"Jack!" Rose screamed as she witnessed him fall to the ground, his body becoming still. Obviously the spring didn’t work against bullets. Her wonderful Jack was dead. Rose bowed her head in grief…until she heard a groan. She looked back up and gasped. Jack had gotten back up on his face and stood straight and tall. It was as if he had never been shot. Rose sighed in relief, thankful that the secret of the spring was indeed real.
"Ah, I see. The spring is real. Now tell me where it is or I’ll blow her head off," Lovejoy pressed the gun into Rose’s neck, causing her to gasp in pain.
"Rose!" Jack made a move towards the man. He knew that Lovejoy couldn’t kill Rose, but he could hurt her, plus she was scared. Jack could see that just by looking at her.
Angus grabbed his son’s arm, not wanting to provoke the man. Who knew how long before the spring took affect. "Go ahead son. Tell the man what he wants to know."
Jack stared at Angus in disbelief. "Pa…are you serious? W-what about all those precautions? Keeping Rose here until we knew if she drunk the water or not…was that all for nothing?"
"He already knows that the spring is real. There’s no use in denying it now," Angus sighed in defeat.
"Jack," Rose whimpered as Lovejoy pressed the gun against her neck even more. He was hurting her and could care less. In fact, he hoped Hockley would give him the approval to dispose of the girl. Killing them young like this was a secret joy to Lovejoy.
"Let her go! You’re hurting her!" Jack glared at the man wanting to wring Lovejoy’s neck for even touching Rose.
"Come and get her, boy!" Lovejoy laughed.
"Arrrgh!" Mae screamed as she swung a board that she had found on the truck directly at the back of Lovejoy’s head. Jack immediately caught Rose as Lovejoy fell to the ground in a dead heap.
"Oh god, I’ve killed him," Mae sunk to the ground, covering her face in shock.
Concerned over his wife’s state of mind, Angus gathered her in his arms and whispered comforting words. "It’s ok Maie, honey. You was protecting Rose."
"That’s right ma. You stopped him from hurting her," Jack turned to his mother, still tightly holding Rose, not wanting to let her go. "You’re a hero."
"B-but I took a life," Mae shook with her sobs. "I’ve robbed someone of their life when I have more life then I deserve."
Jack opened his mouth to protest, when Miles returned with the voices of men and the barks of hounds following him.
"The police…they’re looking for Rose," Miles stopped to catch his breath. "And maybe a man by the name of Lovejoy too."
"Shit," Jack cursed. He was hoping that it’d be a couple of days before the townspeople caught up with them, but it seemed that wasn’t the case.
"What are we going to do, Pa?" Miles asked, anxiously.
Angus frowned. Things were not looking good for the Dawson’s right now. The police were on their way and not only did they have the girl, who’s been missing for a day or two, but a dead body as well. "Miles, take your brother and get as far away from here as possible. Your ma and I will remain here with Rose."
"What? No, I’m not leaving Rose," Jack tightened his hold on her hand, seeing their hopes and dreams washing down the drain..
"Jack, please. Don’t be difficult," Angus sighed, knowing that he would have to a fight on his hands. "You have no choice here. They won’t stop looking for her until the find her. It’s too dangerous."
"I don’t care! I’m not leaving her! Nothing you say will change my mind!"
Miles rolled his eyes. He saw this coming. He saw it coming from a miles away. His little brother has always been over emotional. "Pa,, if he wants to stay and probably be thrown in jail, let him. Maybe that will knock some sense into him."
Jail? Rose frowned. She couldn’t let Jack go to jail. He was a free spirit. To have that freedom taken away…it’d kill him. She couldn’t let that happen. "Jack, go with Miles. I’ll be fine. Besides, someone needs to stay behind and explain what happened. It’s doubtful that they’ll believe Mae and Angus," Rose faced him, holding back her tears. She hated this. She wished that she could leave with Jack and follow through with their plans to marry. But she couldn’t. Not right away, anyway.
"She’s right Jack," Miles nodded in agreement. "Besides, you can come back for her later. When it’s safe."
"He’s right Jack. Come back when it’s safe. I’ll be waiting. But right now go. Go before the police get here."
Sighing in defeat, Jack did as he was told. After hugging and kissing Rose goodbye, he followed Miles to one of the horse the Dawson’s owned and hoped on behind his brother. Meeting Rose’s eyes one last time, Miles and Jack galloped off away from the cabin and the calls of the police and men; leaving Mae, Angus, and Rose to face the approaching cops.