It’s later in the day. Earl is on his porch, carving a figurine out of a piece of wood when Lucky and Liz show up. The man looks up surprised. He never expected a visit from either of the teens.

"Lucas…hello," Earl smiles widely.

"Earl, please, call me Lucky. Lucas was their name," Lucky smiled, pulling Liz onto the porch.

"Okay Lucky. What do I owe the pleasure this afternoon?"

"Well…this morning Liz and I were discussing our wedding and I just came over to ask you for a favor," Lucky nervously clears his throat. "Well…I was wondering if you’d set up front along side my parents Luke and Laura. It’d be appropriate with all you’ve done for me in the past."
Earl looks at the two teens, tears shining in his eyes. He was truly touched by Lucky’s request. "I’d be honored."

"How about us Lucas? No invitation for your ma and pa," Calvin McCoy shows up behind Lucky and Liz along side his wife.

"What do you two want," Earl quickly get to his feet.

"To see you Earl. We have a lot to talk about," Paula smiled coyly. "And this must be the blushing bride. Pretty. She’ll make a perfect McCoy."

"She’ll be a Spencer. That’s our last name," Lucky growled. "And no. You’re not invited."
"What do you two want?" Earl repeats his question.

"We just wanted you to know that this isn’t over. Not by a long shot. In fact, we see the need to sue for grandparents rights…seeing how the parents of my grandchild is so young," Paula smiles, glancing down at Liz’s extended abdomen.

"Don’t even think about it. There is no way that I’m letting you anywhere near my son," Lucky growled. "No judge in their right mind will let you anywhere near another child."

Calvin laughed. "We’ll do one better. We’re suing for custody. No judge will leave custody of a baby in the hands of teenagers."

"Lucky," Elizabeth gasped.

Angry, Lucky balls his fist and sends Calvin a left hook, sending the man to the bottom of the stairs. "You stay away from us. That means me, Elizabeth, Earl, my parents, Laura, Beth, the cassadines and my son. Is that anyway unclear?"

"You’re going to regret that Lucas," Calvin growled, picking himself off the ground. "I’m making sure you never get to see that kid."

"Get out of here," Earl get between the McCoy and the teens. "Get out of here and don’t come back! Leave them alone!"

"We’ll talk later then," Cal wipes blood from his nose, grabs his wifes hand and leaves the yard.

Elizabeth is in tears. "They can’t be serious! They can’t sue for custody and win,"
"Of course not. They don’t even have money for the lawyer costs. How can they sue?"

"That was quite a left hook you have there," Earl nods to Lucky’s hand which was red from hitting Cal’s hard face.

"Yeah. But who knew his face was so hard," Lucky laughed.

"We’ll go put some ice on that," Elizabeth sniffs, looking at Lucky’s hand.

"Come on in. We’ll take care of that right now," Earl beckons for them for follow him.

"Brings back old times doesn’t it," Lucky glumly replied, remembering how Earl helped him so long ago. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten so easily.

Earl smiles sadly. "Except this time you were throwing the punches. I bet Calvin will think twice before raising another hand to you. Where did you learn to punch like that anyway?"

"Luke. He said that it was important to know how to fight just in case Smith’s men did catch up with us," Lucky smiled.

"Figured," Earl snorts dropping some icecubes in a plastic sandwich bag. "Lucky…when did you start forgetting about that time. Not that I’m not happy that you did. I’m glad you did forget. It was a horrible thing."

"I don’t know. It just happened. Luke and Laura became my parents and they always were. I guess I have you to thank for that. If it wasn’t for you who’d know how I’d end up."

"Anytime Lucky. Anytime," Earl hands the ice to the young man

"I want to thank you too. I guess in a way in saving Lucky, you saved me as well…I don’t know how I would’ve survived the past year without him," Elizabeth smiled over at her fiancee.

"So when is this wedding?" Earl smiles, touched beyond words.

"Couple of weeks. We have to reserve the chapel," Lucky gazes at Liz.

"Reserve the hall for the reception…oh my god, ask Nikolas, Beth, and Emily to be in the wedding!"

"Get the rings and tuxes," Lucky replied.

"The dresses…"

"The wedding will be as soon as possible. We’ll let you know," Lucky becomes overwhelmed. "We have a lot to do."

"Well congratulations Lucky. You have a great girl here. You deserve all the happiness you can get," Earl grins.

"We better go tell Gram and see if she can get in touch with Sarah and my parents," Liz sighed. "Plus we still have your parents to tell…"

"We’ll see you later Earl," Lucky grinned, shaking the older man’s hand. Earl quickly pulls Lucky into a hug. "You take care and don’t let the McCoys ruin the happiness you two share. You hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Lucky grins, pulling away from the hug. "Well come on future Mrs. Spencer. Let’s get out of here."

"Bye," Elizabeth smiles, following Lucky out the door. Earl stands at his window and watches the two teen disappear down the street, hoping that the McCoys didn’t succeed in destroying Lucky’s happiness in his life with his family. Earl now knew for a fact that he did the right thing eleven years ago, giving that little boy to Luke and Laura. He had grown up to be a fine, gentle, yet strong young man.



