Two days later, Jack received a phone call from Chloe, much to his surprise.  He was positive that she packed her stuff and went back to New York.

          “Jackie is that you?  Oh my God!” Chloe giggled.  “I just dialed Grandma Mae’s number out of the phonebook and you answer.  What a stroke of luck.”

          “Do you want to talk to Grandma?”

          “No, not exactly.  I was hoping that she’d know the number to the house in Chippewa Falls.  I tried the old one, but someone else answered. 

          “That’s because it’s not our number anymore.”

          “Oh.  Well then, what is?”

          “Is there anything particular you wanted Chloe?”

          “To talk to you.  I want to meet my little brother and sister.  I was wondering…can we set something up?”

          “I guess.  We’ll meet you on the wharf this afternoon.  It’s 3:00 ok?” Jack was still hesitant about letting Chloe anywhere near the twins.  But he knew Rose was right.  Chloe was their sister and they should get to know her.

          “That would be great.  Tell mom and dad they can come too if they…”

          Jack sighed.  It was time to tell her.  “Mom and Dad are dead Chloe.”

          Shock filled her voice.  “What?  When?  How?”

          “Three years ago.  It was a fire in that restaurant they like so well.  Lily, Paul, and I have been living here with Grandma Mae ever since.”

          “Oh no!” Tears were evident in her voice.  “I…I should have come home.  Oh Jack…I’m so sorry.”

          “Listen, I’ll have Paul and Lily at the wharf at three.  You just better be there.”

          “Ok.  Bye,” Jack hung up the phone, swallowing back his anger.  Chloe had better not get Lily and Paul to love her and then leave them like she did him. 

          Sighing, he headed for the kitchen, where Mae was in the midst of making breakfast the last time Jack had seen her, which was almost an hour ago.

          “Grandma!  You won’t believe who that was on the phone…” Jack’s voice faded away as he walked into the brightly lit room.  His eyes widened with a mixture of concern and fear.  “Grandma?”




          Rose sighed luxuriously as she stepped out of the shower.  She was in an extremely good mood that morning.  The sky was blue, the birds were singing, and above all those things she was in love.  Her thoughts were now more than ever centered on Jack.  On how his eyes twinkled whenever he smiled at her or laughed.  The way the very sound of his voice caused heat to rush through her from head to toe. 

          Rose sighed, looking in the mirror with a dreamy expression in her eyes.  “Rose Dawson.  Ms. Rose Dawson.  Mrs. Rose Dawson,” Rose’s smile widened even further.  “Mrs. Jack Dawson.” She giggled answering the phone after only one ring.  “Ms. Jack Dawson, how may I help you?” She giggled, knowing now that she was being silly.

          “Rose?” Jack asked.  By the sound of his voice he was crying.

          “Jack?  What’s wrong?” Her smile faded and concern replaced the giddiness.

          “It’s Grandma…she’s dead…Oh God,” he broke into renewed tears, breaking Rose’s heart in the process.

          “Oh no…Jack…where are you now?”

          “The apartment.  I sent Lily and Paul next door so they wouldn’t…”

          “I’m on my way over.  It’ll be ok Jack.  I promise.”

          “I love you,” Jack replied and hung up the phone before Rose could reply.




          Fifteen minutes later, Rose arrived at the apartment to find the door unlocked.  Entering, she found Jack on the couch, sobbing with his head in his hands.

          “Jack,” She went to him and wrapped her arms around his quaking shoulders.. 

          “She’s gone Rose.  She’s gone,” He sniffed, finally pulling out of her embrace after crying for about five more minutes.  “What am I going to do without her?”

          Rose blinked back her own tears as she remembered the kind elderly woman she had walked home from the L.  How her being with Jack now was largely thanks to Mae.  She was going to miss her dearly.  “You’re going to go on Jack.  You’re going to take care of the twins and your grandfather.  You’re going to continue living.  That’s what Mae would have wanted.  Have you called the ambulance yet?”

          Jack shook his head.  “After I found her…it slipped my mind.”

          “Ok.  We’ll call now and then we’ll go from there,” She reached for the phone when Jack took her hand. 

          “Thank you Rosie.”

          She smiled, suddenly shy.  “Anytime Jack.”


          Hours later, the twins had returned home, curious about where Grandma was.  Not having the strength to answer, Jack sent them to their room to play.  Now it was five after four.  Rose was in the midst of talking to the funeral home people over the phone when there was a rapid knock at the door.

          Sighing, Jack got up and opened the door to a miffed Chloe and her boyfriend Carter.  Realization suddenly dawned on Jack.  He was supposed to meet Chloe at the wharf so she could meet the twins!  He had totally forgotten about the meeting when he found Mae’s body.

          “Where have you been?  We waited a whole hour for you!” Chloe crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation.

          “Jack, I just got off with the funeral home and…oh hello,” Rose stood behind Jack. 

          “Funeral home?” Chloe frowned.  “What’s going on here?”

          “Nothing that concerns you,” Jack coldly replied.

          “Jack!” Rose stared at her boyfriend in disbelief.  She had never seen Jack so rude before.  “Mae died this morning.  Jack found her on the kitchen floor.”

