A week has passed since Jack and Rose’s misunderstanding.  Ever since the couple has been closer then ever.  They talked about everything.  From Rose’s nightmare to Jack’s guilt over his parents.  George and Cillie were ecstatic that the younger couple was back on good terms.  Finally everyone was happy and secure.  No trouble in sight.  Little did they know that trouble had just arrived in the form of a telegram addressed to Jack.

         Everyone was on the porch laughing and talking, generally enjoying the day when the messanger arrived. 

         “Mr. Jack Dawson?” The boy stammered, stepping onto the porch, holding the telegram out in front of him. 

         “I am he,” Jack grinned, stepping away from his wife, who stood just behind him, still giggling from the joke he had told just two minutes before.

         “This is for you sir,” The boy handed the card to Jack and quickly scurried off the porch, not waiting for a tip.

         “What does it say Jack?” George asked, furrowing a brow.  He wondered who Jack knew that would send a messenger like this.

         Jack shrugged and read, “I’m coming.  Meet me at the train station in Eau Claire.  I’ll be waiting.”      

         “Who’ll be waiting?” Cillie frowned.

         “I-I don’t know,” Jack looked at Rose. 

         “Could it be someone you knew from your travels?” Rose asked, laying a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

         “I don’t know,” Jack look at his wife. 

         “Jack, Cillie and I are heading inside.  It’s getting kind of hot out here,” George cleared his throat.  “If you go and meet this person, let us know you’re leaving.”

         “Sure,” Jack nodded, not looking up from the telegram.

         “Jack…remember all the prostitutes you drew when you were in Paris?” Rose asked. 

         “Yeah.  I remember.”

         “Could it be one of them?”

         Jack frowned.  “I don’t think so.”

         “How about the one-legged prostitute?  I mean…are you sure there was no attraction there?”

         Jack laughed at Rose’s suggestion.  “Rose, I’m telling you, the only attraction was her hands.  There was nothing else but friendship.  But she did have a niece I had a fling with.  Her name was Babette.”

         Rose made a face.  “Babette?”

         “Don’t judge her by the name Rose.  Sure the name does need work, but besides being a prostitute, she was a good person.”

         Rose only laughed.  “Sure.  So tell me about this…Babette.”

         “What do you want to know?” Jack took her hand and led her to the porch swing.  He sat down and pulled her down onto his lap.

         “How serious was this relationship of yours?  Did she love you?  Did you love her?  Why are you with me now and not her?” Rose asked, laying her head on his shoulder.

         “Well, I can’t in good faith call those feelings love.   They weren’t as profound or strong as love.  I mean, I would never sneak up onto first class for her or risk getting framed for her.  Let’s call my feelings an infatuation.  I was infatuated with her.   I thought I was in love.  I really did.  But, I know now it wasn’t.  The things I’ve done for you and to be with you Rose…I would never had done for her.”

         “Why did you two break up?”

         “Her pimp said I was messing up business.  Plus he was mad because I wasn’t a paying customer.   She had a choice.  Her profession or me.  She didn’t love me enough, so she chose her profession.  I did tell her though that if she ever wanted to leave that lifestyle to look me up in Chippewa Falls.”

         “Well then maybe the telegram’s from her,” Rose suggested.

         Jack shook his head.  “Nah.  Her pimp would never let her go.  He didn’t then and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t now.”


         Meanwhile, at the train station in Eau Claire, a young woman with red hair and blue eyes step off a train.  She looks at a worn piece of paper in her hand and wonders if her telegram had reached its destination.  Well all she had to do now was set and wait.  Surely he’ll show up.  He’s never let her down before.




         Curiosity getting the best of them, Jack and Rose decide to go to the train station and at least see if anyone was waiting for Jack.  Jack took Rose thinking that getting out of town for a bit would be good for her.  Plus, if this was another woman, he wanted her to see that her trust was well invested. 

         “How do we know this person when we see them?” Rose asked, just receiving a shrug from Jack.

         “I don’t know.  So far I’ve seen nobody I know,” Jack tightly grasped his wife’s hand.  Maybe this was just someone’s idea of a joke.  Make him come all the way out here for nothing.  If this was so, he was going to have their heads. 

         “Jack!” a feminine voice calls out from the crowd.  “Jack Dawson over here!”
         Rose turns to see a petite girl with red hair and blue eyes.  She wasn’t dressed modestly at all.  In fact, her mother would have called her scandalous. 

