Rose Dewitt Bukater stood against the fence, staring ahead at the small group of teens leaning against their cars, waiting to go home. School was out and cheerleading practice had just begun. Her friends were all getting in position, but Rose never took her eyes away from the group. She was waiting for him to appear. The blond blue-eyed boy that unknowingly held her heart since she began high school at Connor High in Chicago Illinois.
"Rose!" Leanne Reines called to her best friend, a touch of irritation in her voice. "Are you ready?"
"In a minute," was Roses distracted answer. Her face lit up with a small smile as finally he appeared giving one of his friends, a dark skinned boy with brown hair and eyes a high five. Jack Dawson. The boy she had wanted since ninth grade, but was too shy to go and talk to. He seemed nice enough in the classes she had with him. But his crowd hated her kind, the popular, well off kids, so she didnt bother, knowing he would shun her.
"Why dont you just go up and talk to him. You have homeroom and Spanish, English, and Algebra with him everyday. Talk to him then," Leanne sighed. Really she couldnt understand Roses interest in Jack Dawson. The boy was low income. He lived in a shabby side of town. He drove a beat up Saturn. Not the type of car that a girl of Roses social standing would be caught dead in. But She had to admit that Jack was one of the hottest guys in school, but still
"Because, he hates me. Well his group hates popular kids anyway. He wont give me the time of day," Rose sighed hopelessly.
"You dont know that unless you try. In fact, I dare you to go up and ask him to the dance this Friday. You dont have to ask right now, but tomorrow at least."
"Leanne no "
"Whats wrong? Chicken? Afraid
hell say yes?"
Rose narrowed her eyes. She hated when people called her chicken
or thought she was too scared to do something. Nothing made her
more angry. "Ok. Fine. Youre on. Im going to ask
Jack Dawson to Fridays after the game dance."
"Cool. Now lets get to practice shall we?"