Hardy House…

Audrey Hardy glares down at the two teens seated before her. She had never been so disappointed in her granddaughter before. She knew Elizabeth was hiding something from her, but this really took the cake.

"How could you two…after all the safe sex talks we’ve had…and Elizabeth I trusted you that night I allowed you to stay with Lucky. How could you have done this?"

"Mrs. Hardy it isn’t Liz’s fault I…." Lucky began.

"Gram, it wasn’t all Lucky’s fault either. In fact it was all mine. I initiated everything…it was Lucky’s last night with us. I wanted to be with him because I wasn’t sure if I’d have that chance again. Lucky stopped a number of times, but I was determined to be with him at least once. I wanted Lucky to be my first."

·  ·  "Listen, I don’t care who’s fault it is and why it happened…the problem here is that you two are still children yourselves! And here you are having a child of your own! Elizabeth, what would you have done if Lucky didn’t come back? What then? And Lucky, how do you plan to support both this baby, Elizabeth, and yourself?"

"I’m going to get a job. I’m eighteen now. I can get a really good job. And Elizabeth and I plan to marry as soon as possible," Lucky wraps a arm around Elizabeth.

·  ·  "Marriage?! You two are so young! Too young to get married!"
"We’re old enough to know that we love each other and there’s no need for this child to be born out of wed lock," Elizabeth stands up. "Gram, Lucky and I love each other and we will get married…whether you approve or not. I just would like you to be there since you’re the only family I’ve got. Please. Be happy for us."

Audrey sighs. "Your parents are going to be furious. You know that don’t you?"

"I count on it," Elizabeth smiled.

"Sarah’s going to want to come. And your mother’s going to want tons of pictures."

"I know," Elizabeth’s smile widens.

"Is there anything you two need? Money? A cook…first aid for when Luke and Stefan have their bouts?"

Lucky laughed. "It’d be good to keep some on hand."

·  ·  Audrey smiles, and embraces Lucky. "Welcome to the family Lucky. If it had to be somebody, I’m glad it was you. You’re a fine young man and I do believe you love my granddaughter."
"With my whole heart," Lucky smiled, kissing Liz’s forehead.

* * * *

Beth and Laura are in the park. Beth is showing Laura the fountain when the McCoys show up.

"Look what we have here," Paula approaches them. Beth immediately pulls Laura behind her.

"What do you want? You’re not allowed to be 100 feet of Laura," Beth growled.

"Well I don’t see any policeman around, and we’re having that decision overturned as we speak. So you might as well give us our daughter back," Paula reaches for Laura but Paula backs up further, denying them further access.

"Leave her alone!" Beth demands.

"I’ve had enough! Let’s take the kid!" Calvin quickly reaches behind Beth and pulls Laura away from Beth.

"Beth!" Laura screams in terror.

"Laura no! Let her go! Somebody help!" Beth cries, grabbing Laura’s other arm, refusing to let go.

"Give us our daughter," Beth helps Calvin pull on Laura’s other arm. Beth panics as she feels the little girl slipping away from her.

"Help!" Beth screams.

"Hey let her go!" A strong authoritive voice demands, and two pairs of hands helps pull Laura away from the McCoys. Beth looks up to see Nikolas, who had scooped Laura up into his arms. "What do you think you two are doing? You’re not supposed to be anywhere near her!"

"Like we told Beth here, that decision is being overturned as we speak, now give us our daughter!" Paula demands.

"Not after what you did to my brother! Now leave before I pick up my cellphone and call the police!"

"Lucas is not your brother and we’re not leaving without our daughter!" Calvin growls.

"Nikolas, what are you doing picking on these poor people?" A cold voice appears behind them. "Let them see their daughter," Helena steps along side the McCoys.

"Stay out of this Helena," Nikolas growls, tightening his hold on a sobbing Laura.

"My grandson…always trying to be a hero, but sadly his heroics are always misguided," Helena addresses Paula. "My dear Nikolas, I can’s stay out of this since I’m helping the McCoys get their children back. I always knew the Spencers were bad, kidnapping and brainwashing a boy against his parents is pure evil and now they’re trying to include my grandson into keeping two loving parents from their daughter…"

"After what they did to Lucky…they don’t need to be anywhere near Laura nor Lucky. I’m going to make sure that they’re not. Stay out of this grandmother, and you two…stay away from my brother and Laura. Come on Beth," Nikolas grabs Beth’s hand and quickly leads them out of the park.

"Sorry about my grandson. His Uncle has been a bad influence," Helena stares after Nikolas.

"Thanks," Beth said, once they reach Spoon Island. "There was no way I could hold on to her for much longer."

"Don’t mention it," Nikolas said, his face revealing how troubled he was.

"Who was that woman?" Beth asked curiously.

"My grandmother. Helena Cassadine. Sociopath extrodinaire. She makes Ivan the terrible look like a saint. And if she’s financing the McCoy’s case…we’re in a world of trouble."

"You mean she can have the courts overturn the decision?" Beth’s brow furrows in concern.

Nikolas nods. "I have to find my uncle. He needs to know about this."