         “Oh my god.  It is her!” Jack shook his head in shock.  He had never expected to see her  again, much less in Chippewa Falls.  “Babette!”  He dragged Rose over to where the other woman stood.  “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

         “Well believe it handsome.  I’m here.  Why are you so shocked?  You invited me remember?   I do.  You said right before you left, if you ever need a place to crash just hope on a boat and a train to Eau Claire Wisconsin and send a telegram to one Jack Dawson and you’ll come right out to pick me up.”

         “Well you could have left your name.  We had a time wondering who the sender of that telegram was.  We not liked to have come,” Jack scolded, pulling out of the hug.  Babette frowned.  Jack wasn’t as affectionate as he was when she last saw him.  In fact, he seemed to be keeping himself at a distance.

         “Sorry about that.  But I was afraid that someone who knew Jacques would put two and two together.  There’s not too many people named Babette,” She pinched his cheek affectionately, hoping to get a more affectionate reply.  But none came.  Instead he pulled away and wrapped a arm around an attractive woman, no girl really with red hair that swam down her back in waves and green eyes. 

         “Babette, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.  Babette, this is Rose Dewitt Bukater Dawson.  My wife.  Rose, this is Babette.”

         “Hello.  Jack’s told me so much about you,” the girl politely smiled.

         “You’re married?” Babette blinked back her shock.  “Wow, when did that happen?”

         “Not too long ago,” Jack grinned.  “Last April in fact.”

         “Wow.  I never thought you’d get married so early in life.  Most men wait until they’re in their thirties or so.  Wow.  Oh, it’s a pleasure Rose,” Babette shook her hand.  “Congratulations.”

         “So, shall we get back to the house now that we know who sent the telegram?” Jack grinned at both women.

         “Ahem,” Rose cleared her throat.

         “What?” Jack looked at her, hoping she wasn’t thinking what he thought she was.

         “Are we forgetting something.”

         “Oh come on Rose.  I don’t really have to say it do I?”

         “Jack, come on.  You know how I love those three little words.”

         Jack rolled his eyes with a sigh.  “Oh alright.  You were right.”

         “Huh?” Babette was confused.

         “Rose thought the telegram came from you but I was insisting that it didn’t,” Jack smiled sheepishly.

         “Never underestimate the intuition of a woman Jack.  I thought I taught you that by now,” Babette wagged her finger at her former boyfriend.

         “Some lessons are hard to learn I guess,” Jack laughed, wrapping a arm around each woman’s waist and leading them to the car.


         The trio finds George and Cillie in the kitchen.  Cillie was cooking a soufflé and George was reading the paper.  They both glance up at the interruption.

         “We’re back,” Jack announced.

         “We can see that,” George got to his feet.  “So are you going to introduce us to your little friend here?”

         “Babette, this is my cousin George Dawson and his wife Cillie.  George, Cillie, this is Babette.  A friend of mine from Paris.  She’s the one that sent the telegram.”

         “Ever heard of leaving a name?” Cillie arched a brow.

         “Cillie!  Don’t be rude!” George scolded his wife.  “Welcome Cillie.  Any friend of Jack’s is friend of ours.  You’re welcomed to stay here as long as you like.”

         “Thank you.  That’s very kind of you,” Babette smiled uncomfortably. 

         Cillie frowned.  She wasn’t happy by this at all.  She looked at Rose, who was busy whispering in Jack’s ear, making her smile. 

         “Why don’t Jack and I go show you your room,” George offered his arm.  Laughing Babette accepted the offer.

         “Are all men in America as well mannered as you and Jack?”

         “No.  We do have our rotten apples, but there are plenty that are,” George grinned, leading Babette out of the room, with Jack lagging behind. 

         “Coming Rose?” He turned back for his wife.

         “She’ll be there in a minute Jack.  I need her in the kitchen for a sec,” Cillie smiled, grabbing her friend’s arm.

         “Ok.  Don’t be too long,” Jack smiled at Rose before following Babette and George.

         “So what did you need me for Cillie?” Rose asked curiously.

         “I don’t like her.”

         “Who?  Babette?  Why?”

         “Look at her Rose.  She’s after your husband!  It’s so obvious!” Cillie hissed.  “She could barely keep her eyes off him.

         “Cillie…forgive me, but I think you’re reading too much into her.  Babette doesn’t want Jack back, and even if she did, Jack would never do anything with her.  I trust him.  I know that I’m the only one Jack loves and wants to be with.  He would never cheat on me.”

         “Rose…how can you be so sure?”

         Rose shrugged.  “I don’t know…I feel it I guess.  Jack’s a one woman man.”

