Jack and Rose rushed upstairs to see Samantha in bed, clutching her stomach, groaning in pain. George was next to her, his face full of excitement, worry, and fear.

"George?" Jack pulled Rose further into the room.

"Jack! The baby’s on the way! Her water broke!" George snapped out of the trance he was in. He grabbed his cousin and began pulling him to the door. "We have to get the doctor! Rose stay here with Sam until we get back!"

"Jack…what do I do?" Rose looked at a lost, she had no idea how to get ready for a birth.

"AAAAH!" Samantha screamed, her face squenched in pain. She grasped at the air for Rose’s hand. "It hurts Rose! God it hurts!"

"I-it’ll be alright Sam. Jack and George have gone for the doctor. It’ll be alright. Just think, this time tomorrow you’ll be holding your baby."

"I don’t want it anymore!" Samantha cried, the pain hazing her ability to think. She just wanted the pain to end so she could go back to sleep.

"You don’t mean that Sam. Of course you want the baby. You’re going to make a great mommy," Rose sat on the bed, grasping the other woman’s hand. She looked out the window at the empty driveway. Hurry up Jack. The pain’s getting worse and the baby will be here before the doctor in a moment.

Samantha tried to smile as the contraction came to a end. She had a need to reassure the other mother to be. Goodness knows she must be scaring Rose to death right now. "I’m sorry Rose. It’s not all that bad really…"

"It’s perfectly ok Sam. I know how painful childbirth must be and I’ve been through worse. Believe me. If you need to scream, scream. Don’t you worry about me."

"Thank-owww," Samantha whimpered as another contraction hit her. "The pains getting closer together."

"Where is that doctor," Rose looked out the window.

A whole hour has passed. Rose pressed the cool cloth to Sam’s head and once again looked out the window. Now word from the men yet and the pains were now two minutes apart. Maybe not even that long. Rose closed her eyes in relief when she saw George’s truck pull into the driveway and three men rush into the house.

"They’re here Sam. They’re here," Rose happily squeezed Sam’s hand.

"Where’s the little lady?" Dr. Peterson entered the room, calm and collected, his medical bag in hand.

"It hurts Dr. Peterson," Samantha whimpered.

"Shall I get George?" Rose asked.

"Well, it’s not common practice for a man to be present during childbirth…but if he wants to be in here I’ll allow it," the doctor nodded.

Patting Samantha’s hand in show of support, Rose went to for George who was leaning against the far wall with Jack. "George. The doctor said you can go in if you want," Rose took a step out of the room.

"Really?" George asked, his eyes bright with delight. He looked at Jack and hugged him. "I’ll keep you both posted."

"Good luck," Jack waved, watching his cousin disappear through the door.

"Jack," Rose sighed, sinking into his arms. "She’s in so much pain."

"That’s to be expected I guess. Rose…this isn’t scaring you is it?"

"Oh no Jack. I know it’s painful. It’s just making me a little nervous though," She cringed at the sound of another scream from Sam. "She’s in so much pain."

"She’ll be fine and so will the baby," Jack reassured his wife.

Five more hours the doctor re-emerged looking quite tired and pale.

"How is she doctor?" Jack asked.

"Why don’t you go in and find out for yourselves," The doctor tiredly smiled. "They’re waiting for you." Jack and Rose watched the doctor leave and silently entered the room. The first thing they see is George hovering over the bed, his back turned. Then they hear the soft coo of a baby.

"George?" Jack asked.

"Congratulate me Jack. I have a brand new daughter," George turned around, holding a squirming bundle. Jack stepped up and smiled as he looked down into a tiny yawning face.

"She’s beautiful. Rose come see," Jack happily smiled, holding his hand out to his wife.

Rose gasped in delight. "She’s so tiny. Jack, look at her little hands and little toes," Rose held one of the tiny fists in her own. "Our baby will be this tiny."
"What are you two going to name her?" Jack looked at Samantha who was trying not to drift off to sleep.

"Rosanna. After her new aunt," Samantha smiled. "My thank you for being here for me in my weakest hour and not go screaming the other way."

Rose blushed, obviously touched by the gesture. She didn’t know what to say. "You would have done the same for me."

Samantha only smiled at Rose. It was obvious to both Jack and George that it was a start of a beautiful friendship. Something both women needed.

"Come on Rose. Let’s leave the new parents to themselves," Jack gently pulled on her hand, leading her out of her room.

"They seem so happy," Rose sighed, resting her head on his shoulder as he guided her to their room.

"They are. Babies bring a whole lot of joy into a whole lot of happy marriages. Just think of what ours will do for us."

"I hope our baby looks like you Jack. Your blue eyes and blond hair."

"Your grace and poise," Jack sighed.

"I’m so happy for both George and Samantha. The light in their eyes everytime they looked at that little girl…it was heartwarming."

"We’ll have the same thing Rose. Trust me. When our little one is born, she’ll be so surrounded by love, I don’t think there will be a baby as loved as ours, besides Rosanna of course."

Rose yawned and leaned back against the headboard with Jack, cuddle close together. It had been a busy evening and now they were ready for some serious shut eye.

"Get some sleep Rose. It’s almost morning."

"Shouldn’t we be getting up then?"

"Not today. After the night we had, I think some sleep is well deserved. Good night my love," Jack kissed her forehead before drifting off into dreamland.

"Good night Jack. Sweet dreams," Rose yawned before drifting off herself.