"There you two are!" Lucky and Liz come out of Wyndemere, hand in hand, big smiles on their faces.

"What’s going on here?" Nikolas asked.

"We’re planning a wedding big brother and we need to something from all three of you," Lucky smiled.

"And what may that be?" Nikolas asked.

"I need you to be my best man," Lucky grinned.

"And Beth, will you be a bridesmaid?" Elizabeth asked.

"And Laura has a choice between flowergirl and ring bearer," Lucky takes his sister away from Nikolas.

"Hey wait a minute, ringbearers are boys," Nikolas crosses his arms.

"Well, that’s the problem. We have two little girls and no little boys. So we thought we’ll go against tradition and assign a girl to both roles."

"I want flowergirl!" Laura giggled, the confrontation with the McCoy’s forgotten.

"I guess that makes Lulu ringbearer," Lucky grinned.

"And the answer is yes for both of us," both Nikolas and Beth grins.

Nikolas’s smile fades as he remembers the scene in the park and Helena’s involvement. "Lucky…we have a problem."

"What do you mean we have a problem?" Lucky asked, concern blazing in his blue eyes.

"Well…there was an episode in the park with the McCoys and Beth and Laura. Luckily I showed up and was able to help. Then Helena showed up."

"And?" Lucky asked, dreading revealing itself in his voice.

"She’s financing their case Lucky. Right now they’re having the decision barring them from Laura overturned…plus, if they get a judge on Helena’s payroll…"

"Then we can lose on all counts," Lucky groaned, the happiness over the wedding replaced by the dread he felt earlier that day. "Does Stefan know about this?"

Nikolas shakes his head. "I was just on my way to tell him."

"Beth…Liz…why don’t you two go see Emily about the maid of honor thing. Nikolas and I will go talk to Stefan about this development," Lucky kissed his fiancess tenderly.

"Will you be okay?" Elizabeth asked concerned.

"I’ll be fine. Now go. And if you see the McCoys…cross the street or something."

"Don’t worry. We will," Beth laughs. "We’ll leave laura here. Just in case."

"Good idea," Nikolas nods. "I’ll have Mrs. Lansbury take her up to the nursery for her nap."

"See you guys later," Liz waved, following Beth to the launch.

"You’ve got yourself quite a girl there Lucky," Nikolas smiled.

"Thanks. So do you," Lucky laughed, taking Laura inside.


"Beth. She likes you man. She looks at you the way Elizabeth looks at me. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed."

"No. Not really."

"What? Hello? Anyone home up there? Come on Nikolas, you must have noticed."

"Sorry, but I haven’t. As far as I know, Beth only thinks of me as a friend if she thinks of me at all."

"She likes you man, and from the way I’ve seen you look at her…the feeling is mutual. Why don’t you ask her out?"


"Well why don’t ya? You have to make the first move sometime," Lucky grinned.

"Because there’s Katherine," Nikolas sighed.

"Wait. You can’t mean Katherine Bell can you? Nik she’s an old lady compared to you! I mean I knew you had a crush on her and she’s shown a interest in you, but tell the truth…who would you rather have in your life permanently? Beth or Katherine? Mom would be a lot happier if you chose Beth."

"This isn’t Laura’s decision Lucky…it’s mine. And I choose Katherine. She’s beautiful, she’s mature…"

"She’s your uncle’s ex-fiancee and she’s up to no good. I don’t trust her and neither should you."


"Besides, Beth would make a nice girlfriend for you and…"

"Lucky she’s pregnant!" Nikolas blurts out the thing that’s been on his mind since Lucky’s been gone.

"Who? Beth? When did that happen?"

"No. Katherine. She’s pregnant and I’m the father," Nikolas sighed. "I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell you but with the McCoy’s back in town and the news of your own baby on the way…I just haven’t had the chance."

Lucky looks at his brother in shock. "Nikolas…I don’t know what to say…how…when…why…?"

"I don’t know. I thought she was on birth control and of course I brought protection of my own. Then one day, after I tried to end things, she comes and announces that she’s pregnant. Of course I can’t desert her? What kind of man would I be if I did that?"

"Are you sure it’s yours?"
"Alright, alright. But you shouldn’t marry her Nikolas. She’s half your age for goodness sake!"

"Then what should I do?"

"Apply for joint custody or something. Nikolas…Katherine is a schemer. She knows your weak points and she knows you’re noble. She’s using that against you man."


"There’s no maybe about it."

"I’ll have to sleep on this Lucky okay. But for now…can you keep this between us? I don’t want Uncle or Laura to know just yet. They have enough on their plates right now."

"Fine. But I’m glad you shared this with me. I could tell that something was bothering you. At first I thought it was this whole McCoy thing…but I had an idea it was something else."

"Lucky for all it’s worth…I’m glad we put that stupid feud behind us and became real brothers. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t just come out and talk to you like this."

"I’m glad I can be here for you Nikolas. You know…I’ve always wanted a brother and I must say, you’re shaping up to be a pretty good one."

Nikolas smiled, and before he stopped himself, he gave his brother a big warm hug, cementing their relationship as brothers and best friends.