         Cillie sighed, shaking her head.  “I hope you’re right Rosie.  For your sake, I hope you’re right.”




         A full day had passed.  Jack and Babette set down in the setting room just talking about the old times in Paris.  Laughing over old stunts.

         “So everyone’s great huh.  How’s Lisette,” Jack shifted position, getting tired of setting.

         “Ok.  I mean business has been slow lately.  I mean, no one seems to want to sleep with a one legged prostitute.  But other than that she’s fine.  She misses you.  Before I left, she said to me, tell young Jack don’t stay away too much longer.  I’m in another mood for another modeling session.  You sure did make her feel special doing that for her Jack.  Yes you did.”

         “Well she was special.  She was one of a kind.  Besides, I had to just capture does hands on paper.”

         “Where is that portrait now Jack?  I’d like to see it,” Babette looked around for Jack’s famous portfolio and spotted it on the table.  Before Jack could stop her, she picked up the new portfolio and glanced through it, looking for the pictures.  She frowned.  “Jack…what happened to all our pictures?  The one of Belle, Lisette, babyface and me?  You were so proud of those.  Did Rose make you get rid of them?” She arched a brow.

         “No Babette.  Rose didn’t make me get rid of them.  In fact, it was thanks to those pictures   I have her with me now.  She was astounded by my artistic talent when we first met,” Jack smiled at the memory.

         “Ok.  Tell me what happened to them?”

         Jack sighed.  “It’s a long story.”

         “So?  I have plenty of time.  Come on Jack, where are our drawings?”  Babette insisted.

         “They’re laying at the bottom of the North Atlantic.  Are you happy now?  You know,” Jack got up and paced the room.


         “You want to know where Rose and I met?  Do you?” He was aggravated now and wanted to bombard her with the truth.  “Well we met on the Titanic.  Yes THE Titanic!”

         “Oh my God…” Babette gasped, ashamed of how she nagged.  “Jack…you don’t have to tell me now.  Not if you don’t want to.  I’m sorry for my behavior earlier.”

         “Rose had gotten me that one a while back.  It was a wedding present I do believe.  She knew how much I missed sketching.  She’s wonderful that way.”

         “It sounds like you really love her.”

         “I do.  She’s everything to me.  My entire life,” Jack grinned.  “I never thought I could feel that way about anyone, but I do.  I’d die for Rose.  Heck, I almost did.  Well enough about me for now.  Tell me about you.  How did you get away from Jacques?” He took his seat once again.

         Babette swallowed.  “I snuck away.  I had gotten tired of the life of the underworld.  I wanted to live out in the open.  Be free to love.  You know from first hand experience that Jacques didn’t allow his girls to be involved in relationships, not serious ones anyway.  That’s why he ran you off.  He thought you were taking away from business.”

         “I know.  So what happened?”

         Babette smiled.  “I fell in love.   Oh Jack you would have like him.  He had curly blond hair and brown eyes.  They sparkled when he smiled.  And he could sing oh could he sing Jack!  He put the nightingales to shame.  And most of all…he loves me.  He really loves me.  He even took Jacques on for me.  No one had ever done that for me before Jack!  Not even you…no offense.”

         “None taken,” Jack laughed.  “So what’s this Romeo’s name?”

         “Philippe.  Isn’t that the most beautiful name you ever heard?”

         Jack had to smile.  He was happy to see Babette in love.  He was worried there that she thought that the fling they had was serious.  He was glad to find the opposite true.  “So tell me, why are you here and not with Philippe?”

         “Jacques,” Babette sighed.  “He threatened us.  He told us to end the relationship or he’ll have Philippe killed for messing with his property.  So we ran away.  Philippe thought it wise if we split up.  Just in case Jacques followed us.  So once we reached New York, he headed for Kentucky to stay with relatives and I headed here.  He of course knows I’m here.  I told him I had a friend in Chippewa Falls that offered to take me in one time.  That maybe the offer was still standing.  And if it wasn’t I’d write.”

         “So when are you two going to hook back up?”

         “In three months.  We should know by then if Jacques come after us or not.  Oh Jack, I’m so scared.  I’m afraid that Jacques will find Philippe and kill him!  That I’ll never see him again!” Babette bursts into renewed tears, her shoulders shake with each sob.  His heart going out to his friend, Jack pulls her into a comforting hug. 

         “Shhh Babette.  It’ll be alight.  Philippe will be fine.  In three months he’s going to walk through that door, ready to start a family with you.  I’m sure of it.”