          “Oh no,” Chloe gasped in disbelief.  First her parents and now her grandmother.  Who was next?  “Where are the twins?”

          “In their room,” was Jack’s flat reply.  “You’ll just have to meet them some other time.”

          “Why not now?  I’m going to be staying here anyway,” Chloe walked pass Jack and Rose.

          “What?  There’s no way you’re staying!  Rose and I have everything under control!”

          “You and Rose are minors.  The funeral home are not going to take orders from a couple of kids.”

          “She’s right Jack.  They won’t,” Rose placed a hand on his shoulders.”

          “And there’s no else, except Grandpa and he’s in no condition.  Not to mention there will be children’s services, who will be sure to ship you all off to North Carolina.  I assume you don’t want either.  All your friends are here, plus your pretty little girlfriend.”

          Jack slumped in defeat.  “Ok.  Fine, you can stay.”

          “Cool beans.  Now what was the number of that funeral home?”

          After Jack and Rose disappeared into Jack’s room, Chloe and Carter collapsed on the couch.  Chloe sighed exhausted after dealing with the funeral authorities.

          “Well it looks like our problem of finding a place to stay has been solved,” Carter wrapped a arm around Chloe. 

          “That is if we can obtain custody of the kids.  Which will be hard to do once my grandmother in North Carolina finds out,” Chloe sighed.

          “Not too hard since you are their closest blood relative.”

          Chloe smiled, leaning her head against Carter’s shoulder.  “Are you ready for instant parenthood?”

          “How old are these kids away?”

          “Well Jack’s the oldest, you’ve just met him.  He’s sixteen years old and the twins are five.”

          “I never thought of myself as a father figure,” Carter sighed.

          “Well we have no choice.  I wasn’t there when our folks died, but I’m here now and that’s what matters.  For now on, I’m going to take care of everything.”


          Meanwhile, in Jack’s room, Jack paced the floor while Rose stood next to the window, watching   him worried.

          “Can you believe the nerve of her?” Jack grumbled.  “She just shows up out of nowhere and thinks she can take over just because she’s older!  And to top it off, she brings him with her!”

          “That man?”

          “His name is Carter, the reason she left in the first place.  What if he wants to pick up and leave again?  Do you think she’ll stay?  Think again!”

          “Jack…Don’t you think you’re jumping to conclusions here?”  Rose meekly asked.

          “No I don’t.  I’ll eat my words when the twins graduate high school and she’s still here,” Jack shook his head, stopping to face Rose.  He frowned as he noticed how uncomfortable she seemed.  “Hey babe, I’m sorry.  I’m putting you right in the middle of my problems here.”

          “Jack, I said earlier that you can talk to me about anything.  I meant that.”

          Jack walked to her and rubbed her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes.  “I know, and I love you for it.”

          “I love you too Jack.  I love you more and more every day,” Rose found herself getting lost in his gaze, so full of grief and passion…passion for her.  She sighed with pleasure as his lips descended on hers.

          She stepped into his embrace, not thinking of where doing so would lead.  This felt so good and she wanted to make him feel the same.  Any way she could.  She groaned as he pulled away, but didn’t loosen his hold.

          “Jack?” She asked, confused.  Didn’t he want her?  Hearing the tears in her voice, he kissed her again.  All too soon, they’re on the bed.  Jack again pulled away, and stared deeply into her eyes.

          “Nervous?” He asked. 

          Rose shook her head.  “Put your hands on me Jack,” She whispered.

          Hesitantly he obeyed, wondering if this was the right thing to do.  He of course was upset and he didn’t want to use her just to feel good again.  But she was so beautiful laying under him like that and so willing.  All doubts fled his mind when she placed her hand over his and pressed their lips together.

          “Take me to the stars Jack,” She whispered, so full of love and need to feel his hot skin against hers.  So that was where they went…to the stars.




          Night had fallen over Chicago and Rose had spent the entire day in Jack’s arms, making love and just holding him when he felt the need to cry again over Mae’s death.

          “Jack?” Chloe called through the door.

          “Shit,” Rose cursed, pulling out of Jack’s sleepy embrace and quickly pulled on her clothes.  It wouldn’t do for his sister to walk in on them like this.  As soon as Rose was dressed, Chloe entered.

          “Rose.  You’re still here?” Chloe’s voice betrayed her surprise.

          “I must have fallen asleep.  I better get home or my mother will call the National Guard,” Rose nervously smiled, grabbing her car keys.

          “Good night Rose and thank you for being here for Jack,” Chloe led Rose to the door.  “You are coming to the funeral aren’t you?”

          “I wouldn’t miss it.  Mae was a wonderful woman.  If it weren’t for her, Jack and I wouldn’t be together now.  Chloe…I know there’s tension right now between Jack and yourself…he’s really hurting right now.  Just give him some time and space.  I’m sure he’ll come around.  He’s a great guy,” Rose smiled.

          “Thank you Rose.  That’s good advice.  Drive safely.”

          “I will.  Good night,” Rose waved, disappearing into the night, her mind reeling from the day’s events.