on the docks. I was
returning to tell them to move on but all I found were three teens and a gun.
Come on Luke, we both know that Lucky didn’t take that gun to impress Liz and I
doubt he took it to just scare the McCoys. The kid was pretty angry when he
left here."
"Taggert did you witness anything?"
"No, but…"
"Did you hear the gun go off and the sound of dead bodies hitting the
"No. I believe Nikolas and Liz showed up and stopped Lucky
before it got to that point. But I do believe he would have if they weren’t
there. Next time you talk to your son, I suggest you talk to him about crimes
that happen when in a rage. They can land him in even bigger trouble than you
are now. Listen, I know Lucky’s a good kid. I saw how he treated Liz when the
whole rape case was going on. He can be a hot head at times, but other than
that a good kid. I’d hate him do something out of anger and end up on death
row. That’d be a waste of great potential."
"Can you blame him Taggert?"
"No I can’t. Earl told me what you two did fourteen years
ago, and even though it was unwise I respect you for it. You may have saved
Lucky’s life. You gave him a future he may not have had. You asked me to look
after the kid and that’s what I’m doing. Have that talk with Lucky about guns.
"Fine," Luke sets back in his seat. "I’ll talk to
"Good. Because next time I won’t be able to turn a blind
eye," Taggert nods, "Guard! Take him back!"
Luke gets up his mind full of worry. He had to get out of here.
Lucky was slowly but surely falling apart and Luke needed to get out to help
him through this. "Taggert one more thing! When do I get bail set?"
"Tomorrow morning," Taggert answers as the guard leads Luke away.
Later that night, most of Wyndemere is asleep. All except
Elizabeth. She lays next to Lucky and silently stroke his hair as he sleeps. He
was so peaceful when he was asleep. She wished it could be this way for him
when he was awake as well. She sighs and turns around, thoughts whirling around
in her head. She wished the McCoy’s would disappear without Lucky getting in
trouble. There had to be a way. That’s when her thoughts turn to Jason Morgan.
Lucky had mentioned at one time that Jason knew how to get things done. Maybe
he can have the McCoy’s taken care of. No one can trace it back to Lucky nor
Making sure that Lucky was sleeping deeply enough, Elizabeth gets
up and gets dressed. Slipping on her coat, she slips out the door and heads out
of Wyndemere. Once at the main land she head straight for Jason Morgan’s
penthouse a plan forming in her head.
Carly Benson stands against the wall watching Jason go over some
papers when the doorbell rings. She rolls her eyes thinking it was Robin
Scorpio. When will Saint Robin learn that Jason has moved on? Why must she
always intrude on her family? Carly’s frown widens when she comes face to face
with the pretty brunette who looked familiar.
"May I help you?"
The girl was obviously nervous as she wrings her hand and bites
her lips. "Yes. Is Jason Morgan here. I need to talk to him. It’s really
"Jason’s busy," Carly snorts.
"Liz?" Jason steps up behind Carly. "What are you
doing here this late?"
"I need to talk to you about something. It’s sort of a bout
"Lucky Spencer?" Carly asked, her eyebrows arched.
"Come in," Jason opens the door wider so Elizabeth can
enter. "What’s going on with Lucky?"
" Yeah," Carly crossed her arms.
"You know about Lucky being adopted right and the McCoy’s
being his real parents."
"Yeah. I know," Jason shrugged. "So?"
"Listen those people are putting too much stress on him. They just had
Luke and Laura arrested for kidnapping, they’re threatening to take Laura and
to take our baby once it’s born. What makes it worse is they have Helena
Cassadine financing their case and Lucky feels we don’t have a chance of
"What does this have to do with me?" Jason asked.
"Well…I was wondering…can you have the McCoy’s taken care
of?" Elizabeth bites her lip again. "I know it’s wrong for me to ask
this, but I’m worried about Lucky. He’s tried to kill himself once because of
these people and any more from them, I’m afraid of what he might do. If it’s
about money I can borrow it from Nikolas. He’s Lucky’s brother and do anything
for him…"
"Elizabeth…have you talked about this with Lucky?"
Elizabeth shakes her head. "No. I don’t think he’d go for it
really…not after we talked him out of doing it himself."
"Listen…this really isn’t my field of expertise. But I’ll
tell you what, talk to Lucky and if you two still want it done, I’ll see what I
can do. Ok."
Elizabeth nods. "You know, I’m not normally this type of
person. I just want them to stop hurting Lucky."
"I understand," Jason lays a comforting hand on her
"Thanks Jason," Elizabeth smiles, walking out the door.
"Jason…why did you just lie to her? You know good and well
you can take care of those people," Carly closes the door.
"Because she’s a kid and she’s not being rational. If I took
care of those people, the guilt would eat her alive," Jason sighs.
"She’s too much like Robin."
"Oh yeah, I forgot. Saint Robin can do no wrong."
"Carly," Jason warns.
"Sorry, but it makes me mad how you weigh everything out
against her."
Jason just shakes his head and sighs. Jealousy was a ugly
thing…especially on Carly.
Elizabeth steps out of the pent house and gasps in surprise when
she feels a warm hand on her shoulder.
"It’s just me," Nikolas replies stepping out of the
"You scared me!" Elizabeth hissed.
"What are you doing here Elizabeth? Jason Morgan is not the
kind of guy you want to associate with. Believe me, I know from
"I just wanted to ask him if he could do something about the
"He told me to discuss it with Lucky first. He’s not going to
do it."
"Well good. Because you and Lucky are alike. If anything
happened to the McCoys the guilt will kill you. Now come on. I’ll walk you back
before Lucky wakes up and worries."
"Too late for that," Lucky comes out of the shadows.
"What are you two doing outside Jason’s penthouse?"
"…I was following Elizabeth…" Nikolas stammers.
"Is it really important? He’s not going to do it
anyway," Elizabeth sighed. "I know it was hypocritical of me, but I
had to do it. I can’t stand how those people are screwing up your life Lucky. I
went to ask Jason if he’d take care of the McCoys."
"I know. I was only thinking of a way to get rid of them
without you getting in trouble. But Jason said to talk to you first, meaning
that he won’t do it."
"Thank god," Lucky shakes his head.
"I’m sorry Lucky. I should have talked with you, before going
to Jason, but I just thought I could fix things for you."
"Well you can’t alright. No one can. The only way things will
be right again is if Earl and my parents are out of jail in time for our
"And they will be. Nikolas is right, Alexis is a great
lawyer. She’ll get them out," Elizabeth strokes his hair.
"I hope you’re right Elizabeth. I hope you’re right.