         “How do you know that Jack?”

         “Because, after all the shit that Rose and I been through and our love in tack, I know for a fact that love can make it through anything,” Jack laughed as he pulled away from her.  “I mean at least you don’t have to go through class barriers, disapproving mothers, evil fiancées and their just as evil manservant and a sinking ship just to be together and then almost dying in below freezing waters on top of that.  So really you two have it made.”

         Babette’s expression was one of shock and awe, and then she laughed.  “Jack Dawson, you are quite a guy.  Rose is a lucky gal to have found you,” She threw her arms around his neck in a friendly hug and that was what Cillie walked in on.

         “Excuse me,” Cillie cleared her throat.  “Am I interrupting here?”

         “No,” Jack pulled away from the hug.  “Babette and I were just talking about old times.”

         “I bet you were,” Cillie frowned.  “Jack dear, I think Rose is looking for you.  She seemed pretty…I don’t know…in the mood.”

         Jack’s face lit up and then he looked at Babette.  “I guess I better go find her.  You’ll be ok here by yourself?”

         “I’ll be fine.  Go and be with your pretty wife,” Babette waved him away.  Jack only nodded once and headed out the door.

         “So you and Jack are friends huh?” Cillie began straightening up a nearby desk.

           “Best friends,” Babette smiled, thinking that she had never had a legitmate best friend before, but after all that Jack was doing for her that was what he was.  Her best friend.

         “So that’s your only interest in my cousin in law?  Best friends?”
         “Cillie what are you getting at here?  I know you don’t like me.  You made that quite obvious earlier.  So why don’t you just stop beating behind the bush and tell me what’s really on your mind.”

         “Ok fine.  I like Rose.  I care about her a lot and her and Jack have been through too much just to have you come here and ruin it!”

         “I’m not trying to ruin anything,” Babette frowned.  “Jack and I are just friends.”

         “Probably on Jack’s side yes.  But you…I’m not so sure.”

         “Cillie I don’t know where you get off but…”

         “Leave Jack alone.  He’s a happily married man and it’s going to stay that way.  You got that?”

         “Tell me, is Rose this insecure about Jack’s love for her that she has to send you to do her dirty work?  Does Rose herself want me gone?” Babette crossed her arms.  “Because if she does, all she has to do is say so.”

         “Excuse me?  What’s going on in here?  I heard you two shouting from outside?” Rose entered the room, staring at the two women.  Cillie had gotten pale and started looking uncomfortable, and Babette looked furious.

         “Listen Rose, if you don’t want me here just say so and I’ll leave.  There’s no need to send your messenger here,” Babette got up out of the chair and started for the door, but Rose stopped her.

         “Wait what do you mean by that?  I never said I didn’t want you here and I never sent any messenger.  What are you talking about?”

         “Cillie here came in ranting and raving that I have designs on Jack, which I don’t.  Now I know for a fact Rose that Jack is deeply and madly in love with his wife.  I would never try to come between that.  Jack and I are only friends and that’s it.  There’s no reason for you to be insecure about that.”

         “Babette listen, I am secure in that.  I know that Jack loves me and would never do anything to hurt our marriage nor me.  I have complete faith and trust in him.  I don’t know why Cillie said all those things to you, but they didn’t come from me.  I have no problem with you and Jack being friends.  In fact, I’m happy that you’re here.  Jack does need a friend right now after the loss of Fabrizio…I’m sorry if your feelings were hurt or if you were made to feel that you weren’t welcomed here.  Because you are.”

         “Thank you Rose,” Babette sighed.  “I see why Jack loves you so much.  You a good person.”

         “Hey there you are!” Jack came down stairs, not looking too happy.  “Cillie told me “you wanted to see me, saying you were in the mood?”
         “This is the first time I’ve seen Cillie in a couple of hours,” Rose crossed her arms.  “I just got back from town.  We were out of bread.”
         “Oh.  Is that so?” Jack looked at Cillie.  “Cillie, why did you tell me that Rose wanted to see me when you haven’t even seen her?”

         “I think I hear George calling me,” Cillie backed out of the room before anyone could catch up with her.

         “You cousin in law has a problem Jack,” Babette, looked at the spot Cillie once stood.

         “I’ll have a talk with her, but right now inspiration has struck.  How about the three of us go down to the lake and pose for me.  Fully clothed of course.  They’d run us out of town otherwise,” Jack grinned, picking up his portfolio.

         “Now that’s an idea I like,” Babette smiled, grabbing her sweater.